The 2nd Universal Cup Finals is coming! Check out our event page, schedule, and competition rules!
ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#24549 | #2560. Streetlights | nantf | RE | 0ms | 0kb | C++20 | 8.7kb | 2022-03-31 16:13:04 | 2022-04-30 06:04:36 |
Judging History
#define MP make_pair
#define fi first
#define se second
using namespace std;
typedef pair<int, int> pii;
const int N = 1 << 18, INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
int n, q, a[N], b[N], c[N], ans[N];
struct Wire { // compressed tree of electric wire (lef, rig)
int lef, rig, val, cnt;
Wire(int _1 = 0, int _2 = 0, int _3 = 0, int _4 = 0):
lef(_1), rig(_2), val(_3), cnt(_4){}
} wre[19][N], _wre[N];
struct Node { // compressed sequence
int lef, rig; bool spe;
Node(int _1 = 0, int _2 = 0, bool _3 = 0):
lef(_1), rig(_2), spe(_3){}
} nod[19][N];
namespace SegT { // magical Segment Tree
const int M = 1 << 17;
int mx[M<<1];
void upd(int p, int v){
// printf("upd(%d, %d)\n", p, v);
for(mx[p += M] = v, p >>= 1;p;p >>= 1)
mx[p] = max(mx[p<<1], mx[p<<1|1]);
int qryL(int p, int v){
for(p += M-1;(p & p-1) && mx[p] < v;p = p-1>>1);
if(mx[p] < v) return 0;
for(;p < M;p <<= 1, p |= mx[p|1] >= v);
return mx[p] == v ? p-M : 0;
int qryR(int p, int v){
// printf("qryR(%d, %d)\n", p, v);
for(p += M+1;(p & p+1) && mx[p] < v;p = p+1>>1);
if(mx[p] < v) return 0;
for(;p < M;p <<= 1, p |= mx[p] < v);
return mx[p] == v ? p-M : 0;
int rev[N]; // correspond index of the compressed sequence
int _b[19][N]; // temporary backup of array `b`
bool flg[N]; // is a key point in the virtual tree
bool vis[N];
int buc[N], pos[N], qwa[N], nsta[19][N], _nsta[19][N], tp;
int stk[N]; // index of monotonic stack
void krow(int dep, int nods, int &wres){
memcpy(nod[dep+1], nod[dep], (sizeof(Node)) * (nods + 1));
for(int i = 1;i <= nods;++ i)
if(nsta[dep][i]) nod[dep+1][i].spe = false;
static Wire hl[N], hr[N], buk[N];
int hls = 0;
auto useful = [&](int p){
if(!p) return 0;
int l = 1, r = nods, md;
while(l <= r){
md = l + r >> 1;
if(p < nod[dep][md].lef) r = md - 1;
else if(p > nod[dep][md].rig) l = md + 1;
else return md;
} return 0;
memset(vis, 0, nods + 1);
memset(buc, 0, nods + 2 << 2);
for(int i = 1;i <= nods;++ i) if(nsta[dep][i]){
int lef = useful(SegT::qryL(nod[dep][i].lef, nsta[dep][i]));
vis[lef] = true;
hr[lef] = Wire(lef, i, nsta[dep][i], 1);
} else hl[++hls] = Wire(lef, i, nsta[dep][i], 1);
for(int i = 1;i <= nods;++ i) if(nsta[dep][i] && !vis[i]){
int rig = useful(SegT::qryR(nod[dep][i].lef, nsta[dep][i]));
if(rig){hr[i] = Wire(i, rig, nsta[dep][i], 1); vis[i] = true;}
for(int i = 1;i <= hls;++ i) ++buc[hl[i].lef+1];
for(int i = 1;i <= nods;++ i) buc[i+1] += buc[i];
for(int i = 1;i <= hls;++ i) buk[++buc[hl[i].lef]] = hl[i];
memcpy(hl, buk, (sizeof(Wire)) * (hls + 1));
memset(flg, 0, wres + 1); tp = 0;
for(int i = 1, j = 1;i <= nods;++ i){
for(;tp && wre[dep][stk[tp]].rig <= i;-- tp);
for(;j <= wres && wre[dep][j].lef <= i;++ j)
stk[++tp] = j;
for(;tp && wre[dep][stk[tp]].val <= nsta[dep][i];-- tp)
flg[stk[tp]] = true/*, printf("delete (%d, %d, %d)\n", wre[dep][stk[tp]].lef, wre[dep][stk[tp]].rig, wre[dep][stk[tp]].val)*/;
int ps[3] = {1, 1, 1}, nwres = 0;
// printf("wres = %d\n", wres);
while(ps[1] <= nods && !vis[ps[1]]) ++ ps[1];
while(ps[2] <= wres && flg[ps[2]]) ++ ps[2];
if(ps[0] > hls && ps[1] > nods && ps[2] > wres)
pii pv0 = ps[0] <= hls ? MP(hl[ps[0]].lef, -hl[ps[0]].rig) : MP(INF, INF),
pv1 = ps[1] <= nods ? MP(hr[ps[1]].lef, -hr[ps[1]].rig) : MP(INF, INF),
pv2 = ps[2] <= wres ? MP(wre[dep][ps[2]].lef, -wre[dep][ps[2]].rig) : MP(INF, INF),
pv_ = min(pv0, min(pv1, pv2));
if(pv0 == pv_) wre[dep+1][++nwres] = hl[ps[0]++];
else if(pv1 == pv_) wre[dep+1][++nwres] = hr[ps[1]++];
else wre[dep+1][++nwres] = wre[dep][ps[2]++];
wres = nwres;
struct PathV { // vertex of path from root when dfs on the tree
int id, rig, val;
PathV(int _1 = 0, int _2 = 0, int _3 = 0):
id(_1), rig(_2), val(_3){}
} pat[N];
void work(int dep, int ql, int qr, int nods, int wres, int nans){
// printf("ql = %d, qr = %d, nods = %d, wres = %d, nans = %d\n", ql, qr, nods, wres, nans);
for(int i = 1;i <= wres;++ i)
// printf("wre[%d] = %d, %d, %d, %d\n", i, wre[dep][i].lef, wre[dep][i].rig, wre[dep][i].val, wre[dep][i].cnt);
if(ql == qr){
// printf("b[%d] = %d, c[%d] = %d\n", ql, b[ql], ql, c[ql]);
if(SegT::qryL(nod[dep][b[ql]].lef, c[ql])) ++ nans;
if(SegT::qryR(nod[dep][b[ql]].lef, c[ql])) ++ nans;
for(int i = 1;i <= wres;++ i)
if(wre[dep][i].rig < b[ql] || wre[dep][i].lef > b[ql] || wre[dep][i].val > c[ql])
nans += wre[dep][i].cnt;
// printf("nans = %d\n", nans);
ans[ql] = nans; return;
int md = ql + qr >> 1, _ = 0;
for(int i = 1;i <= nods;++ i){
if(_ && !nod[dep][i].spe && !nod[dep][_].spe)
nod[dep][_].rig = nod[dep][i].rig;
nod[dep][++_] = nod[dep][i];
rev[i] = _;
nods = _; _ = 0;
// for(int i = 1;i <= nods;++ i)
// printf("nod[%d] = %d, %d, %d\n", i, nod[dep][i].lef, nod[dep][i].rig, nod[dep][i].spe);
memcpy(_b[dep] + ql, b + ql, qr - ql + 1 << 2);
for(int i = ql;i <= qr;++ i) b[i] = rev[b[i]];
for(int i = 1;i <= wres;++ i){
wre[dep][i].lef = rev[wre[dep][i].lef];
wre[dep][i].rig = rev[wre[dep][i].rig];
if(wre[dep][i].lef == wre[dep][i].rig)
nans += wre[dep][i].cnt;
wre[dep][++_] = wre[dep][i];
wres = _; _ = 0;
memset(buc, 0, nods + 2 << 2);
memset(flg, 0, wres + 1);
for(int i = ql;i <= qr;++ i) ++ buc[b[i]+1];
for(int i = 1;i <= nods;++ i) buc[i+1] += buc[i];
for(int i = ql;i <= qr;++ i) qwa[++buc[b[i]]] = c[i];
tp = 0;
auto useful = [&](int val){
// printf("val = %d\n", val);
if(val < pat[tp].val) return 0;
int L = 1, R = tp, md;
while(L < R) pat[md = L+R>>1].val <= val ? R = md : L = md+1;
// printf("pat[%d].id = %d\n", L, pat[L].id);
return pat[L].id;
// for(int i = 1;i <= wres;++ i)
// printf("wre[%d] = %d, %d, %d, %d\n", i, wre[dep][i].lef, wre[dep][i].rig, wre[dep][i].val, wre[dep][i].cnt);
for(int i = 1, j = 1;i <= nods;++ i){
for(;tp && pat[tp].rig <= i;-- tp);
for(;j <= wres && wre[dep][j].lef <= i;++ j)
pat[++tp] = PathV(j, wre[dep][j].rig, wre[dep][j].val)/*, printf("%d : add (%d, %d, %d)\n", i, j, wre[dep][j].rig, wre[dep][j].val)*/;
if(nod[dep][i].spe) flg[useful(a[nod[dep][i].lef])] = true;
for(int k = buc[i-1]+1;k <= buc[i];++ k)
flg[useful(qwa[k])] = true;
_wre[_ = 1] = wre[dep][1];
for(int i = 2;i <= wres;++ i)
if(!flg[i] && wre[dep][i].lef == _wre[_].lef && wre[dep][i].rig == _wre[_].rig)
_wre[_].cnt += wre[dep][i].cnt;
_wre[++_] = wre[dep][i];
memcpy(wre[dep], _wre, (sizeof(Wire)) * (_ + 1)); wres = _;
// for(int i = 1;i <= wres;++ i)
// printf("wre[%d] = %d, %d, %d, %d\n", i, wre[dep][i].lef, wre[dep][i].rig, wre[dep][i].val, wre[dep][i].cnt);
memset(nsta[dep], 0, nods + 1 << 2);
for(int i = 1;i <= nods;++ i)
if(nod[dep][i].spe) nsta[dep][i] = a[nod[dep][i].lef];
for(int i = ql;i <= md;++ i) nsta[dep][b[i]] = 0;
for(int i = 1;i <= nods;++ i)
if(nsta[dep][i]) SegT::upd(nod[dep][i].lef, nsta[dep][i]);
krow(dep, nods, _ = wres);
work(dep + 1, ql, md, nods, _, nans);
// ------------------------------
for(int i = 1;i <= nods;++ i)
if(nsta[dep][i]) SegT::upd(nod[dep][i].lef, 0);
memset(nsta[dep], 0, nods + 1 << 2);
for(int i = ql;i <= md;++ i)
nsta[dep][b[i]] = c[i];
for(int i = 1;i <= nods;++ i) if(nod[dep][i].spe){
_nsta[dep][i] = a[nod[dep][i].lef];
if(nsta[dep][i]) a[nod[dep][i].lef] = nsta[dep][i];
for(int i = md+1;i <= qr;++ i) nsta[dep][b[i]] = 0;
for(int i = 1;i <= nods;++ i)
if(nsta[dep][i]) SegT::upd(nod[dep][i].lef, nsta[dep][i]);
krow(dep, nods, _ = wres);
work(dep + 1, md+1, qr, nods, _, nans);
// -------------------------------
for(int i = 1;i <= nods;++ i) if(nod[dep][i].spe){
a[nod[dep][i].lef] = _nsta[dep][i];
if(nsta[dep][i]) SegT::upd(nod[dep][i].lef, 0);
memcpy(b + ql, _b[dep] + ql, qr - ql + 1 << 2);
bitset<N> nst; // non-static
int main(){
cin >> n >> q; //n += 2;
for(int i = 1;i <= n;++ i) cin >> a[i];
for(int i = 1;i <= q;++ i) cin >> b[i] >> c[i];
int wres = 0;
for(int i = 1;i <= q;++ i) nst.set(b[i]);
for(int i = n;i;-- i) if(!nst.test(i)){
for(;tp && a[stk[tp]] < a[i];-- tp);
if(tp && a[stk[tp]] == a[i]){
wre[0][++wres] = Wire(i, stk[tp], a[i], 1);
-- tp;
stk[++tp] = i;
SegT::upd(i, a[i]);
reverse(wre[0] + 1, wre[0] + wres + 1);
for(int i = 1;i <= n;++ i) nod[0][i] = Node(i, i, nst.test(i));
tp = 0;
for(int i = 1;i <= n;++ i){
for(;tp && a[stk[tp]] < a[i];-- tp);
if(tp && a[stk[tp]] == a[i]){
++ ans[0]; -- tp;
stk[++tp] = i;
work(0, 1, q, n, wres, 0);
for(int i = 0;i <= q;++ i)
printf("%d\n", ans[i]);
Test #1:
score: 0
Runtime Error
6 2 4 2 2 2 4 6 4 6 6 4