

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit timeJudge time
#234884#4429. Gebyte's GrindraulandreipopRE 0ms0kbC++235.1kb2023-11-02 00:57:422023-11-02 00:57:42

Judging History

This is the latest submission verdict.

  • [2023-11-02 00:57:42]
  • Judged
  • Verdict: RE
  • Time: 0ms
  • Memory: 0kb
  • [2023-11-02 00:57:42]
  • Submitted


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;
using ll = long long;
const int NMAX = 2e6;
const ll INF = 1e18 + 5;

struct function {
    ll a, b, y;
    ll eval (ll x)
        if (x <= a) return 0;
        else if (a < x && x <= b) return y;
        else return x-b+y;
    function o (function f2)
        ll new_a , new_b , new_y;
        if (a < f2.y) {
            new_a = f2.a;
        else if (a == f2.y)
            new_a = f2.b;
        else {
            new_a = a + f2.b - f2.y;
        new_y = y;
        if (b < f2.y) {
            new_b = f2.b;
            new_y = f2.y - b + y;
        else if (b == f2.y)
            new_b = f2.b;
        else {
            new_b = f2.y - f2.b - b;
        return {new_a , new_b , new_y};

    static function identity(){
        function ret;
        ret = {0,0,0};
        return ret;

} initial[NMAX+10] ;

template<typename data>
struct AINT {
    vector<data> aint;
    int n, offset;
    int nextPowerOf2 (int n)
        int ret = 1;
        while (ret * 2 <= n) ret *= 2;
        return ret;
    AINT (int _n)
        n = _n;
        offset = nextPowerOf2 (n);
        aint.resize(2*offset + 1, data::identity());
        for (int i = offset; i < 2 * offset; i++)
            if (i-offset+1 <= n) {
                aint[i] = initial[i-offset+1];
        for (int i = offset-1; i > 0; i--)
            aint[i] = merge(aint[2*i] , aint[2*i+1]);

    void update (int pos , data f)
        upd (1 , 1 , offset , pos , f);

    int CB (int pos , ll h)
        int nod = pos + offset-1;
        data func = aint[nod];
        if (func.eval(h) == 0) return -1;
        data prev = func;
        while (func.eval(h) > 0)
        //    cout << " " << nod << ' ';
        //    cout << func.eval(h) << '\n';
            prev = func;
            if ((nod & 1) && !(nod & (nod+1))){
                return n;
            else if (nod % 2 == 1)
                nod = nod/2 + 1;
                func = aint[nod].o(func);
            else {
                nod /= 2;
                func = aint[nod];
                prev = data::identity();
        func = prev;
    //    cout << func.a << ' ' << func.b << ' ' << func.y << '\n';
    //    cout << "  " << nod <<'\n'; 
        while (nod < offset)
            data new_func = aint[2 * nod].o(func);
            if (new_func.eval(h) > 0)
                func = new_func;
                nod = 2 * nod + 1;
            else {
                nod = 2 * nod;
        //    cout << nod << '\n';
        return nod-offset;

    void upd (int nod , int l , int r , int pos , data f)
        if (l == r)
            if (l == pos) aint[nod] = f;
        else if (pos < l || r < pos) return;
        int mid = (l + r) / 2;
        upd(2 * nod , l , mid , pos , f);
        upd(2*nod+1, mid+1 , r, pos , f);
        aint[nod] = merge(aint[2*nod] , aint[2*nod+1]);

    data merge (data f1 , data f2)
        return f2.o(f1);

    void print ()
        for (int nod = 1; nod < aint.size(); nod++)
            cout << nod << ": " << aint[nod].a << ' ' << aint[nod].b << ' ' << aint[nod].y << '\n';

int main ()
    int teste; cin >> teste;
    while (teste--) {
        int n, q; cin >> n >> q;
        ll h; cin >> h;
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            char ch; cin >> ch;
            if (ch == 'B')
                ll b; cin >> b;
                initial[i] = {b, b, 0};
            else if (ch == 'K')
                ll k; cin >> k;
                initial[i] = {k-1 , INF , k};
            else {
                ll c; cin >> c;
                initial[i] = {0, c, c};
        AINT<function> aint(n);

        while (q--)
        //    aint.print();
            char t; cin >> t;
            cout << t << '\n';
            if (t == 'Z')
                int x;
                char ch; cin >> x >>  ch;
                if (ch == 'B')
                    ll b; cin >> b;
                    aint.update(x, {b, b, 0});
                else if (ch == 'K')
                    ll k; cin >> k;
                    aint.update(x, {k-1 , INF , k});
                else {
                    ll c; cin >> c;
                    aint.update(x, {0, c, c});
            else {
                int pos; cin >> pos;
                cout << pos << '\n';
                cout << aint.CB(pos , h) << '\n';


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Test #1:

score: 0
Runtime Error


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