

#23228#3020. Rainbow GraphakifpatelTL 0ms3688kbC++1414.5kb2022-03-14 09:25:222022-04-30 02:36:53

Judging History

This is the latest submission verdict.

  • [2023-08-10 23:21:45]
  • System Update: QOJ starts to keep a history of the judgings of all the submissions.
  • [2022-04-30 02:36:53]
  • Judged
  • Verdict: TL
  • Time: 0ms
  • Memory: 3688kb
  • [2022-03-14 09:25:22]
  • Submitted


# 0 "r.cpp"
# 0 "<built-in>"
# 0 "<command-line>"
# 1 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 1 3 4
# 0 "<command-line>" 2
# 1 "r.cpp"
# 1 "/home/dooku/programming/cp/amoguslib/bin/../amoguslib.h" 1

#pragma GCC target("avx2,popcnt,lzcnt,abm,bmi,bmi2")
#pragma GCC optimize("O3,unroll-loops")

    #include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

typedef long long int ll;
typedef long double ld;
typedef pair<ll, ll> pl;
typedef vector<ll> vl;

template<class K, class V, int L=8, bool alloc=true> struct amogus_map{};

const uint64_t __AMOGUSMAP_HASH_C = uint64_t(4e18 * acos(0)) | 71;

template<class K, class V, int L>
struct amogus_map<K,V,L,false> {
    const int __res = L;
    K table[1<<L];
    V value[1<<L];
    char used_arr[1<<(L-3)];
    int __size=0;

    template<class U=V> typename enable_if<! is_empty<U>::value, V&>::type
    operator[](const K &x) {
        int h = __builtin_bswap64(__AMOGUSMAP_HASH_C*hash<K>{}(x)) & ((1<<__res)-1); while (((used_arr[h/8]>>(h%8))&1) && table[h]!=x) h = (h+1) & ((1<<__res)-1);
        if (!((used_arr[h/8]>>(h%8))&1)) {
            table[h]=x, ({used_arr[h/8] |= (1<<(h%8));}), __size++, value[h]=V{};
        return value[h];

    bool count(const K&x) const {
        int h = __builtin_bswap64(__AMOGUSMAP_HASH_C*hash<K>{}(x)) & ((1<<__res)-1); while (((used_arr[h/8]>>(h%8))&1) && table[h]!=x) h = (h+1) & ((1<<__res)-1);
        return ((used_arr[h/8]>>(h%8))&1);

    template<class U=V> typename enable_if<! is_empty<U>::value, bool>::type
    insert(const pair<K, V> &p) {
        int h = __builtin_bswap64(__AMOGUSMAP_HASH_C*hash<K>{}(p.first)) & ((1<<__res)-1); while (((used_arr[h/8]>>(h%8))&1) && table[h]!=p.first) h = (h+1) & ((1<<__res)-1);
        if (!((used_arr[h/8]>>(h%8))&1)) {
            table[h]=p.first, ({used_arr[h/8] |= (1<<(h%8));}), value[h]=p.second, __size++;
            return true;
        return false;

    template<class U=V> typename enable_if< is_empty<U>::value, bool>::type
    insert(const K &k) {
        int h = __builtin_bswap64(__AMOGUSMAP_HASH_C*hash<K>{}(k)) & ((1<<__res)-1); while (((used_arr[h/8]>>(h%8))&1) && table[h]!=k) h = (h+1) & ((1<<__res)-1);
        if (!((used_arr[h/8]>>(h%8))&1)) {
            table[h]=k, ({used_arr[h/8] |= (1<<(h%8));}), __size++;
            return true;
        return false;
    void clear() {memset(used_arr, 0, 1<<(L-3)); __size=0;}
    int size() {return __size;}

template<class K, class V, int L>
struct amogus_map<K,V,L,true> {
    int __res; int __size;
    K* table; V* value; char *used_arr;

    amogus_map() : __res(L), __size(0), table(new K[1<<L]), value(new V[1<<L]), used_arr(new char[1<<(L-3)]()) {}
    amogus_map(const amogus_map& m) {
        __res = m.__res; __size=m.__size;
        table = new K[1<<__res]; copy(m.table, m.table+(1<<__res), table);
        value = new V[1<<__res]; copy(m.value, m.value+(1<<__res), value);
        used_arr = new char[1<<(__res-3)]; copy(m.used_arr, m.used_arr+(1<<(__res-3)), used_arr);
    amogus_map& operator=(amogus_map o) {
        __res=o.__res; __size=o.__size;
        swap(table, o.table); swap(value, o.value); swap(used_arr, o.used_arr);
        return *this;

    bool CHKLOADF() {
        if (__size*3 > (1<<__res)) {
            K* ot=table; V* ov=value; char* ou = used_arr;
            table=new K[1<<__res]; value=new V[1<<__res]; used_arr = new char[1<<(__res-3)]();
            for (int i=0; i<(1<<(__res-1)); ++i) {
                if (((ou[i/8]>>(i%8))&1)) {
                    K k = ot[i];
                    int h = __builtin_bswap64(__AMOGUSMAP_HASH_C*hash<K>{}(k)) & ((1<<__res)-1); while (((used_arr[h/8]>>(h%8))&1) && table[h]!=k) h = (h+1) & ((1<<__res)-1);
                    table[h]=k, ({used_arr[h/8] |= (1<<(h%8));}), value[h]=ov[i];
            delete[]ot; delete[] ou; delete[] ov;
            return true;
        return false;

    template<class U=V> typename enable_if<! is_empty<U>::value, V&>::type
    operator[](const K &x) {
        int h = __builtin_bswap64(__AMOGUSMAP_HASH_C*hash<K>{}(x)) & ((1<<__res)-1); while (((used_arr[h/8]>>(h%8))&1) && table[h]!=x) h = (h+1) & ((1<<__res)-1);
        if (!((used_arr[h/8]>>(h%8))&1)) {
            table[h]=x, ({used_arr[h/8] |= (1<<(h%8));}), __size++, value[h]=V{};
            if (CHKLOADF()) return (*this)[x];
        return value[h];

    bool count(const K&x) const {
        int h = __builtin_bswap64(__AMOGUSMAP_HASH_C*hash<K>{}(x)) & ((1<<__res)-1); while (((used_arr[h/8]>>(h%8))&1) && table[h]!=x) h = (h+1) & ((1<<__res)-1);
        return ((used_arr[h/8]>>(h%8))&1);

    template<class U=V> typename enable_if<! is_empty<U>::value, bool>::type
    insert(const pair<K, V> &p) {
        int h = __builtin_bswap64(__AMOGUSMAP_HASH_C*hash<K>{}(p.first)) & ((1<<__res)-1); while (((used_arr[h/8]>>(h%8))&1) && table[h]!=p.first) h = (h+1) & ((1<<__res)-1);
        if (!((used_arr[h/8]>>(h%8))&1)) {
            table[h]=p.first, ({used_arr[h/8] |= (1<<(h%8));}), value[h]=p.second, __size++;
            return true;
        return false;

    template<class U=V> typename enable_if< is_empty<U>::value, bool>::type
    insert(const K &k) {
        int h = __builtin_bswap64(__AMOGUSMAP_HASH_C*hash<K>{}(k)) & ((1<<__res)-1); while (((used_arr[h/8]>>(h%8))&1) && table[h]!=k) h = (h+1) & ((1<<__res)-1);
        if (!((used_arr[h/8]>>(h%8))&1)) {
            table[h]=k, ({used_arr[h/8] |= (1<<(h%8));}), __size++;
            return true;
        return false;

    void clear() {memset(used_arr, 0, 1<<(__res-3)); __size=0;}
    int size() {return __size;}

    ~amogus_map(){delete[] used_arr; delete[] table; delete[] value;};

template<class K, class V, int L, bool alloc>
ostream& operator<< (ostream& o, const amogus_map<K,V,L,alloc> &m) {
 for (auto a:m) o<<a <<", ";
 return o<<']';

template<class K, class V> struct amogus_map_iter {
    ll *used;
    K *table;
    V *value;
    int sz;
    ll block=0;
    int i=-1;

    amogus_map_iter<K, V>& operator++() {
        block = block & (block-1);
        while (block==0 && i<sz-1) {
            block = used[i];
        return *this;
    amogus_map_iter<K,V> operator++(int) {
        amogus_map_iter<K,V> old=*this;
        return old;

    using ITT = pair<const K, V&>;
    template<class U=V> typename enable_if<! is_empty<U>::value, ITT>::type operator*() {
        int j=__builtin_ffsll(block)-1;
        return {table[i*64+j], value[i*64+j]};
    template<class U=V> typename enable_if< is_empty<U>::value, K>::type operator*() {
        int j=__builtin_ffsll(block)-1;
        return table[i*64+j];
    bool operator==(amogus_map_iter<K,V> o) {
        return o.i==i && o.block==block;
    bool operator!=(amogus_map_iter<K,V> o) {
        return o.i!=i || o.block!=block;

template<class K, class V, int L, bool alloc>
amogus_map_iter<K,V> begin(const amogus_map<K,V,L,alloc> &m) {
    amogus_map_iter<K,V> r{(ll*)m.used_arr, m.table, m.value, (1<<m.__res)/64};
    return ++r;

template<class K, class V, int L, bool alloc>
amogus_map_iter<K,V> end(const amogus_map<K,V,L,alloc> &m) {
    return {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, (1<<m.__res)/64, 0, (1<<m.__res)/64-1};

template<class T, int L=8, bool alloc=true>
using amogus_set = amogus_map<T, tuple<>, L, alloc>;

template<class T, int __NN, T(* f)(T, T)>
struct segtree {
    T t[2 * __NN];
    int n=__NN;
    T id;

    segtree(){} segtree(T idv) {id=idv;}

    void build() {for (int i=n-1; i>0; --i) t[i] = f(t[i<<1], t[i<<1|1]);}

    void modify(int p, T value) {
        for (p+=n, t[p] = value; p>>=1;) t[p] = f(t[p<<1], t[p<<1|1]);
    void incr(int p, T value) {
        for (p+=n, t[p] = f(t[p], value); p>>=1;) t[p] = f(t[p<<1], t[p<<1|1]);

    T query(int l, int r) {
      T resl=id, resr=id;
      for (l += n, r += n; l < r; l>>=1, r>>=1) {
        if (l&1) resl = f(resl, t[l++]);
        if (r&1) resr = f(t[--r], resr);
      return f(resl, resr);

    int lower_bound(int l, int r, T x, bool (*less)(T, T)) {
        vl segs, segsr;
        int r0=r;
        for (l+=n, r+=n; l<r; l>>=1, r>>=1) {
            if (l&1) segs.push_back(l++);
            if (r&1) segsr.push_back(--r);
        segs.insert(segs.end(), segsr.rbegin(), segsr.rend());

        T cur = id;
        for (int i=0; i<segs.size(); ++i) {
            T neow = f(cur, t[segs[i]]);
            if (!less(neow, x)) {
                for (i=segs[i]; i<n; ) {
                    neow = f(cur, t[i<<=1]);
                    if (less(neow, x)) i++, cur=neow;
                return i-n;
            cur = neow;
        return r0;

# 1 "/home/dooku/programming/cp/amoguslib/bin/../prime.h" 1

#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
void prime_seive(ll *prime, const ll n) {
    for (ll i=2; i<n; i++)
        if (prime[i]==0) {
            prime[i] = i;
            for (ll j=i*i;j<n;j+=i) if(!prime[j]) prime[j]=i;

vl prime_seive_list(ll *prime, const ll n) {
    vl primes;
    for (ll i=2; i<n; i++)
        if (prime[i]==0) {
            prime[i] = i;
            for (ll j=i*i;j<n;j+=i) if(!prime[j]) prime[j]=i;
    return primes;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
# 281 "/home/dooku/programming/cp/amoguslib/bin/../amoguslib.h" 2

ll inv(ll a, ll b){return 1<a ? b - inv(b%a,a)*b/a : 1;}

ll CRT(const vector<ll> &a, const vector<ll> &n) {
  ll prod = 1;
  for (auto ni:n) prod*=ni;

  ll sm = 0;
  for (int i=0; i<n.size(); i++) {
    ll p = prod/n[i];
    sm += a[i]*inv(p, n[i])*p;
  return sm % prod;

template <class T>
using min_heap = priority_queue<T, vector<T>, greater<T>>;

    #ifdef __SIZEOF_INT128__
        typedef __int128 bb;
        typedef ll bb;
# 323 "/home/dooku/programming/cp/amoguslib/bin/../amoguslib.h"
template<class T, class S>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, pair<T, S> p) {
 return o<<'('<<p.first<<", "<<p.second<<')';

template<template<class, class...> class T, class... A>
typename enable_if<!(is_same<T<A...>, string>() || is_same<T<A...>, complex< tuple_element_t<0, tuple<A...>> >>()), ostream&>::type
operator<< (ostream& o, T<A...> v) {
 for (auto a:v) o<<a <<", ";
 return o<<']';

template<ll i, class... T>
typename enable_if<i==sizeof...(T)>::type _p(ostream& o, tuple<T...> t) {}

template<ll i, class... T>
typename enable_if<i<sizeof...(T)>::type _p(ostream& o, tuple<T...> t) {
    _p<i+1>(o << get<i>(t)<< ", ", t);

template<class... T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, tuple<T...> t) {
    _p<0>(o<<'(', t);
    return o<<')';

void _print() {cerr << "]"<<endl;} template <class T, class... second>
void _print(T t, second... v) {cerr<<t; if (sizeof...(v)) cerr << ", "; _print(v...);}
# 2 "r.cpp" 2

constexpr ll M = 1e9+7;

typedef vector<int> vi;

int8_t I[110], used[110], x2[110];
typedef pair<int, int> dtype;
dtype dist[110];
pair<int, int> e[110];
char c[110];
int ans[110];

int n;
int find(vi &par, int a) {return a==par[a] ? a : par[a] = find(par, par[a]);}
vi find_ccs(const vi &ed, char col, int skip=-1) {
    vi par(n); iota(begin(par), end(par), 0);
    for (int i:ed) if (i-skip && (c[i]=='G' || c[i]==col))
        par[find(par, e[i].first)] = find(par, e[i].second);
    for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) find(par, i);
    return par;

int par[110], w[110];

int nccs(const vi &cc) {
    int ret=0;
    for (int i=0;i<n; ++i) ret += cc[i]==i;
    return ret;

int main() {

    int m; cin>>n>>m;
    int tot_w = 0;
    for (ll i=0; i<m; ++i) {
        e[i].first--; e[i].second--;
        tot_w += w[i];
    memset(ans, -1, sizeof ans);
    ans[m] = tot_w;

    vi Ie;
    while (1) {
        for (int i=0; i<m; ++i) used[i]=0, dist[i]={-1, -1}, x2[i]=0;

        vi removed;
        for (int i=0; i<m; ++i) if (!I[i]) removed.push_back(i);

        vector<pair<int, int>> edges;
        for (int z=0; z<m; ++z) if (!I[z]) {
            vi pcr = find_ccs(removed, 'R', z);
            vi pcb = find_ccs(removed, 'B', z);
            int ncr = nccs(pcr);
            int ncb = nccs(pcb);
            for (int y:Ie) {

                if (ncr==1 || (ncr==2 && pcr[e[y].first]!=pcr[e[y].second])) edges.push_back({y, z});
                if (ncb==1 || (ncb==2 && pcb[e[y].first]!=pcb[e[y].second])) edges.push_back({z, y});

        for (int z=0; z<m; ++z) if (!I[z]) {
            vi pcr = find_ccs(removed, 'R', z);
            vi pcb = find_ccs(removed, 'B', z);
            if (nccs(pcr)==1) par[z]=-1, dist[z]={(I[z] ? w[z] : -w[z]), 0};
            if (nccs(pcb)==1) x2[z]=1;

        while (1) {
            bool any=false;
            for (auto ed:edges) {
                auto __p = ed; auto u = __p.first; auto v = __p.second;
                if (dist[u].second!=-1) {
                    dtype nd = {dist[u].first+(I[v] ? w[v] : -w[v]), dist[u].second+1};
                    if (dist[v].second==-1 || dist[v] > nd) {
                        do {cerr << "[" << "u, v, dist[u], dist[v], nd, (I[v] ? w[v] : -w[v])" << "] = ["; _print(u, v, dist[u], dist[v], nd, (I[v] ? w[v] : -w[v])); } while(0);
                        dist[v] = nd;
                        par[v] = u;
            if (!any) break;

        int en=-1;
        for (int i=0; i<m; ++i) {
            if (dist[i].first!=-1 && x2[i]) {
                if (en==-1 || dist[en] > dist[i]) en=i;

        if (en==-1) break;

        do I[en]^=1, en=par[en]; while (~en);

        int last_size = Ie.size();
        int s = 0;
        Ie.clear(); for (int i=0; i<m; ++i) if (I[i]) Ie.push_back(i), s+=w[i];
        for (int j=m-last_size-1; j>=m-(ll)Ie.size(); --j) ans[j] = tot_w-s;
    for (int i=1; i<=m; ++i) cout<<ans[i]<<'\n';


Test #1:

score: 100
time: 0ms
memory: 3688kb


5 8
1 5 1 R
2 1 2 R
5 4 5 R
4 5 3 G
1 3 3 G
4 3 5 G
5 4 1 B
1 2 2 B




ok 8 numbers

Test #2:

score: -100
Time Limit Exceeded


31 93
11 28 508 B
5 29 329 R
26 27 213 R
23 21 11 B
19 20 373 R
7 14 19 B
11 15 478 B
9 27 737 R
8 30 548 B
14 8 468 R
27 14 989 G
25 25 235 B
18 3 669 R
26 5 254 B
8 6 866 G
26 30 612 R
29 4 658 R
3 11 690 R
29 24 650 R
17 24 986 B
13 19 608 B
10 26 380 B
3 17 998 R
12 16 849 B
23 5 449 B
19 13 302...

