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ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#198781 | #7065. Triangle | hhh0 | AC ✓ | 1439ms | 3916kb | C++14 | 22.3kb | 2023-10-03 17:13:57 | 2023-10-03 17:13:57 |
Judging History
#pragma GCC optimize(2)
#define fi first
#define se second
using namespace std;
typedef pair<int,int>PII;
#define endl "\n"
typedef unsigned long long ull;
typedef long long ll;
const int M=2010;
const int mod=1e9+7;
const int N=2e5+10;
int dx[4]={0,1,0,-1};
int dy[4]={-1,0,1,0};
const long double eps=1e-9;
using point_t = long double;
const ll INF = 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f;
const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
ll exgcd(ll a, ll b, ll& x, ll& y) { ll d = a; if (b != 0) d = exgcd(b, a % b, y, x), y -= (a / b) * x; else x = 1, y = 0; return d; }
ll gcd(ll a, ll b) { if (a < b) swap(a, b); if (b != 0) while (b ^= a ^= b ^= a %= b); return a; }
ll qmi(ll a, ll b, const ll p) { a %= p; if (a == 0) return 0ll; ll r = 1; for (; b > 0; a = a * a % p, b >>= 1) if (b & 1) r = r * a % p; return r; }
ll fmul(ll a, ll b, ll mod) { return ((a * b - (ll)((ll)((long double)a / mod * b + 1e-3) * mod)) % mod + mod) % mod; }
string YN(bool flag) { return (flag ? "Yes" : "No"); }
long double x[3],y[3],px,py;
bool equal(long double x,long double y,long double q,long double w){
if(fabs(x-q)<eps&&fabs(y-w)<eps) return 1;
return 0;
#define all(x) x.begin(), x.end()
#define rall(x) x.rbegin(), x.rend()
#define mset(x, a) memset(x, a, sizeof (x))
#define rep(i, l, r) for(LL i = l; i <= (r); ++ i)
#define per(i, r, l) for(LL i = r; i >= (l); -- i)
#define reps(i, l, r, d) for(LL i = l; i <= (r); i += d)
#define pers(i, r, l, d) for(LL i = r; i >= (l); i -= d)
template<class T> bool ckmax(T& a, T b) { return a < b ? (a = b, 1) : 0; }
template<class T> bool ckmin(T& a, T b) { return a > b ? (a = b, 1) : 0; }
template<class T> vector<T> & operator + (vector<T> & a, vector<T> & b) { a.insert(a.end(), b.begin(), b.end()); return a; }
template<class T> vector<T> & operator += (vector<T> & a, vector<T> & b) { return a = a + b; }
using point_t = long double; //全局数据类型,可修改为 long long 等
const long double PI = acosl(-1);
// 点与向量
template<typename T> struct point
T x, y;
bool operator == (const point & a) const { return abs(x - a.x) <= eps && abs(y - a.y) <= eps; }
bool operator < (const point & a) const { if(abs(x - a.x) > eps) return x < a.x - eps; return y < a.y - eps; }
bool operator > (const point & a) const { return !((*this) < a || (*this) == a); }
point operator + (const point & a) const { return {x + a.x, y + a.y}; }
point operator - (const point & a) const { return {x - a.x, y - a.y}; }
point operator - () const { return {-x, -y}; }
point operator * (const T k) const { return {x * k, y * k}; }
point operator / (const T k) const { return {x / k, y / k}; }
T operator * (const point & a) const { return x * a.x + y * a.y; }
T operator ^ (const point & a) const { return x * a.y - y * a.x; }
int toleft (const point & a) const { const auto t = (*this) ^ a; return (t > eps) - (t < -eps); } // a 向量在该向量的左半平面 / 上 / 右半平面
T len2 () const { return x * x + y * y; }
T dis2 (const point & a) const { return ((*this) - a).len2(); }
// 涉及浮点数
long double len () const { return sqrtl(len2()); }
long double dis (const point & a) const { return sqrtl(dis2(a)); }
long double ang (const point & a) const { return acosl(max(-1.0l, min(1.0l, ((*this) * a) / (len() * a.len())))); }
long double toang (const point & a) const { const auto t = ang(a); return (*this ^ a) > 0 ? t : 2 * PI - t; }
point rot () const { return {-y, x}; }
point rot (const long double rad) const { return {x * cosl(rad) - y * sinl(rad), x * sinl(rad) + y * cosl(rad)}; }
point rot (const long double cosr, const long double sinr) const { return {x * cosr - y * sinr, x * sinr + y * cosr}; }
using Point = point<point_t>;
// 极角排序
struct argcmp
bool operator () (const Point & a, const Point & b) const
const auto quad = [] (const Point & a)
if(a.y < -eps) return 1;
if(a.y > eps) return 4;
if(a.x < -eps) return 5;
if(a.x > eps) return 3;
return 2;
const int qa = quad(a), qb = quad(b);
if(qa != qb) return qa < qb;
const auto t = a ^ b;
// if(abs(t) <= eps) return a * a < b * b - eps; // 不同长度的向量需要分开
return t > eps;
// 直线
template<typename T> struct line
point<T> p, v;
bool operator == (const line & a) const { return v.toleft(a.v) == 0 && v.toleft(p - a.p) == 0; }
int toleft (const point<T> & a) const { return v.toleft(a - p); } // 点 a 在该直线的左半平面 / 上 / 右半平面
// 涉及浮点数
long double dis (const point<T> & a) const { return abs(v ^ (a - p)) / v.len(); }
point<T> inter (const line & a) const { return p + v * ( (a.v ^ (p - a.p)) / (v ^ a.v) ); }
long double inter_dis (const line & a) const { return v.len() * (a.v ^ (p - a.p)) / (v ^ a.v); }
point<T> proj (const point<T> & a) const { return p + v * ( (v * (a - p)) / (v * v) ); }
long double proj_dis (const point<T> & a) const { return v * (a - p) / v.len(); }
using Line = line<point_t>;
// 线段
template<typename T> struct segment
point<T> a, b;
bool operator < (const segment & s) const { return make_pair(a, b) < make_pair(s.a, s.b) ; }
// 判定性函数建议在整数域使用
// 判断点是否在线段上
// -1 点在线段端点 | 0 点不在线段上 | 1 点严格在线段上
int is_on (const point<T> & p) const
if(p == a || p == b) return -1;
return (p - a).toleft(p - b) == 0 && (p - a) * (p - b) < -eps;
// 判断线段直线是否相交
// -1 直线经过线段端点 | 0 线段和直线不相交 | 1 线段和直线严格相交
int is_inter (const line<T> & l) const
if(l.toleft(a) == 0 || l.toleft(b) == 0) return -1;
return l.toleft(a) != l.toleft(b);
// 判断两线段是否相交
// -1 在某一线段端点处相交 | 0 两线段不相交 | 1 两线段严格相交
int is_inter (const segment & s) const
if(is_on(s.a) || is_on(s.b) || s.is_on(a) || s.is_on(b)) return -1;
const line<T> l = {a, b - a}, ls = {s.a, s.b - s.a};
return l.toleft(s.a) * l.toleft(s.b) == -1 && ls.toleft(a) * ls.toleft(b) == -1;
// 点到线段距离
long double dis (const point<T> & p) const
if((b - a) * (p - a) < -eps || (a - b) * (p - b) < -eps) return min(p.dis(a), p.dis(b));
const line<T> l = {a, b - a};
return l.dis(p);
// 两线段间距离
long double dis (const segment & s) const
if(is_inter(s)) return 0;
return min({dis(s.a), dis(s.b), s.dis(a), s.dis(b)});
// 判断一点在线段的哪一侧
int relation(Point & C)
// 1 left -1 right 0 in
int c = (b - a) ^ (C - a);
if(c < 0) return 1;
else if(c > 0) return -1;
return 0;
using Segment = segment<point_t>;
// 射线
template<typename T> struct ray
point<T> p, v;
// 判定性函数建议在整数域使用
// 判断点是否在射线上
// -1 点在射线端点 | 0 点不在射线上 | 1 点严格在射线上
int is_on (const point<T> & a) const
if(p == a) return -1;
return v.toleft(a - p) == 0 && v * (a - p) > eps;
// 判断射线直线是否相交
// -1 直线经过射线端点 | 0 射线和直线不相交 | 1 射线和直线严格相交
int is_inter (const line<T> & l) const
if(l.toleft(p) == 0) return -1;
return l.v.toleft(p - l.p) * l.v.toleft(v) == -1;
// 判断射线线段是否相交
// -1 在线段端点或射线端点处相交 | 0 射线和线段不相交 | 1 射线和线段严格相交
int is_inter (const segment<T> & s) const
if(is_on(s.a) || is_on(s.b) || s.is_on(p)) return -1;
const point<T> sv = s.b - s.a;
return v.toleft(s.a - p) * v.toleft(s.b - p) == -1 && sv.toleft(p - s.a) * sv.toleft(v) == -1;
// 判断两射线是否相交
// -1 在某一射线端点处相交 | 0 两射线不相交 | 1 两射线严格相交
int is_inter (const ray & r) const
if(is_on(r.p) || r.is_on(p)) return -1;
const line<T> l = {p, v}, lr = {r.p, r.v};
return is_inter(lr) && r.is_inter(l);
// 点到射线距离
long double dis (const point<T> & a) const
if(v * (a - p) < -eps) return a.dis(p);
const line<T> l = {p, v};
return l.dis(a);
// 线段到射线距离
long double dis (const segment<T> & s) const
if(is_inter(s)) return 0;
return min({dis(s.a), dis(s.b), s.dis(p)});
// 射线到射线距离
long double dis (const ray & r) const
if(is_inter(r)) return 0;
return min(dis(r.p), r.dis(p));
// 射线从点 p 沿着方向 v 到达 直线/线段/射线 的距离
// 1. 直线
long double dis_from_p_in_v (const line<T> & l) const
const int t = is_inter(l);
if(t <= 0) return t ? 0 : -1;
return line<T>{p, v}.inter_dis(l);
// 2. 线段
long double dis_from_p_in_v (const segment<T> & s) const
const int t = is_inter(s);
if(t == 0) return -1;
if(t == -1) {
if(s.is_on(p)) return 0;
else if(is_on(s.a) && is_on(s.b)) return min(p.dis(s.a), p.dis(s.b));
return line<T>{p, v}.inter_dis(line<T>{s.a, s.b - s.a});
// 3. 射线
long double dis_from_p_in_v (const ray & r) const
const int t = is_inter(r);
if(t == 0) return -1;
if(t == -1) return r.is_on(p) ? 0 : p.dis(r.p);
return line<T>{p, v}.inter_dis(line<T>{r.p, r.v});
using Ray = ray<point_t>;
// 多边形
template<typename T> struct polygon
vector<point<T>> p; // 以逆时针顺序存储
size_t nxt (const int i) const { return i == p.size() - 1 ? 0 : i + 1; }
size_t pre (const int i) const { return i == 0 ? p.size() - 1 : i - 1; }
// 回转数
// 返回值第一项表示点是否在多边形边上
// 对于狭义多边形,回转数为 0 表示点在多边形外,否则点在多边形内
pair<bool, int> winding (const point<T> & a) const
int cnt = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < p.size(); i ++ )
const point<T> u = p[i], v = p[nxt(i)];
if(abs((a - u) ^ (a - v)) <= eps && (a - u) * (a - v) <= eps) return {true, 0};
if(abs(u.y - v.y) <= eps) continue;
const line<T> uv = {u, v - u};
if(u.y < v.y - eps && uv.toleft(a) <= 0) continue;
if(u.y > v.y + eps && uv.toleft(a) >= 0) continue;
if(u.y < a.y - eps && v.y >= a.y - eps) cnt ++ ;
if(u.y >= a.y - eps && v.y < a.y - eps) cnt -- ;
return {false, cnt};
// 多边形面积的两倍
// 可用于判断点的存储顺序是顺时针或逆时针
T area () const
T sum = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < p.size(); i ++ ) sum += p[i] ^ p[nxt(i)];
return sum;
long double circ() const
long double sum = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < p.size(); i ++ ) sum += p[i].dis(p[nxt(i)]);
return sum;
using Polygon = polygon<point_t>;
// 凸多边形
template<typename T> struct convex : polygon<T>
// 多边形的邻点叉积前缀和,用于计算凸多边形的凸壳的面积
// 注意:如果是顺时针储存,sum 储存的面积为负数
vector<T> sum;
void get_sum ()
const auto & p = this -> p;
vector<T> a(p.size());
for(size_t i = 0; i < p.size(); i ++ ) a[i] = p[this -> pre(i)] ^ p[i];
partial_sum(a.begin(), a.end(), sum.begin());
T query_sum (const size_t l, const size_t r) const
const auto & p = this -> p;
if(l <= r) return sum[r] - sum[l] + (p[r] ^ p[l]);
return sum.back() - sum[l] + sum[r] + (p[r] ^ p[l]);
T query_sum () const { return sum.back(); }
// 闵可夫斯基和
// 复杂度 O(n)
convex operator + (const convex & c) const
const auto & p = this -> p;
if(!p.size()) return c; if(!c.p.size()) return *this;
vector<segment<T>> e1(p.size()), e2(c.p.size()), edge(p.size() + c.p.size());
vector<point<T>> res; res.reserve(p.size() + c.p.size());
const auto cmp = [] (const segment<T> & u, const segment<T> & v) {
return argcmp() (u.b - u.a, v.b - v.a);
for(size_t i = 0; i < p.size(); i ++ ) e1[i] = {p[i], p[this -> nxt(i)]};
for(size_t i = 0; i < c.p.size(); i ++ ) e2[i] = {c.p[i], c.p[c.nxt(i)]};
rotate(e1.begin(), min_element(e1.begin(), e1.end(), cmp), e1.end());
rotate(e2.begin(), min_element(e2.begin(), e2.end(), cmp), e2.end());
merge(e1.begin(), e1.end(), e2.begin(), e2.end(), edge.begin(), cmp);
const auto check = [] (const vector<point<T>> & res, const point<T> & u)
const auto v = *prev(res.end(), 2), w = res.back();
return (w - v).toleft(u - w) == 0 && (w - v) * (u - w) >= -eps;
auto u = e1[0].a + e2[0].a;
for(const auto & v : edge)
while(res.size() > 1 && check(res, u)) res.pop_back();
u = u + v.b - v.a;
if(res.size() > 1 && check(res, res[0])) res.pop_back();
return {res};
// 旋转卡壳
// func 为更新答案的函数,可以根据题目调整位置
template<typename F> void rotcaliper (const F & func) const
const auto & p = this -> p;
const auto area = [] (const point<T> & u, const point<T> & v, const point<T> & w) { return (w - v) ^ (u - v); };
for(size_t i = 0, j = 1; i < p.size(); i ++ )
const auto nxti = this -> nxt(i);
while(area(p[this -> nxt(j)], p[i], p[nxti]) >= area(p[j], p[i], p[nxti]))
j = this -> nxt(j);
func(p[j], p[i], p[nxti]);
// 凸多边形的直径的平方
T diameter2 () const
const auto & p = this -> p;
if(p.size() <= 2) return 0;
T ans = 1e18;
const auto func = [&] (const point<T> & u, const point<T> & v, const point<T> & w) {
ans = min(ans, Line{v, w - v}.dis(u));
return ans;
// 判断点是否在凸多边形内
// 复杂度 O(logn)
// -1 点在多边形边上 | 0 点在多边形外 | 1 点在多边形内
int is_in (const point<T> & a) const
const auto & p = this -> p;
if(p.size() == 1) return a == p[0] ? -1 : 0;
if(p.size() == 2) return segment<T>{p[0], p[1]}.is_on(a) ? -1 : 0;
if(a == p[0]) return -1;
if((p[1] - p[0]).toleft(a - p[0]) == -1 || (p.back() - p[0]).toleft(a - p[0]) == 1) return 0;
const auto cmp = [&] (const point<T> & u, const point<T> & v) {
return (u - p[0]).toleft(v - p[0]) == 1;
const size_t i = lower_bound(p.begin() + 1, p.end(), a, cmp) - p.begin();
if(i == 1) return segment<T>{p[0], p[1]}.is_on(a) ? -1 : 0;
if(i == p.size() - 1 && segment<T>{p[0], p.back()}.is_on(a)) return -1;
if(segment<T>{p[i - 1], p[i]}.is_on(a)) return -1;
return (p[i] - p[i - 1]).toleft(a - p[i - 1]) > 0;
// 凸多边形关于某一方向的极点
// 复杂度 O(logn)
// 参考资料:https://codeforces.com/blog/entry/48868
template<typename F> size_t extreme (const F & dir) const
const auto & p = this -> p;
const auto check = [&] (const size_t i) {
return dir(p[i]).toleft(p[this -> nxt(i)] - p[i]) >= 0;
const auto dir0 = dir(p[0]); const auto check0 = check(0);
if(!check0 && check(p.size() - 1)) return 0;
const auto cmp = [&] (const point<T> & v)
const size_t vi = &v - p.data();
if(vi == 0) return 1;
const auto checkv = check(vi);
const auto t = dir0.toleft(v - p[0]);
if(vi == 1 && checkv == check0 && t == 0) return 1;
return checkv ^ (checkv == check0 && t <= 0);
return partition_point(p.begin(), p.end(), cmp) - p.begin();
// 过凸多边形外一点求凸多边形的切线,返回切点下标
// 复杂度 O(logn)
// 必须保证点在多边形外
// 必须保证凸多边形点数大于等于 3,点数小于等于 2 的 case 需要特判
pair<size_t, size_t> tangent (const point<T> & a) const
const size_t i = extreme([&] (const point<T> & u) { return u - a; });
const size_t j = extreme([&] (const point<T> & u) { return a - u; });
return {i, j};
// 求平行于给定直线的凸多边形的切线,返回切点下标
// 复杂度 O(logn)
// 必须保证凸多边形点数大于等于 3,点数小于等于 2 的 case 需要特判
pair<size_t, size_t> tangent (const line<T> & a) const
const size_t i = extreme([&] (...) { return a.v; });
const size_t j = extreme([&] (...) { return -a.v; });
return {i, j};
using Convex = convex<point_t>;
// 圆
struct Circle
Point c;
long double r;
bool operator == (const Circle & a) const { return c == a.c && abs(r - a.r) <= eps; }
long double circ () const { return 2 * PI * r; } // 周长
long double area () const { return PI * r * r; } // 面积
// 点与圆的关系
// -1 圆上 | 0 圆外 | 1 圆内
int is_in (const Point & p) const
const long double d = p.dis(c);
if(abs(d - r) <= eps) return -1;
return d < r - eps;
// 直线与圆关系
// 0 相离 | 1 相切 | 2 相交
int relation (const Line & l) const
const long double d = l.dis(c);
if(d < r - eps) return 2;
return abs(d - r) <= eps;
// 圆与圆关系
// -1 相同 | 0 相离 | 1 外切 | 2 相交 | 3 内切 | 4 内含
int relation (const Circle & a) const
if((*this) == a) return -1;
const long double d = c.dis(a.c);
if(d > r + a.r + eps) return 0;
if(abs(d - r - a.r) <= eps) return 1;
if(abs(d - abs(r - a.r)) <= eps) return 3;
if(d < abs(r - a.r) - eps) return 4;
return 2;
// 直线与圆的交点
vector<Point> inter (const Line & l) const
const long double d = l.dis(c);
const Point p = l.proj(c);
const int t = relation(l);
if(t == 0) return {};
if(t == 1) return {p};
const long double k = sqrt(r * r - d * d);
return {p - l.v * k / l.v.len(), p + l.v * k / l.v.len()};
// 圆与圆交点
vector<Point> inter (const Circle & a) const
const long double d = c.dis(a.c);
const int t = relation(a);
if(t == -1 || t == 0 || t == 4) return {};
Point e = a.c - c; e = e * r / e.len();
if(t == 1 || t == 3)
if(r * r + d * d - a.r * a.r >= -eps) return {c + e};
return {c - e};
const long double costh = (r * r + d * d - a.r * a.r) / (2 * d * r), sinth = sqrt(1 - costh * costh);
return {c + e.rot(costh, -sinth), c + e.rot(costh, sinth)};
// 圆与圆交面积
long double inter_area (const Circle & a) const
const long double d = c.dis(a.c);
const int t = relation(a);
if(t == -1) return area();
if(t <= 1) return 0;
if(t >= 3) return min(area(), a.area());
const long double costh1 = (r * r + d * d - a.r * a.r) / (2 * r * d), costh2 = (a.r * a.r + d * d - r * r) / (2 * a.r * d);
const long double sinth1 = sqrt(1 - costh1 * costh1), sinth2 = sqrt(1 - costh2 * costh2);
const long double th1 = acos(costh1), th2 = acos(costh2);
return r * r * (th1 - costh1 * sinth1) + a.r * a.r * (th2 - costh2 * sinth2);
// 过圆外一点圆的切线
vector<Line> tangent (const Point & a) const
const int t = is_in(a);
if(t == 1) return {};
if(t == -1) return {{a, (a - c).rot()}};
Point e = a - c; e = e * r / e.len();
const long double costh = r / c.dis(a), sinth = sqrt(1 - costh * costh);
const Point t1 = c + e.rot(costh, -sinth), t2 = c + e.rot(costh, sinth); // t1, t2 对应为切点
return {{a, t1 - a}, {a, t2 - a}};
// 两圆的公切线
vector<Line> tangent (const Circle & a) const
const int t = relation(a);
if(t == -1 || t == 4) return {};
vector<Line> lines;
if(t == 1 || t == 3)
const Point p = inter(a)[0], v = (a.c - c).rot();
lines.push_back({p, v}); // t = 1: 内切线; t = 3: 外切线
const long double d = c.dis(a.c);
const Point e = (a.c - c) / (a.c - c).len();
const auto add = [&] (int sign)
const long double costh = (r - a.r * sign) / d, sinth = sqrt(1 - costh * costh);
const Point d1 = e.rot(costh, -sinth), d2 = e.rot(costh, sinth);
const Point u1 = c + d1 * r, u2 = c + d2 * r, v1 = a.c + d1 * sign * a.r, v2 = a.c + d2 * sign * a.r;
lines.push_back({u1, v1 - u1}), lines.push_back({u2, v2 - u2});
if(t <= 2) add(1); // 外切线
if(t == 0) add(-1); // 内切线
return lines;
// 圆上反演
tuple<bool, Point> inverse (const Point & a) const
if(a == c) return {0, {}};
const Point v = a - c;
const long double d = r * r / c.dis(a);
return {1, c + v * d / v.len()};
tuple<int, Circle, Line> inverse (const Line & l) const
if(l.toleft(c) == 0) return {2, {}, l};
const Point v = l.toleft(c) == 1 ? -l.v.rot() : l.v.rot();
const long double d = r * r / l.dis(c);
const Point p = c + v * d / v.len();
return {1, {(c + p) / 2, d / 2}, {}};
tuple<int, Circle, Line> inverse (const Circle & a) const
const Point v = a.c - c;
if(a.is_in(c) == -1)
const long double d = r * r / (a.r + a.r);
const Point p = c + v * d / v.len();
return {2, {}, {p, v.rot()}};
if(c == a.c) return {1, {c, r * r / a.r}, {}};
const long double d1 = r * r / (c.dis(a.c) - a.r), d2 = r * r / (c.dis(a.c) + a.r);
const Point p = c + v * d1 / v.len(), q = c + v * d2 / v.len();
return {1, {(p + q) / 2, p.dis(q) / 2}, {}};
bool equal(long double x,long double y){
return fabs(x-y)<eps;
void solve(){
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
scanf("%Lf %Lf",&x[i],&y[i]);
scanf("%Lf %Lf",&px,&py);
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
printf("%.15Lf %.15Lf\n",(x[1]+x[2])/2,(y[1]+y[2])/2);
return ;
Point p[3] = {{x[0], y[0]},{x[1], y[1]},{x[2], y[2]}},pp={px,py};
Segment s1={p[0],p[1]},s2={p[0],p[2]},s3={p[2],p[1]};
}else if(s2.is_on(pp)){
}else if(s3.is_on(pp)){
return ;
printf("%.15Lf %.15Lf\n",p[2].x,p[2].y);
return ;
long double ss=1.0/2/((pp-p[1]).len()/(p[0]-p[1]).len());
long double x=(p[2].x-p[1].x)*ss,y=(p[2].y-p[1].y)*ss;
long double ans1=p[1].x+x,ans2=p[1].y+y;
printf("%.15Lf %.15Lf\n",ans1,ans2);
int main(){
int t;
return 0;
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 0ms
memory: 3880kb
2 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 0
0.500000000000000 0.500000000000000 -1
ok 3 numbers
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 802ms
memory: 3916kb
999966 9456 15557 18451 3957 6242 20372 9855 5351 30245 31547 9979 4703 25914 19144 26670 11383 13855 0 24614 0 15860 11017 12445 0 27870 17680 4219 3554 9129 29072 28316 17893 3249 27269 12754 4923 31746 16860 14894 21576 6846 0 1915 0 25023 28721 10508 0 10110 11862 23224 10373 17715 8212 29474 11...
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 21424.681479417705649 13086.053910984188898 -1 -1 18711.237990304098721 10162.376377258704275 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 28212.952134892575469 245.817786238781615 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 22604.575302188827180 14546.1...
ok 1111378 numbers
Test #3:
score: 0
time: 819ms
memory: 3896kb
999974 9228 16833 13143 23461 5117 7645 21359 13652 21313 3160 20333 1620 16288 7781 13315 10132 4372 0 27536 0 3207 8695 9983 0 21469 29998 19948 29904 30517 11141 14857 12881 11116 29172 16833 32095 18915 9448 22043 12275 32131 0 14304 0 16638 29018 2048 0 4695 4823 14130 2496 32676 4092 6363 2476...
-1 -1 11482.990372016179569 5737.223836381245372 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 15409.841854934601665 12451.427863654379706 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 10828.971385779599559 25347.334857323033265 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 18768.672699464695388 12151....
ok 1110866 numbers
Test #4:
score: 0
time: 1439ms
memory: 3912kb
1000000 54242 34392 23333 92971 5711 47765 54242 34392 24492 41078 36756 68794 2060 62118 14678 50283 12685 18891 59613 23256 26016 46755 59613 23256 85238 49611 95092 85360 45143 87657 95092 85360 72852 37174 39825 60628 32289 18423 72852 37174 95309 61613 1645 45877 78395 38196 95309 61613 92215 7...
14522.000000000000000 70368.000000000000000 32900.888888888888889 68052.222222222222221 19350.500000000000000 32823.000000000000000 65190.500000000000000 68634.000000000000000 36057.000000000000000 39525.500000000000000 40020.000000000000000 42036.500000000000000 95183.500000000000000 40970.50000000...
ok 2000000 numbers