ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#195729 | #7521. Find the Gap | ucup-team368# | WA | 194ms | 3988kb | C++20 | 8.5kb | 2023-10-01 06:43:19 | 2023-10-01 06:43:20 |
Judging History
#ifndef SorahISA
#define SorahISA
#include SorahISA __FILE__ SorahISA
const double inf = 10000;
const double eps = 1e-10;
struct Point {
double x, y, z;
Point(double _x = 0, double _y = 0, double _z = 0): x(_x), y(_y), z(_z) {}
Point operator - (Point a, Point b) {return Point(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y, a.z - b.z);}
Point operator * (Point a, double f) {return Point(a.x * f, a.y * f, a.z * f);}
Point operator / (Point a, double f) {return Point(a.x / f, a.y / f, a.z / f);}
Point cross(Point a, Point b) {return Point(a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y, a.z * b.x - a.x * b.z, a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x);}
double dot(Point a, Point b) {return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z;}
double abs(Point a) {return sqrtl(dot(a, a));}
double abs(double f) {return (f < 0 ? -f : f);}
Point cross3(Point a, Point b, Point c) {return cross(b - a, c - a);}
double area(Point a, Point b, Point c) {return abs(cross3(a, b, c));}
double volume(Point a, Point b, Point c, Point d) {return dot(cross3(a, b, c), d - a);}
pdd proj(Point a, Point b, Point c, Point u) {
Point e1 = b - a;
Point e2 = c - a;
e1 = e1 / abs(e1);
e2 = e2 - e1 * dot(e2, e1);
e2 = e2 / abs(e2);
Point p = u - a;
return pdd(dot(p, e1), dot(p, e2));
void solve() {
int N; cin >> N;
vector<Point> pts(N);
for (int _x, _y, _z; auto &[x, y, z] : pts) cin >> _x >> _y >> _z, x = _x, y = _y, z = _z;
double ans = inf;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) for (int j = i+1; j < N; ++j) for (int k = j+1; k < N; ++k) {
if (abs(area(pts[i], pts[j], pts[k])) < eps) continue;
double mn = 0.0, mx = 0.0, base = abs(area(pts[i], pts[j], pts[k]));
for (int l = 0; l < N; ++l) {
double dis = volume(pts[i], pts[j], pts[k], pts[l]) / base;
chmax(mx, dis), chmin(mn, dis);
chmin(ans, mx - mn);
// debug(mn, mx);
cout << fixed << setprecision(15) << (ans > inf - eps ? 0.0 : __float80(ans)) << "\n";
int32_t main() {
int t = 1; // cin >> t;
for (int _ = 1; _ <= t; ++_) {
// cout << "Case #" << _ << ": ";
return 0;
#ifdef local
#define _GLIBCXX_DEBUG 1
#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast", "unroll-loops")
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define int int64_t
#define double __float128
using pii = pair<int, int>;
using pdd = pair<double, double>;
template <typename T> using Prior = std::priority_queue<T>;
template <typename T> using prior = std::priority_queue<T, vector<T>, greater<T>>;
// #define X first
// #define Y second
#define eb emplace_back
#define ef emplace_front
#define ee emplace
#define pb pop_back
#define pf pop_front
#define ALL(x) begin(x), end(x)
#define RALL(x) rbegin(x), rend(x)
#define SZ(x) ((int)(x).size())
template <size_t D, typename T> struct Vec : vector<Vec<D-1, T>> {
static_assert(D >= 1, "Vector dimension must be greater than zero!");
template <typename... Args> Vec(int n = 0, Args... args) : vector<Vec<D-1, T>>(n, Vec<D-1, T>(args...)) {}
template <typename T> struct Vec<1, T> : vector<T> {
Vec(int n = 0, const T& val = T()) : vector<T>(n, val) {}
template <class F>
inline constexpr decltype(auto) lambda_fix(F&& f) {
return [f = std::forward<F>(f)](auto&&... args) {
return f(f, std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...);
#ifdef local
#define fastIO() void()
#define debug(...) \
_color.emplace_back("\u001b[31m"), \
fprintf(stderr, "%sAt [%s], line %d: (%s) = ", _color.back().c_str(), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, #__VA_ARGS__), \
_do(__VA_ARGS__), _color.pop_back(), \
fprintf(stderr, "%s", _color.back().c_str())
deque<string> _color{"\u001b[0m"};
template <typename T> concept is_string = is_same_v<T, string&> or is_same_v<T, const string&>;
template <typename T> concept is_iterable = requires (T _t) {begin(_t);};
template <typename T> inline void _print_err(T &&_t);
template <typename T> inline void _print_err(T &&_t) requires is_iterable<T> and (not is_string<T>);
template <size_t I, typename ...U> inline typename enable_if<I == sizeof...(U), void>::type _print_err(const tuple<U...> &);
template <size_t I, typename ...U> inline typename enable_if<I < sizeof...(U), void>::type _print_err(const tuple<U...> &_t);
template <size_t I, typename ...U> inline typename enable_if<I == sizeof...(U), void>::type _print_err(tuple<U...> &);
template <size_t I, typename ...U> inline typename enable_if<I < sizeof...(U), void>::type _print_err(tuple<U...> &_t);
template <typename T, typename U> ostream& operator << (ostream &os, const pair<T, U> &_tu);
inline void _do() {cerr << "\n";};
template <typename T> inline void _do(T &&_t) {_print_err(_t), cerr << "\n";}
template <typename T, typename ...U> inline void _do(T &&_t, U &&..._u) {_print_err(_t), cerr << ", ", _do(_u...);}
#define fastIO() ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0), cin.tie(0)
#define debug(...) void()
mt19937_64 rng(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
inline int getRand(int L, int R) {
if (L > R) swap(L, R);
return (int)(rng() % ((uint64_t)R - L + 1) + L);
template <typename T, typename U> bool chmin(T &lhs, U rhs) {return lhs > rhs ? lhs = rhs, 1 : 0;}
template <typename T, typename U> bool chmax(T &lhs, U rhs) {return lhs < rhs ? lhs = rhs, 1 : 0;}
/// below are Fast I/O and _print_err templates ///
/// Fast I/O by FHVirus ///
/// https://fhvirus.github.io/blog/2020/fhvirus-io/ ///
#include <unistd.h>
const int S = 65536;
int OP = 0;
char OB[S];
inline char RC() {
static char buf[S], *p = buf, *q = buf;
return p == q and (q = (p = buf) + read(0, buf, S)) == buf ? -1 : *p++;
inline int RI() {
static char c;
int a;
while (((c = RC()) < '0' or c > '9') and c != '-' and c != -1);
if (c == '-') {
a = 0;
while ((c = RC()) >= '0' and c <= '9') a *= 10, a -= c ^ '0';
else {
a = c ^ '0';
while ((c = RC()) >= '0' and c <= '9') a *= 10, a += c ^ '0';
return a;
inline void WI(int n, char c = '\n') {
static char buf[20], p;
if (n == 0) OB[OP++] = '0';
p = 0;
if (n < 0) {
OB[OP++] = '-';
while (n) buf[p++] = '0' - (n % 10), n /= 10;
else {
while (n) buf[p++] = '0' + (n % 10), n /= 10;
for (--p; p >= 0; --p) OB[OP++] = buf[p];
OB[OP++] = c;
if (OP > S-20) write(1, OB, OP), OP = 0;
/// Fast I/O by FHVirus ///
/// https://fhvirus.github.io/blog/2020/fhvirus-io/ ///
#ifdef local
template <typename T> inline void _print_err(T &&_t) {cerr << _t;}
template <typename T> inline void _print_err(T &&_t) requires is_iterable<T> and (not is_string<T>) {
string _tmp_color = _color.back();
++_tmp_color[3], _color.emplace_back(_tmp_color);
cerr << _color.back() << "[";
for (bool _first = true; auto &_x : _t) {
if (!_first) cerr << ", ";
_print_err(_x), _first = false;
cerr << "]" << (_color.pop_back(), _color.back());
template <typename T, typename U> ostream& operator << (ostream &os, const pair<T, U> &_tu) {
string _tmp_color = _color.back();
++_tmp_color[3], _color.emplace_back(_tmp_color);
cerr << _color.back() << "(";
_print_err(_tu.first), cerr << ", ", _print_err(_tu.second);
cerr << ")" << (_color.pop_back(), _color.back());
return os;
template <size_t I = 0, typename ...U> inline typename enable_if<I == sizeof...(U), void>::type _print_err(const tuple<U...> &) {
cerr << ")" << (_color.pop_back(), _color.back());
template <size_t I = 0, typename ...U> inline typename enable_if<I < sizeof...(U), void>::type _print_err(const tuple<U...> &_t) {
if (!I) {
string _tmp_color = _color.back();
++_tmp_color[3], _color.emplace_back(_tmp_color);
cerr << _color.back();
cerr << (I ? ", " : "("), _print_err(get<I>(_t)), _print_err<I+1, U...>(_t);
template <size_t I = 0, typename ...U> inline typename enable_if<I == sizeof...(U), void>::type _print_err(tuple<U...> &) {
cerr << ")" << (_color.pop_back(), _color.back());
template <size_t I = 0, typename ...U> inline typename enable_if<I < sizeof...(U), void>::type _print_err(tuple<U...> &_t) {
if (!I) {
string _tmp_color = _color.back();
++_tmp_color[3], _color.emplace_back(_tmp_color);
cerr << _color.back();
cerr << (I ? ", " : "("), _print_err(get<I>(_t)), _print_err<I+1, U...>(_t);
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 0ms
memory: 3944kb
8 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2
ok found '1.000000000', expected '1.000000000', error '0.000000000'
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3872kb
5 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1
ok found '0.707106781', expected '0.707106781', error '0.000000000'
Test #3:
score: 0
time: 3ms
memory: 3880kb
50 973 1799 4431 1036 1888 4509 1099 1977 4587 1162 2066 4665 1225 2155 4743 1288 2244 4821 1351 2333 4899 1414 2422 4977 1540 2600 5133 1603 2689 5211 1666 2778 5289 1729 2867 5367 1792 2956 5445 1855 3045 5523 1918 3134 5601 1981 3223 5679 2044 3312 5757 2107 3401 5835 2170 3490 5913 2296 3668 606...
ok found '0.000000000', expected '0.000000000', error '-0.000000000'
Test #4:
score: 0
time: 5ms
memory: 3876kb
50 4532 3245 1339 4624 3260 1345 4716 3275 1351 4808 3290 1357 4900 3305 1363 5084 3335 1375 5176 3350 1381 5268 3365 1387 5360 3380 1393 5452 3395 1399 5544 3410 1405 5728 3440 1417 5820 3455 1423 5912 3470 1429 6096 3500 1441 6188 3515 1447 6280 3530 1453 6372 3545 1459 6464 3560 1465 6556 3575 14...
ok found '0.000000000', expected '0.000000000', error '-0.000000000'
Test #5:
score: 0
time: 134ms
memory: 3852kb
50 1 70 7443 1 138 5063 2 109 5971 3 23 8874 3 152 4359 4 59 7507 5 50 7715 5 73 6910 7 25 8376 7 103 5646 8 3 9039 9 83 6132 9 142 4067 10 124 4590 11 140 3923 12 168 2836 13 46 6999 13 84 5669 13 189 1994 13 229 594 15 171 2410 16 94 4998 20 38 6530 20 125 3485 21 78 5023 22 210 296 23 117 3444 25...
ok found '0.000000000', expected '0.000000000', error '-0.000000000'
Test #6:
score: 0
time: 139ms
memory: 3964kb
50 1 95 5991 3 22 9019 25 103 5199 25 141 3603 38 103 4952 39 139 3421 59 6 8627 60 48 6844 66 33 7360 107 88 4271 109 188 33 112 177 438 114 107 3340 122 77 4448 123 169 565 127 1 7545 142 161 540 143 70 4343 146 153 800 156 129 1618 162 63 4276 162 150 622 166 93 2940 173 78 3437 180 143 574 189 1...
ok found '0.000000000', expected '0.000000000', error '-0.000000000'
Test #7:
score: -100
Wrong Answer
time: 194ms
memory: 3988kb
50 14 3658 1218 17 32 7984 741 1906 5773 755 8668 1019 834 2386 4591 1306 3866 7044 2304 2895 120 2450 8613 7374 2595 1919 2119 2610 9866 9419 2694 2845 2941 2838 2702 7608 2883 4143 4049 3082 4800 3611 3338 6703 9039 3424 2035 1863 3471 2672 5858 4339 1330 2029 4720 6970 4719 4853 387 5866 5415 975...
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '9341.5658962', found: '9348.2131779', error = '0.0007116'