

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit timeJudge time
#178155#4380. Travel planjrjyy#TL 0ms0kbC++206.0kb2023-09-13 18:39:572023-09-13 18:39:57

Judging History


  • [2023-09-13 18:39:57]
  • 评测
  • 测评结果:TL
  • 用时:0ms
  • 内存:0kb
  • [2023-09-13 18:39:57]
  • 提交


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using i64 = long long;

template <typename T> constexpr T power(T a, i64 b) {
    T c{1}; for (; b; b /= 2, a *= a) if (b & 1) c *= a;
    return c;
template <int P> struct MInt {
    int x;
    constexpr MInt() : x{} {}
    constexpr MInt(i64 x_) : x{norm(x_ % getMod())} {}
    static int Mod;
    constexpr static int getMod() { return P > 0 ? P : Mod; }
    constexpr static void setMod(int Mod_) { Mod = Mod_; }
    constexpr int up(int x) const {
        if (x < 0) x += getMod();
        return x;
    constexpr int down(int x) const {
        if (x >= getMod()) x -= getMod();
        return x;
    constexpr int norm(int x) const {
        return up(down(x));
    constexpr int val() const { return x; }
    explicit constexpr operator int() const { return x; }
    constexpr MInt operator-() const {
        MInt res; res.x = norm(getMod() - x); return res;
    constexpr MInt inv() const {
        assert(x != 0);
        return power(*this, getMod() - 2);
    constexpr MInt &operator+=(MInt rhs) & { return x = down(x + rhs.x), *this; }
    constexpr MInt &operator-=(MInt rhs) & { return x = up(x - rhs.x), *this; }
    constexpr MInt &operator*=(MInt rhs) & { return x = 1ll * x * rhs.x % getMod(), *this; }
    constexpr MInt &operator/=(MInt rhs) & { return *this *= rhs.inv(); }
    friend constexpr MInt operator+(MInt lhs, MInt rhs) { return lhs += rhs; }
    friend constexpr MInt operator-(MInt lhs, MInt rhs) { return lhs -= rhs; }
    friend constexpr MInt operator*(MInt lhs, MInt rhs) { return lhs *= rhs; }
    friend constexpr MInt operator/(MInt lhs, MInt rhs) { return lhs /= rhs; }
    friend constexpr bool operator==(MInt lhs, MInt rhs) { return lhs.val() == rhs.val(); }
    friend constexpr bool operator!=(MInt lhs, MInt rhs) { return lhs.val() != rhs.val(); }
    friend constexpr std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, MInt &a) {
        i64 x = 0; is >> x, a = MInt(x); return is;
    friend constexpr std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const MInt &a) {
        return os << a.val();

template <int P> int MInt<P>::Mod = P;
template <> int MInt<0>::Mod = 998244353;
template <int V, int P> constexpr MInt<P> CInv = MInt<P>(V).inv();

constexpr int P = 998244353;
using Z = MInt<P>;

void solve() {
    int n, m, l;
    std::cin >> n >> m >> l;

    std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, int>> edges;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
        int u, v, w;
        std::cin >> u >> v >> w;
        --u, --v;
        edges.emplace_back(u, v, w);

    std::vector<Z> ans(l + 1);
    std::vector<int> s;
    std::vector<std::vector<int>> adj(n), g(n);
    std::vector<int> dfn(n), low(n), id(n), stk;
    std::vector<Z> f(2 * n);
    for (int x = 1; x <= l; ++x) {
        for (auto [u, v, w] : edges) {
            if (w % x == 0) {

        std::sort(s.begin(), s.end());
        s.erase(std::unique(s.begin(), s.end()), s.end());

        for (auto u : s) {
            dfn[u] = low[u] = id[u] = -1;
        int cur = 0, cnt = 0;
        auto dfs = [&](auto self, int u) -> void {
            dfn[u] = low[u] = cur++;
            for (auto v : adj[u]) {
                if (dfn[v] == -1) {
                    self(self, v);
                    low[u] = std::min(low[u], low[v]);
                    if (dfn[u] == low[v]) {
                        if (stk.back() == v) {
                        } else {
                            for (int x = -1; x != v; stk.pop_back()) {
                                x = stk.back();
                                g[cnt + n].push_back(x);
                            g[u].push_back(cnt + n);
                } else {
                    low[u] = std::min(low[u], dfn[v]);
        Z res = 0;
        auto dfs2 = [&](auto self, int u) -> void {
            f[u] = 0;
            Z sum = 0;
            for (auto v : g[u]) {
                self(self, v);
                if (u < n) {
                    res += 2 * f[v];
                sum -= f[v] * f[v];
                f[u] += f[v];
            sum += f[u] * f[u];
            res += sum * (1 + (u >= n));
            f[u] = (f[u] + (u < n)) * (1 + (u >= n));
        for (auto u : s) {
            if (dfn[u] == -1) {
                dfs(dfs, u);
                dfs2(dfs2, u);
        ans[x] = res;
        for (auto u : s) {

    std::vector<int> pri, mu(l + 1);
    std::vector<bool> vis(l + 1);
    mu[1] = 1;
    for (int i = 2; i <= l; ++i) {
        if (!vis[i]) {
            mu[i] = -1;
        for (auto p : pri) {
            if (i * p > l) {
            vis[i * p] = true;
            if (i % p == 0) {
                mu[i * p] = 0;
            } else {
                mu[i * p] = -mu[i];

    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i <= l; ++i) {
        for (int j = 2 * i; j <= l; j += i) {
            ans[i] += mu[j / i] * ans[j];
        sum ^= (ans[i] / 2).val();

    std::cout << sum << "\n";

int main() {

    int t;
    std::cin >> t;

    while (t--) {

    return 0;


Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information

Test #1:

score: 0
Time Limit Exceeded


3 3 6
1 2 6
2 3 4
3 1 5
5 4 10
1 2 10
1 3 1
2 4 8
4 5 9
100000 133392 100000
1 2 38759
1 3 63879
3 4 70473
1 5 79849
1 6 70562
5 7 83128
3 8 89713
4 9 6190
4 10 44171
7 11 99719
5 12 18707
1 13 33509
3 14 96110
11 15 84651
4 16 17844
3 17 64945
5 18 82684
9 19 94007
16 20 54506
11 21 10076
4 22 ...

