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ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#164861 | #4218. Hidden Graph | training4usaco | WA | 3ms | 3776kb | C++17 | 1.5kb | 2023-09-05 14:13:54 | 2023-09-05 14:13:55 |
Judging History
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define int long long
#define pii pair<int, int>
#define ff first
#define ss second
const int MAXN = 2e3 + 5;
int n;
vector<int> adj[MAXN];
int color[MAXN], used[MAXN];
set<int> sets[MAXN];
pii ask(set<int> nodes) {
cout << "? " << nodes.size() << " ";
for(auto node : nodes) cout << node << " ";
cout << endl;
// cout << "hello: " << endl;
int a, b; cin >> a >> b;
return {min(a, b), max(a, b)};
void magic(int u) {
for(auto v : adj[u]) {
if(color[v] != 0) used[color[v]] = u;
for(int c = 1; c <= n; ++c) {
if(used[c] != u) {
color[u] = c; sets[u].insert(c);
for(auto v : adj[u]) {
if(color[v] == 0) magic(v);
signed main() {
cin >> n;
vector<pii> ans;
for(int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) {
// cout << "i: " << i << endl;
for(int j = 1; j <= n; ++j) {
color[j] = used[j] = 0;
for(int j = 1; j < i; ++j) {
if(color[j] == 0) magic(j);
for(int c = 1; c <= n; ++c) {
if(sets[c].empty()) break;
pii edge = ask(sets[c]);
while(edge.ff != -1) {
adj[edge.ff].push_back(edge.ss); adj[edge.ss].push_back(edge.ff);
if(sets[c].size() < 2) break;
edge = ask(sets[c]);
cout << "! " << ans.size() << endl;
for(auto edge : ans) cout << edge.ff << " " << edge.ss << endl;
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Test #1:
score: 100
time: 1ms
memory: 3712kb
3 1 2 1 3 2 3
? 2 1 2 ? 2 1 3 ? 2 2 3 ! 3 1 2 1 3 2 3
ok correct
Test #2:
score: -100
Wrong Answer
time: 3ms
memory: 3776kb
10 1 2 1 3 -1 -1 1 4 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 5 2 5 2 5 -1 -1 2 6 2 6 2 6 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
? 2 1 2 ? 2 1 3 ? 2 2 3 ? 2 1 4 ? 2 2 4 ? 2 2 4 ? 2 1 5 ? 2 2 5 ? 2 2 5 ? 2 2 5 ? 2 1 6 ? 2 2 6 ? 2 2 6 ? 2 2 6 ? 2 1 6 ? 2 1 7 ? 2 2 7 ? 2 2 7 ? 2 2 7 ? 2 1 7 ? 2 1 7 ? 2 1 8 ? 2 2 8 ? 2 2 8 ? 2 2 8 ? 2 1 8 ? 2 1 8 ? 2 1 8 ? 2 1 9 ? 2 2 9 ? 2 2 9 ? 2 2 9 ? 2 1 9 ? 2...
wrong answer read 9 edges but expected 12 edges