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ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#159202 | #7110. Kuririn MIRACLE | ucup-team1448# | AC ✓ | 173ms | 4252kb | C++14 | 1.4kb | 2023-09-02 17:37:25 | 2023-09-02 17:37:34 |
Judging History
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using db = double;
const db eps = 1e-8;
db f(db x) { return 1 / (-sin(x) + sqrt(sin(x) * sin(x) + 3)); }
db simp(db l, db r) { return (r - l) * (f(l) + 4 * f((l + r) / 2) + f(r)) / 6; }
db asr(db l, db r, db eps, db ans, db step) {
db m = (l + r) / 2;
db fl = simp(l, m), fr = simp(m, r);
if (abs(fl + fr - ans) <= 15 * eps && step < 0)
return fl + fr + (fl + fr - ans) / 15;
return asr(l, m, eps / 2, fl, step - 1) +
asr(m, r, eps / 2, fr, step - 1);
db V, R, D, K;
db time(db x) { return asr(x, M_PI, eps, simp(x, M_PI), 6) * K; }
int main() {
int T;
scanf("%d", &T);
while(T--) {
scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &V, &R, &D);
R *= 2, K = R / V;
if (time(0.) * V + 2 * R > D) {
printf("%.9f\n", D / V);
} else {
db l = 0, r = M_PI_2, m, t, s;
while (r - l > eps) {
m = (l + r) / 2;
t = time(m) + R * tan(m) * f(m) / V;
s = t * V + R * (1 + 1 / cos(m));
(s > D ? r : l) = m;
// printf("%f-%f-%f %f/%f ", l / M_PI * 180, m / M_PI * 180, r / M_PI * 180, s, t);
// (s > D ? (puts("R"), r) : (puts("L"), l)) = m;
// (t > 8.310579933902352 ? (puts("R"), r) : (puts("L"), l)) = m;
printf("%.9f\n", t);
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Test #1:
score: 100
time: 1ms
memory: 4160kb
1 2.00 3 30.0
ok found '8.3105799', expected '8.3105799', error '0.0000000'
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 18ms
memory: 4252kb
100 8.66 6.05 71.59 8.44 8.67 82.55 4.23 9.68 24.74 6.63 9.95 7.45 1.2 7.27 97.55 2.08 2.94 31.61 8.48 5.56 20.16 7.35 5.55 52.48 1.35 8.15 51.23 3.88 9.02 72.37 7.03 1.97 57.03 1.78 4.44 93.44 5.5 6.11 52.94 1.09 9.64 69.01 1.01 3.54 16.78 1.63 4.55 44.06 5.82 5.51 5.92 5.62 2.93 76.01 4.75 4.43 73...
4.457837122 5.488360809 5.848699764 1.123680241 43.266480102 8.305490125 2.377358491 4.015485971 37.948148148 18.652061856 4.155123716 27.178962760 9.625454545 63.311926606 16.613861386 15.093994460 1.017182131 6.949623571 8.150430304 8.858447489 1.769764216 4.541139241 10.473186120 5.620603015 4.33...
ok 100 numbers
Test #3:
score: 0
time: 173ms
memory: 4220kb
1000 7.52 6.68 80.67 5.34 6.82 45.75 3.57 6.35 22.35 9.55 3.65 31.38 9.37 5.73 40.42 1.83 8.38 82.97 4.86 6.13 9.45 3.88 5.34 84.19 6.49 4.15 85.24 6.51 7.23 42.97 3.0 5.98 57.53 9.35 2.76 69.07 6.76 9.16 91.24 2.98 9.89 49.2 9.16 3.85 66.14 1.84 3.03 37.43 8.01 5.04 50.98 4.05 9.86 4.76 5.4 5.49 60...
5.770882672 8.567415730 6.260504202 3.285863874 4.313767343 25.176484188 1.944444444 11.406299631 6.807191144 6.600614439 10.727712553 3.800197758 7.484484299 16.510067114 3.775697008 10.915711109 3.517527648 1.175308642 6.095287441 14.443181818 8.416824119 8.489455360 6.028112337 14.641104294 0.981...
ok 1000 numbers
Extra Test:
score: 0
Extra Test Passed