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ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#153159 | #6851. Cyclically Isomorphic | jrjyy# | AC ✓ | 59ms | 4048kb | C++20 | 4.0kb | 2023-08-29 15:03:44 | 2023-08-29 15:03:45 |
Judging History
/* e.cpp */
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using i64 = long long;
struct DSU {
std::vector<int> fa, sz;
DSU(int n = 0) { init(n); }
void init(int n) {
fa.resize(n), std::iota(fa.begin(), fa.end(), 0);
sz.assign(n, 1);
int find(int x) {
while (x != fa[x]) x = fa[x] = fa[fa[x]];
return x;
bool same(int x, int y) { return find(x) == find(y); }
bool merge(int x, int y) {
if ((x = find(x)) == (y = find(y))) return false;
return sz[x] += sz[y], fa[y] = x, true;
int size(int x) { return sz[find(x)]; }
template <typename T> constexpr T power(T a, i64 b) {
T c{1}; for (; b; b /= 2, a *= a) if (b & 1) c *= a;
return c;
template <int P> struct MInt {
int x;
constexpr MInt() : x{} {}
constexpr MInt(i64 x_) : x{norm(x_ % getMod())} {}
static int Mod;
constexpr static int getMod() { return P > 0 ? P : Mod; }
constexpr static void setMod(int Mod_) { Mod = Mod_; }
constexpr int up(int x) const {
if (x < 0) x += getMod();
return x;
constexpr int down(int x) const {
if (x >= getMod()) x -= getMod();
return x;
constexpr int norm(int x) const {
return up(down(x));
constexpr int val() const { return x; }
explicit constexpr operator int() const { return x; }
constexpr MInt operator-() const {
MInt res; res.x = norm(getMod() - x); return res;
constexpr MInt inv() const {
assert(x != 0);
return power(*this, getMod() - 2);
constexpr MInt &operator+=(MInt rhs) & { return x = down(x + rhs.x), *this; }
constexpr MInt &operator-=(MInt rhs) & { return x = up(x - rhs.x), *this; }
constexpr MInt &operator*=(MInt rhs) & { return x = 1ll * x * rhs.x % getMod(), *this; }
constexpr MInt &operator/=(MInt rhs) & { return *this *= rhs.inv(); }
friend constexpr MInt operator+(MInt lhs, MInt rhs) { return lhs += rhs; }
friend constexpr MInt operator-(MInt lhs, MInt rhs) { return lhs -= rhs; }
friend constexpr MInt operator*(MInt lhs, MInt rhs) { return lhs *= rhs; }
friend constexpr MInt operator/(MInt lhs, MInt rhs) { return lhs /= rhs; }
friend constexpr bool operator==(MInt lhs, MInt rhs) { return lhs.val() == rhs.val(); }
friend constexpr bool operator!=(MInt lhs, MInt rhs) { return lhs.val() != rhs.val(); }
friend constexpr std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, MInt &a) {
i64 x = 0; is >> x, a = MInt(x); return is;
friend constexpr std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const MInt &a) {
return os << a.val();
template <int P> int MInt<P>::Mod = P;
template <> int MInt<0>::Mod = 1;
template <int V, int P> constexpr MInt<P> CInv = MInt<P>(V).inv();
constexpr int P = 1011451423;
using Z = MInt<P>;
constexpr Z B = 31;
void solve() {
int n, m;
std::cin >> n >> m;
std::vector<std::string> a(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
std::cin >> a[i];
Z x = power(B, m - 1);
std::map<int, int> mp;
DSU dsu(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Z h = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
h = h * B + (a[i][j] - 'a');
for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
if (mp.count(h.val())) {
dsu.merge(mp[h.val()], i);
h = (h - (a[i][j] - 'a') * x) * B + (a[i][j] - 'a');
if (dsu.find(i) == i) {
mp[h.val()] = i;
int q;
std::cin >> q;
while (q--) {
int x, y;
std::cin >> x >> y;
--x, --y;
if (dsu.same(x, y)) {
std::cout << "Yes\n";
} else {
std::cout << "No\n";
int main() {
int t;
std::cin >> t;
while (t--) {
return 0;
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Test #1:
score: 100
time: 59ms
memory: 4048kb
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