ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#148744 | #6631. Maximum Bitwise OR | 275307894a | WA | 44ms | 97708kb | C++14 | 2.5kb | 2023-08-23 18:24:07 | 2023-08-23 20:26:57 |
Judging History
#define Gc() getchar()
#define Me(x,y) memset(x,y,sizeof(x))
#define Mc(x,y) memcpy(x,y,sizeof(x))
#define d(x,y) ((m)*(x-1)+(y))
#define R(n) (rnd()%(n)+1)
#define Pc(x) putchar(x)
#define LB lower_bound
#define UB upper_bound
#define fi first
#define se second
using namespace std;using ll=long long;using db=double;using lb=long db;using ui=unsigned;using ull=unsigned long long;using pii=pair<int,int>;using LL=__int128;
const int N=1e5+5,M=N*4+5,K=14348907+5,mod=998244353,Mod=mod-1;const db eps=1e-9;const int INF=1e9+7;mt19937 rnd(time(0));
int n,m,k,A[N];
struct Node{
int f[30],g[30];
void add1(int x){
for(int i=0;i<30;i++) if(A[x]>>i&1) f[i]=x;
void add2(int x){
for(int i=0;i<30;i++) if(f[i]==x) return ;x=A[x];
int LA=-1;for(int i=0;i<30;i++) if(x>>i&1) g[i]=min(g[i],LA+1),LA=i;
Node operator +(const Node &B)const{
Node C;
for(int i=0;i<30;i++) C.g[i]=min(g[i],B.g[i]);
for(int i=0;i<30;i++) {
if(f[i]==-1||B.f[i]==-1||(f[i]&&B.f[i])) C.f[i]=-1;
else C.f[i]=f[i]+B.f[i];
for(int i=0;i<30;i++) {
if(f[i]>0&&f[i]^C.f[i]) C.add2(f[i]);
if(B.f[i]>0&&B.f[i]^C.f[i]) C.add2(B.f[i]);
return C;
namespace Tree{
#define ls v<<1
#define rs v<<1|1
Node f[M];
void Up(int v){f[v]=f[ls]+f[rs];}
void BD(int l=1,int r=n,int v=1){
if(l==r) return f[v].add1(l);int m=l+r>>1;
Node qry(int x,int y,int l=1,int r=n,int v=1){
if(x<=l&&r<=y) return f[v];int m=l+r>>1;
if(y<=m) return qry(x,y,l,m,ls);if(x>m) return qry(x,y,m+1,r,rs);
return qry(x,y,l,m,ls)+qry(x,y,m+1,r,rs);
void Solve(){
int i,j;scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
for(i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",&A[i]);
int x,y;scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);
Node p=Tree::qry(x,y);
int tar=-1;
for(i=29;~i;i--) if(p.f[i]){tar=i;break;}
int flag=0;for(i=0;i<=tar;i++) if(!p.f[i]) flag=1;
printf("%d ",(1<<tar+1)-1);
if(!flag) {puts("0");continue;}
for(i=0;i<30;i++) if(p.f[i]>0){
int x=A[p.f[i]];
int flag=0;for(j=0;j<30;j++) if(p.f[j]==p.f[i]) flag++;
if(flag>1) continue;
int LA=-1;for(j=0;j<i;j++) if(x>>j&1) LA=j;
flag=0;int l=0,r=tar;
while(p.f[l]) l++;while(p.f[r]) r--;
for(i=0;i<30;i++) if(p.g[i]<=l&&r<=i) flag=1;
if(flag) puts("1");
else puts("2");
int main(){
int t;
// t=1;
while(t--) Solve();
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 1ms
memory: 97708kb
1 3 2 10 10 5 1 2 1 3
15 2 15 0
ok 4 number(s): "15 2 15 0"
Test #2:
score: -100
Wrong Answer
time: 44ms
memory: 97564kb
100000 1 1 924704060 1 1 1 1 149840457 1 1 1 1 515267304 1 1 1 1 635378394 1 1 1 1 416239424 1 1 1 1 960156404 1 1 1 1 431278082 1 1 1 1 629009153 1 1 1 1 140374311 1 1 1 1 245014761 1 1 1 1 445512399 1 1 1 1 43894730 1 1 1 1 129731646 1 1 1 1 711065534 1 1 1 1 322643984 1 1 1 1 482420443 1 1 1 1 20...
1073741823 2 1073741823 2 1073741823 2 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1073741823 0 1...
wrong answer 3rd numbers differ - expected: '268435455', found: '1073741823'