

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit timeJudge time
#140418#1. I/O Testxhgua0 0ms0kbC++142.9kb2023-08-15 21:21:062023-08-15 21:21:08

Judging History


  • [2023-08-15 21:21:08]
  • 评测
  • 测评结果:0
  • 用时:0ms
  • 内存:0kb
  • [2023-08-15 21:21:06]
  • 提交


10000000 10000000


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

#define i64 long long
#define all(x) x.begin(), x.end()
#define seg(a, l, r) a + l, a + r + 1
#define rep(i, a, b) for(int i = (a); i <= (b); i++)
#define per(i, a, b) for(int i = (a); i >= (b); i--)

using namespace std;

namespace FastIO {
	char bufIn[1 << 20], bufOut[1 << 20], *p1, *p2, *pOut = bufOut;

	inline char gc() { return (p1 == p2) && (p2 = (p1 = bufIn) + fread(bufIn, 1, 1 << 20, stdin)), p1 == p2 ? EOF : *p1++; }
	template<typename T>
	inline void read(T &x) {
		x = 0; int f = 1; char ch = gc();
		while(!isdigit(ch)) { if(ch == '-') f = -1; ch = gc(); }
		while( isdigit(ch)) x = x * 10 + (ch - '0'), ch = gc();
		x *= f;
	inline void push(const char &c) {
		if(pOut - bufOut == (1 << 20)) fwrite(bufOut, 1, 1 << 20, stdout), pOut = bufOut;
		*pOut++ = c;
	template<typename T>
	inline void write(T x) {
		if(x < 0) x = -x, push('-');
		static T stk[40];
		int tp = 0;
		do {
			stk[tp++] = x % 10;
			x /= 10;
		} while(x);

		while(tp) push(stk[--tp] + '0');
	template<typename T>
	inline void writeln(T x) {
		write(x); push('\n');
	template<typename T>
	inline void writesp(T x) {
		write(x); push(' ');
	void flush() {
		fwrite(bufOut, 1, pOut - bufOut, stdout);

using namespace FastIO;

int n;

int main() {

	i64 sum = 0;
	rep(i, 1, n) {
		int x;
		cin >> x;
		sum += x;

    return flush(), 0;


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

#define i64 long long
#define all(x) x.begin(), x.end()
#define seg(a, l, r) a + l, a + r + 1
#define rep(i, a, b) for(int i = (a); i <= (b); i++)
#define per(i, a, b) for(int i = (a); i >= (b); i--)

using namespace std;

namespace FastIO {
	char bufIn[1 << 20], bufOut[1 << 20], *p1, *p2, *pOut = bufOut;

	inline char gc() { return (p1 == p2) && (p2 = (p1 = bufIn) + fread(bufIn, 1, 1 << 20, stdin)), p1 == p2 ? EOF : *p1++; }
	template<typename T>
	inline void read(T &x) {
		x = 0; int f = 1; char ch = gc();
		while(!isdigit(ch)) { if(ch == '-') f = -1; ch = gc(); }
		while( isdigit(ch)) x = x * 10 + (ch - '0'), ch = gc();
		x *= f;
	inline void push(const char &c) {
		if(pOut - bufOut == (1 << 20)) fwrite(bufOut, 1, 1 << 20, stdout), pOut = bufOut;
		*pOut++ = c;
	template<typename T>
	inline void write(T x) {
		if(x < 0) x = -x, push('-');
		static T stk[40];
		int tp = 0;
		do {
			stk[tp++] = x % 10;
			x /= 10;
		} while(x);

		while(tp) push(stk[--tp] + '0');
	template<typename T>
	inline void writeln(T x) {
		write(x); push('\n');
	template<typename T>
	inline void writesp(T x) {
		write(x); push(' ');
	void flush() {
		fwrite(bufOut, 1, pOut - bufOut, stdout);

using namespace FastIO;

int n;

int main() {

	rep(i, 1, n) writesp("114541919");

    return flush(), 0;


Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information

Subtask #1:

score: 0
input_test Time Limit Exceeded

Test #1:

score: 0
input_test Time Limit Exceeded


840816995 571067662 997801010 128566088 482372503 253002083 922775033 832811157 487107062 957089900 200918239 638641351 195246543 247549971 731152935 758068330 159203491 280196990 234356020 213954769 544270106 900525137 367100508 289258284 282827582 777874585 552611893 264979149 124193668 6...



Subtask #2:

score: 0
output_test Judgement Failed

Test #2:

score: 0
output_test Judgement Failed



