The 2nd Universal Cup Finals is coming! Check out our event page, schedule, and competition rules!
ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#139166 | #4423. AMPPZ in the times of disease | ckiseki# | RE | 0ms | 0kb | C++17 | 6.3kb | 2023-08-12 18:42:36 | 2023-08-12 18:42:39 |
Judging History
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define all(x) begin(x), end(x)
#ifdef CKISEKI
#define safe cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " line " << __LINE__ << " safe\n"
#define debug(a...) debug_(#a, a)
#define orange(a...) orange_(#a, a)
template <typename ...T>
void debug_(const char *s, T ...a) {
cerr << "\e[1;32m(" << s << ") = (";
int cnt = sizeof...(T);
(..., (cerr << a << (--cnt ? ", " : ")\e[0m\n")));
template <typename I>
void orange_(const char *s, I L, I R) {
cerr << "\e[1;32m[ " << s << " ] = [ ";
for (int f = 0; L != R; ++L)
cerr << (f++ ? ", " : "") << *L;
cerr << " ]\e[0m\n";
#define safe ((void)0)
#define debug(...) safe
#define orange(...) safe
#define IM imag
#define RE real
constexpr int64_t C = 1e9;
// constexpr int maxn = 2000000 + 5;
using i128 = __int128_t;
using lld = int64_t;
using P = complex<int64_t>;
lld norm(P a) {
return 1LL*RE(a)*RE(a) + 1LL*IM(a)*IM(a);
int sgn(lld x) { return (x > 0) - (x < 0); }
lld cross(P a, P b) {
return 1LL * RE(a) * IM(b) - 1LL * IM(a) * RE(b);
// lld s = IM(conj(a) * b);
// return s;
int ori(P a, P b, P c) {
int s = sgn(cross(b - a, c - a));
return s;
#define L(i) ((i)==0 ? 2 : (i)-1)
#define R(i) ((i)==2 ? 0 : (i)+1)
#define FOR for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
bool in_cc(const array<P, 3> &p, P q) {
i128 det = 0;
FOR det += i128(norm(p[i]) - norm(q)) * cross(p[R(i)] - q, p[L(i)] - q);
return det > 0;
struct Tri;
struct E {
Tri *t;
int side;
E() : t(0), side(0) {}
E(Tri *t_, int side_) : t(t_), side(side_) {}
struct Tri {
array<P, 3> p;
array<Tri *,3> ch;
array<E, 3> e;
Tri() {}
Tri(P a, P b, P c) : p{a, b, c}, ch{} {}
bool has_chd() const { return ch[0] != nullptr; }
bool contains(P q) const {
FOR if (ori(p[i], p[R(i)], q) < 0) return false;
return true;
} *pool/*pool[maxn * 10]*/, *it;
void link(E a, E b) {
if (a.t) a.t->e[a.side] = b;
if (b.t) b.t->e[b.side] = a;
struct Trigs {
Tri *root;
Trigs() {
root = new(it++) Tri(P(-C, -C), P(C*2, -C), P(-C, C*2));
void add_point(P p) {
add_point(find(p, root), p);
static Tri *find(P p, Tri *r) {
while (r->has_chd()) for (Tri *c: r->ch)
if (c && c->contains(p)) { r = c; break; }
return r;
void add_point(Tri *r, P p) {
array<Tri *, 3> t;
FOR t[i] = new(it++) Tri(r->p[i], r->p[R(i)], p);
FOR link(E(t[i], 0), E(t[R(i)], 1));
FOR link(E(t[i], 2), r->e[L(i)]);
r->ch = t;
FOR flip(t[i], 2);
void flip(Tri *A, int a) {
auto [B, b] = A->e[a];
if (!B || !in_cc(A->p, B->p[b])) return;
Tri *X = new(it++)Tri(A->p[R(a)],B->p[b],A->p[a]);
Tri *Y = new(it++)Tri(B->p[R(b)],A->p[a],B->p[b]);
link(E(X,0), E(Y,0));
link(E(X,1), A->e[L(a)]); link(E(X,2), B->e[R(b)]);
link(E(Y,1), B->e[L(b)]); link(E(Y,2), A->e[R(a)]);
A->ch = B->ch = {X, Y, nullptr};
flip(X, 1); flip(X, 2); flip(Y, 1); flip(Y, 2);
vector<Tri *> res;
set<Tri *> vis;
void go(Tri *now) {
if (!vis.insert(now).second) return;
if (!now->has_chd()) return res.push_back(now);
for (Tri *c: now->ch) if (c) go(c);
void build(vector<P> &ps) {
it = pool;
shuffle(ps.begin(), ps.end(), mt19937(114514));
Trigs tr; for (P p: ps) tr.add_point(p);
vector<P> convex_hull(vector<P> v) {
sort(all(v), [](P &a, P & b) {
return make_pair(RE(a), IM(a)) < make_pair(RE(b), IM(b));
if (v[0] == v.back()) return {v[0]};
int t = 0, s = 1; vector<P> h(v.size() + 1);
for (int _ = 2; _--; s = t--, reverse(all(v)))
for (P p: v) {
while (t > s && ori(p, h[t-1], h[t-2]) >= 0) t--;
h[t++] = p;
return h.resize(t), h;
lld farthest(vector<P> &p) {
int n = p.size(), pos = 1;
lld ans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
P e = p[(i + 1) % n] - p[i];
while (cross(e, p[(pos + 1) % n] - p[i]) > cross(e, p[pos] - p[i]))
pos = (pos + 1) % n;
for (int j: {i, (i + 1) % n})
ans = max(ans, norm(p[pos] - p[j]));
return ans;
struct Dsu {
vector<int> pa;
int anc(int x) {
return pa[x]==x ? x : pa[x]=anc(pa[x]);
bool join(int x, int y) {
x = anc(x), y = anc(y);
if (x == y) return false;
pa[y] = x;
return true;
Dsu(int n) : pa(n) {
iota(all(pa), 0);
int main() {
int t;
cin >> t;
while (t--) {
int n, k;
cin >> n >> k;
pool = new Tri[n * 7];
vector<P> p(n);
map<pair<int,int>, int> mp;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int x, y;
cin >> x >> y;
mp[{x, y}] = i;
p[i] = {x, y};
const auto gid = [&mp](P &q) {
if (RE(q) >= C || RE(q) <= -C || IM(q) >= C || IM(q) <= -C) return -1;
if (auto jt = mp.find({RE(q), IM(q)}); jt != mp.end())
return jt->second;
return -1;
vector<tuple<lld,int,int>> e, te;
for (auto *pp: res) {
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
auto p1 = pp->p[x], p2 = pp->p[(x + 1) % 3];
int i = gid(p1);
int j = gid(p2);
if (i != -1 && j != -1) {
lld d = norm(p1 - p2);
e.emplace_back(d, i, j);
Dsu dsu(n);
int CC = n;
for (auto &[w, i, j]: e) {
if (CC == k) {
te.emplace_back(w, i, j);
if (dsu.join(i, j)) {
vector<int> id(n);
int ctr = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (dsu.anc(i) == i)
id[i] = ctr++;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (dsu.anc(i) != i)
id[i] = id[dsu.anc(i)];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cout << id[i]+1 << (i+1==n ?
'\n' : ' ');
delete[] pool;
return 0;
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Test #1:
score: 0
Runtime Error
100 100000 20 270505 510725 245104 76414 131477 992924 781607 895592 562469 622976 564354 637966 980036 112090 522903 687218 113871 977855 6615 123673 13847 347618 657794 165707 420561 183995 11367 136391 507836 694877 985069 105115 774110 486921 14319 338715 774937 118145 981468 99089 803866 491315...