ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#138791 | #6520. Classic Problem | minhcool | RE | 3ms | 15868kb | C++14 | 4.9kb | 2023-08-12 11:19:48 | 2023-08-12 11:19:48 |
Judging History
#define local
#ifndef local
#include ""
#include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
using namespace __gnu_pbds;
using namespace std;
#define int long long
#define fi first
#define se second
#define pb push_back
//#define mp make_pair
typedef pair<int, int> ii;
typedef pair<ii, int> iii;
typedef pair<ii, ii> iiii;
const int N = 3e5 + 5;
const int oo = 1e18 + 7, mod = 1e9 + 7;
mt19937 rng(1);
int rnd(int l, int r){
int temp = rng() % (r - l + 1);
return abs(temp) + l;
struct hashy{
int operator()(const ii& a)const{
return (a.fi * 123456789 | a.se);
unordered_set<ii, hashy> uos;
gp_hash_table<int, int> mp;
//gp_hash_table<ii, int, hashy> mp;
int n, m;
vector<iii> edges;
int rt[N];
vector<int> nodes[N];// the nodes that are available in the component
int answer = 0;
void merge(int x, int y, int w){
x = rt[x], y = rt[y];
if(x == y) return;
answer += w;
if(nodes[x].size() < nodes[y].size()) swap(x, y);
for(auto it : nodes[y]){
rt[it] = x;
int cnt;
// left-right of each node
int le[N], ri[N];
// current edge with minimum weight that connects with node u
ii mini[N];
// nodes that are not in the same component as this component
set<int> remaining;
ii find_mn(int node){// find the minimum distance from a node to another node diff component
ii ans = mini[node];
//cout << "CUR" << " " << node << "\n";
//cout << "CUR " << node << " " << ans.fi << "\n";
set<int>::iterator it = remaining.lower_bound(node), it2 = it;
for(; it != remaining.end(); it++){
if(uos.find({node, (*it)}) == uos.end()){
//cout << "OK " << node << " " << (*it) << '\n';
ans = min(ans, {le[(*it)] - ri[node], rt[(*it)]});
it = it2;
if(it == remaining.begin()) return ans;
for(; ; it--){
if(uos.find({node, (*it)}) == uos.end()){
//cout << "OK " << node << " " << (*it) << '\n';
ans = min(ans, {le[node] - ri[(*it)], rt[(*it)]});
if(it == remaining.begin()) break;
return ans;
void init(){
cnt = answer = 0;
#ifdef local
void process(){
cin >> n >> m;
cout << n - 1 << "\n";
vector<int> diffs;
for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++){
int x, y, w;
cin >> x >> y >> w;
//cout << w << "\n";
edges.pb({{x, y}, w});
diffs.pb(x), diffs.pb(y);
// first, clear out the parts that are not part of any segments, and therefore we have O(n) nodes
sort(diffs.begin(), diffs.end());
diffs.resize(unique(diffs.begin(), diffs.end()) - diffs.begin());
//cout << diffs.size() << "\n";
if(diffs[0] >= 2){
le[cnt] = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < diffs.size(); i++){
le[cnt] = diffs[i];
mp[diffs[i]] = cnt;
if((i + 1) < diffs.size() && diffs[i + 1] != (diffs[i] + 1)){
le[cnt] = diffs[i] + 1;
if(diffs.back() != n){
le[cnt] = diffs.back() + 1;
le[cnt + 1] = n + 1;
for(int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++) nodes[i].clear();
for(int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++){
ri[i] = le[i + 1] - 1;
answer += (ri[i] - le[i]);
rt[i] = i;
//cout << le[i] << " " << ri[i] << "\n";
for(int itr = 1; itr <= 30; itr++){
if(nodes[rt[1]].size() == cnt) break;
set<int> roots;
for(int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++) roots.insert(rt[i]);
for(int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++) mini[i] = {oo, oo};
for(auto it : edges){
if(rt[mp[it.fi.fi]] == rt[mp[it.fi.se]]) continue;
mini[mp[it.fi.fi]] = min(mini[mp[it.fi.fi]], {it.se, rt[mp[it.fi.se]]});
mini[mp[it.fi.se]] = min(mini[mp[it.fi.se]], {it.se, rt[mp[it.fi.fi]]});
//cout << mp[it.fi.fi] << " " << mp[it.fi.se] << "\n";
uos.insert({mp[it.fi.fi], mp[it.fi.se]});
uos.insert({mp[it.fi.se], mp[it.fi.fi]});
for(int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++) remaining.insert(i);
vector<iii> candidates;
//if(itr == 2) continue;
for(auto it : roots){
for(auto it2 : nodes[it]) remaining.erase(it2);
ii minimum = {oo, oo};
for(auto it2 : nodes[it]) minimum = min(minimum, find_mn(it2));
candidates.pb({{it, minimum.se}, minimum.fi});
for(auto it2 : nodes[it]) remaining.insert(it2);
//cout << "OKOK " << it << " " << minimum.se << " " << minimum.fi << "\n";
//for(auto it : candidates) cout << it.fi.fi << " " << it.fi.se << " " << it.se << "\n";
//if(itr == 2) continue;
for(auto it : candidates) merge(it.fi.fi, it.fi.se, it.se);
//cout << nodes[rt[1]].size() << " " << cnt << "\n";
cout << answer << "\n";
signed main(){
//freopen("kek.inp", "r", stdin);
//freopen("kek.out", "w", stdout);
int t;
cin >> t;
while(t--) process();
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 3ms
memory: 15868kb
3 5 3 1 2 5 2 3 4 1 5 0 5 0 5 4 1 2 1000000000 1 3 1000000000 1 4 1000000000 1 5 1000000000
4 4 1000000003
ok 3 number(s): "4 4 1000000003"
Test #2:
score: -100
Runtime Error
16 1000000000 0 447 99681 1 2 1000000000 1 3 1000000000 2 3 1000000000 1 4 1000000000 2 4 1000000000 3 4 1000000000 1 5 1000000000 2 5 1000000000 3 5 1000000000 4 5 1000000000 1 6 1000000000 2 6 1000000000 3 6 1000000000 4 6 1000000000 5 6 1000000000 1 7 1000000000 2 7 1000000000 3 7 1000000000 4 7 ...