

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit timeJudge time
#113358#5466. Permutation CompressionkemunikuCompile Error//C++146.0kb2023-06-17 10:36:182023-06-17 10:36:19

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  • [2023-06-17 10:36:19]
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  • [2023-06-17 10:36:18]
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# https://github.com/tatyam-prime/SortedSet/blob/main/SortedSet.py
import math
from bisect import bisect_left, bisect_right
from typing import Generic, Iterable, Iterator, TypeVar, Union, List
T = TypeVar('T')

class SortedSet(Generic[T]):

    def _build(self, a=None) -> None:
        "Evenly divide `a` into buckets."
        if a is None: a = list(self)
        size = self.size = len(a)
        bucket_size = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(size / self.BUCKET_RATIO)))
        self.a = [a[size * i // bucket_size : size * (i + 1) // bucket_size] for i in range(bucket_size)]
    def __init__(self, a: Iterable[T] = []) -> None:
        "Make a new SortedSet from iterable. / O(N) if sorted and unique / O(N log N)"
        a = list(a)
        if not all(a[i] < a[i + 1] for i in range(len(a) - 1)):
            a = sorted(set(a))

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[T]:
        for i in self.a:
            for j in i: yield j

    def __reversed__(self) -> Iterator[T]:
        for i in reversed(self.a):
            for j in reversed(i): yield j
    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return self.size
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "SortedSet" + str(self.a)
    def __str__(self) -> str:
        s = str(list(self))
        return "{" + s[1 : len(s) - 1] + "}"

    def _find_bucket(self, x: T) -> List[T]:
        "Find the bucket which should contain x. self must not be empty."
        for a in self.a:
            if x <= a[-1]: return a
        return a

    def __contains__(self, x: T) -> bool:
        if self.size == 0: return False
        a = self._find_bucket(x)
        i = bisect_left(a, x)
        return i != len(a) and a[i] == x

    def add(self, x: T) -> bool:
        "Add an element and return True if added. / O(√N)"
        if self.size == 0:
            self.a = [[x]]
            self.size = 1
            return True
        a = self._find_bucket(x)
        i = bisect_left(a, x)
        if i != len(a) and a[i] == x: return False
        a.insert(i, x)
        self.size += 1
        if len(a) > len(self.a) * self.REBUILD_RATIO:
        return True

    def discard(self, x: T) -> bool:
        "Remove an element and return True if removed. / O(√N)"
        if self.size == 0: return False
        a = self._find_bucket(x)
        i = bisect_left(a, x)
        if i == len(a) or a[i] != x: return False
        self.size -= 1
        if len(a) == 0: self._build()
        return True
    def lt(self, x: T) -> Union[T, None]:
        "Find the largest element < x, or None if it doesn't exist."
        for a in reversed(self.a):
            if a[0] < x:
                return a[bisect_left(a, x) - 1]

    def le(self, x: T) -> Union[T, None]:
        "Find the largest element <= x, or None if it doesn't exist."
        for a in reversed(self.a):
            if a[0] <= x:
                return a[bisect_right(a, x) - 1]

    def gt(self, x: T) -> Union[T, None]:
        "Find the smallest element > x, or None if it doesn't exist."
        for a in self.a:
            if a[-1] > x:
                return a[bisect_right(a, x)]

    def ge(self, x: T) -> Union[T, None]:
        "Find the smallest element >= x, or None if it doesn't exist."
        for a in self.a:
            if a[-1] >= x:
                return a[bisect_left(a, x)]
    def __getitem__(self, x: int) -> T:
        "Return the x-th element, or IndexError if it doesn't exist."
        if x < 0: x += self.size
        if x < 0: raise IndexError
        for a in self.a:
            if x < len(a): return a[x]
            x -= len(a)
        raise IndexError
    def index(self, x: T) -> int:
        "Count the number of elements < x."
        ans = 0
        for a in self.a:
            if a[-1] >= x:
                return ans + bisect_left(a, x)
            ans += len(a)
        return ans

    def index_right(self, x: T) -> int:
        "Count the number of elements <= x."
        ans = 0
        for a in self.a:
            if a[-1] > x:
                return ans + bisect_right(a, x)
            ans += len(a)
        return ans

import heapq

def solve():
    N,M,K = map(int,input().split())
    A = list(map(int,input().split()))
    B = list(map(int,input().split()))
    L = list(map(int,input().split()))
    rB = list(reversed(B))
    for i in range(N):
        if A[i] == rB[-1]:
        if len(rB) == 0:
    if len(rB) != 0:
        return "NO"
    sB = set(B)
    ok = [-1]*N
    q = []
    v_to_i = [-1]*(N+1)
    for i in range(N):
        v_to_i[A[i]] = i
    start = [-1]*(N+1)
    st = SortedSet()
    for i in range(N-1,-1,-1):
        if A[i] in sB:#赤い数なら
            while len(q) != 0 and q[0] < A[i]:
                x = heapq.heappop(q)
                ok[v_to_i[x]] = st.index(x)-start[x]
            start[A[i]]  = st.index(A[i])
    while len(q) != 0:
        x = heapq.heappop(q)
        ok[v_to_i[x]] = st.index(x)-start[x]
    q = []
    start = [-1]*(N+1)
    st = SortedSet()
    for i in range(N):
        if A[i] in sB:#赤い数なら
            while len(q) != 0 and q[0] < A[i]:
                x = heapq.heappop(q)
                ok[v_to_i[x]] += st.index(x)-start[x]
            start[A[i]]  += st.index(A[i])
    while len(q) != 0:
        x = heapq.heappop(q)
        ok[v_to_i[x]] += st.index(x)-start[x]
    li = sorted([ok[i] for i in range(N) if ok[i] != -1])
    if len(li) > len(L):
        return "NO"
    for i in range(len(li)):
        if li[i] < L[i]:
            return "NO"
    return "YES"

for i in range(int(input())):


answer.code:1:3: error: invalid preprocessing directive #https
    1 | # https://github.com/tatyam-prime/SortedSet/blob/main/SortedSet.py
      |   ^~~~~
answer.code:154:6: error: invalid preprocessing directive #\U000053f3\U0000306e\U00005024\U00003092\U0000307e\U0000305a\U00008a08\U00007b97\U00003059\U0000308b
  154 |     #右の値をまず計算する
      |      ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
answer.code:158:23: error: stray ‘#’ in program
  158 |         if A[i] in sB:#赤い数なら
      |                       ^
answer.code:169:6: error: invalid preprocessing directive #\U00006b21\U0000306b\U00005de6\U0000306e\U00005024\U00003092\U00008a08\U00007b97\U00003059\U0000308b
  169 |     #次に左の値を計算する
      |      ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
answer.code:174:23: error: stray ‘#’ in program
  174 |         if A[i] in sB:#赤い数なら
      |                       ^
answer.code:2:1: error: ‘import’ does not name a type
    2 | import math
      | ^~~~~~
answer.code:2:1: note: C++20 ‘import’ only available with ‘-fmodules-ts’