

#106955#5015. 树275307894a0 0ms0kbC++141.8kb2023-05-19 21:28:352023-05-19 21:28:37

Judging History

This is the latest submission verdict.

  • [2023-08-10 23:21:45]
  • System Update: QOJ starts to keep a history of the judgings of all the submissions.
  • [2023-05-19 21:28:37]
  • Judged
  • Verdict: 0
  • Time: 0ms
  • Memory: 0kb
  • [2023-05-19 21:28:35]
  • Submitted


#include "tree.h"
#define Gc() getchar() 
#define Me(x,y) memset(x,y,sizeof(x))
#define Mc(x,y) memcpy(x,y,sizeof(x))
#define d(x,y) ((m)*(x-1)+(y))
#define R(n) (rnd()%(n)+1)
#define Pc(x) putchar(x)
#define LB lower_bound
#define UB upper_bound
#define PB push_back
#define fi first
#define se second
using ll=long long;using db=double;using lb=long db;using ui=unsigned;using ull=unsigned long long;using LL=__int128;
using namespace std;const int N=1e3+5,M=N*4+5,K=20,mod=1e4+7,Mod=mod-1;const db eps=1e-9;const int INF=1e9+7;mt19937 rnd(time(0));
int fa[N],w[N],d[N],F[N][10];vector<int> S[N];
int Ask(int x,int y){vector<int> Ts;Ts.PB(y);return ask(x,Ts);}
int LCA(int x,int y){
	d[x]<d[y]&&(swap(d[x],d[y]),0);while(d[x]^d[y]) x=F[x][__lg(d[x]-d[y])];
	if(x==y) return x;for(int i=9;~i;i--) F[x][i]^F[y][i]&&(x=F[x][i],y=F[y][i]);
	return F[x][0];
int Dt(int x,int y){return d[x]+d[y]-d[LCA(x,y)];}
int Qry(int x,vector<int> y){
	int Ans=0;for(int i:y) Ans+=Dt(x,i);return Ans;
void Find(vector<int> S,vector<int> T){
	if(!T.size()) return;
	if(S.size()==1) {for(int i:T) fa[i]=S[0];return;}
	vector<int> S1,S2;shuffle(S.begin(),S.end(),rnd);
	int Ct=(S.size()+1)/2;for(int i:S) if(Ct) Ct--,S1.PB(i);else S2.PB(i);
	int CC=0;map<int,int> f;
	for(int i:S) w[i]=Qry(i,S2),!f[w[i]]&&(f[w[i]]=++CC),w[i]=f[w[i]];
	for(int i:T) w[i]=f[ask(i,S2)-S2.size()];
	for(int i=1;i<=f.size();i++){
		vector<int> SS,TT;
		for(int j:S) if(w[j]==i) SS.PB(j);
		for(int j:T) if(w[j]==i) TT.PB(j);
void solver(int n, int A, int B){
	int Rt=R(n);int i;for(i=1;i<=n;i++) if(i^Rt) S[d[i]=Ask(Rt,i)].PB(i);
	S[0].PB(Rt);for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) if(S[i].size()) Find(S[i-1],S[i]);
	for(i=1;i<=n;i++) if(i^Rt) assert(fa[i]);
	for(i=1;i<=n;i++) if(i^Rt) answer(fa[i],i);


Subtask #1:

score: 0
Dangerous Syscalls

Test #1:

score: 0
Dangerous Syscalls


1000 500000 500000
1 2
2 3
2 4
2 5
2 6
3 7
2 8
5 9
5 10
9 11
2 12
9 13
4 14
5 15
12 16
5 17
4 18
4 19
13 20
9 21
19 22
7 23
6 24
14 25
2 26
10 27
14 28
21 29
17 30
8 31
15 32
9 33
22 34
24 35
20 36
6 37
12 38
19 39
31 40
35 41
25 42
11 43
8 44
9 45
12 46
26 47
10 48
6 49
27 50
39 51
33 52
6 53
43 54...


Unauthorized output


Subtask #2:

score: 0
Dangerous Syscalls

Test #11:

score: 0
Dangerous Syscalls


100 3000 40000
66 95
66 60
66 93
66 69
66 82
66 24
66 64
66 84
66 42
66 22
66 67
66 54
66 90
66 26
66 41
66 18
66 43
66 68
66 36
66 88
66 33
66 29
66 79
66 6
66 48
66 47
66 8
66 38
66 61
69 97
64 30
38 86
88 14
18 10
54 81
88 25
29 2
18 21
95 46
42 80
93 91
61 62
68 35
47 23
69 17
93 28
18 31
61 70


Unauthorized output


Subtask #3:

score: 0
Dangerous Syscalls

Test #111:

score: 0
Dangerous Syscalls


1000 50000 3000000
126 207
937 126
615 937
837 615
500 837
588 500
505 588
353 505
60 353
904 60
656 904
685 656
460 685
614 460
551 614
537 551
858 537
596 858
9 596
738 9
918 738
322 918
940 322
859 940
113 859
110 113
312 110
995 312
443 995
246 443
257 246
238 257
999 238
885 999
976 885
330 976...


Unauthorized output


Subtask #4:

score: 0
Dangerous Syscalls

Test #211:

score: 0
Dangerous Syscalls


990 8500 300000
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
2 6
2 7
2 8
3 9
3 10
3 11
4 12
4 13
4 14
5 15
5 16
5 17
6 18
6 19
6 20
7 21
7 22
7 23
8 24
8 25
8 26
9 27
9 28
9 29
10 30
10 31
10 32
11 33
11 34
11 35
12 36
12 37
12 38
13 39
13 40
13 41
14 42
14 43
14 44
15 45
15 46
15 47
16 48
16 49
16 50
17 51
17 52
17 53
18 54


Unauthorized output
