

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit timeJudge time
#102260#2580. 语言chengzk0 1109ms156244kbC++142.8kb2023-05-02 19:50:202023-05-02 19:50:23

Judging History

This is the latest submission verdict.

  • [2023-08-10 23:21:45]
  • System Update: QOJ starts to keep a history of the judgings of all the submissions.
  • [2023-05-02 19:50:23]
  • Judged
  • Verdict: 0
  • Time: 1109ms
  • Memory: 156244kb
  • [2023-05-02 19:50:20]
  • Submitted


#define mid (l+r)/2
using namespace std;
const int N=2e5+5;
int n,m,aaa,bbb,xx,yy,zz,ll,rr,rt[N],ks[N],js[N]; 
long long ans,ans1;
struct TDS{
	int tp[N],zs[N],siz[N],dep[N],fa[N][22],cnt,Lca;
	int tot,s[N*80],gs[N*80],ls[N*80],rs[N*80];
	void up(int roo,int l,int r){gs[roo]=(s[roo]>0)?(r-l+1):(gs[ls[roo]]+gs[rs[roo]]);return ;}
	void work(int roo,int ad){s[roo]+=ad;return ;}
	void upd(int &roo,int l,int r,int sel,int ser,int ad){
		if (r<sel||ser<l) return ;if (!roo) roo=++tot;
		if (sel<=l&&r<=ser) {work(roo,ad);up(roo,l,r);return ;}
	int merge(int ro1,int ro2,int l,int r){
		if (!ro1||!ro2) return ro1+ro2;
		s[ro1]+=s[ro2];up(ro1,l,r);if (l==r) return ro1;
		up(ro1,l,r);return ro1;
	void dfs(int x,int fath){
		for (int i=1;i<20;i++) fa[x][i]=fa[fa[x][i-1]][i-1];
		for (int i=0,u;i<G[x].size();i++) if ((u=G[x][i])!=fath)
	void dfs1(int x,int fath,int top){
		ks[x]=++cnt;tp[x]=top;if (zs[x]){dfs1(zs[x],x,top);}
		for (int i=0,u;i<G[x].size();i++) if ((u=G[x][i])!=fath&&zs[x]!=u) dfs1(u,x,u);
	int findLca(int x,int y){
		if (dep[x]<dep[y]) swap(x,y);
		for (int i=20;i>=0;i--) if (dep[fa[x][i]]>=dep[y]) x=fa[x][i];
		if (x==y) return x;
		for (int i=20;i>=0;i--) if (fa[x][i]!=fa[y][i]) x=fa[x][i],y=fa[y][i];
		return fa[x][0];
	void add(int roo,int l,int r,int ad){upd(rt[roo],1,n,l,r,ad);return ;}
	void Ins(int x,int y){
//		cout<<xx<<" "<<yy<<" "<<zz<<" "<<Lca<<"__";
		while (tp[x]!=tp[y]){
			if (dep[x]<dep[y]) swap(x,y);ll=ks[tp[x]];rr=ks[x];
//			cout<<tp[x]<<" "<<x<<" "<<ll<<" "<<rr<<"__";
		if (dep[x]<dep[y]) swap(x,y);ll=ks[y];rr=ks[x];
//		cout<<y<<" "<<x<<" "<<ll<<" "<<rr<<"_"<<endl;
		return ;
	void solve(int x,int fath){
	    for (int i=0,u;i<G[x].size();i++) if ((u=G[x][i])!=fath)
	    cout<<x<<" "<<ks[x]<<" "<<rt[x]<<":"<<ans1<<"__**__"<<endl;
void Insert(int x,int y){G[x].push_back(y),G[y].push_back(x);}
int main()
	for (int i=1;i<n;i++) scanf("%d%d",&aaa,&bbb),Insert(aaa,bbb);
	for (int i=1;i<=m;i++) scanf("%d%d",&aaa,&bbb),Tds.Ins(aaa,bbb);
	return 0;


Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information

Test #1:

score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 3ms
memory: 8684kb


297 297
281 46
39 260
193 121
50 162
18 15
43 104
154 293
131 121
70 112
247 121
17 59
240 102
277 185
90 121
134 38
46 116
27 127
97 7
33 49
24 297
31 286
12 18
57 121
133 150
183 286
186 194
153 121
117 189
256 121
266 192
106 230
80 249
164 73
211 197
264 4
53 47
203 43
286 69
221 146
214 167


193 31 0:0__**__
131 32 0:0__**__
247 33 0:0__**__
90 34 0:0__**__
57 35 0:0__**__
153 36 3869:85__**__
256 37 12000:52__**__
181 38 11254:78__**__
56 39 14552:79__**__
136 115 1994:84__**__
147 116 6614:91__**__
244 114 1163:104__**__
16 118 8471:88__**__
91 119 1984:97__**__
263 117 3722:110__**__...


wrong answer 1st lines differ - expected: '15910', found: '193 31 0:0__**__'

Test #2:

score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 2ms
memory: 8664kb


293 296
286 83
144 202
108 42
70 112
85 29
291 112
14 112
97 292
123 168
247 112
143 112
238 102
174 262
252 185
63 112
137 103
64 112
15 11
282 273
248 1
100 112
159 181
226 20
47 129
258 34
72 160
189 282
50 252
145 175
13 112
250 152
106 267
30 196
22 112
43 104
17 112
105 80
95 177
34 251
259 29...


155 104 157:115__**__
96 105 8476:110__**__
166 103 4370:125__**__
182 107 1827:112__**__
255 108 4048:119__**__
293 106 7082:124__**__
126 102 6773:143__**__
46 111 1:125__**__
68 112 1943:113__**__
217 110 4165:144__**__
173 115 5820:114__**__
56 116 6296:5__**__
123 114 5820:116__**__
245 118 224...


wrong answer 1st lines differ - expected: '15234', found: '155 104 157:115__**__'

Test #3:

score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 60ms
memory: 18676kb


4858 4888
3140 3181
1664 1770
4200 493
3671 59
3209 1842
2502 2173
681 2155
2654 3278
4174 2554
3282 587
3337 4086
4287 2326
779 3708
2048 2448
3634 3148
4214 59
2083 59
325 1216
351 878
1497 3495
4642 4242
115 4419
1588 2172
1054 4610
3007 59
4821 2816
2078 1195
782 2610
2559 3187
4576 292
4000 59


3671 507 191874:1126__**__
4214 508 0:0__**__
2083 509 305440:1132__**__
3007 510 572014:1126__**__
4000 511 0:0__**__
477 512 386792:1127__**__
77 513 339999:268__**__
4079 514 354052:1112__**__
972 515 121494:1126__**__
1642 516 353064:1608__**__
1830 517 210001:4__**__
1666 518 57464:1132__**__


wrong answer 1st lines differ - expected: '3627298', found: '3671 507 191874:1126__**__'

Test #4:

score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 72ms
memory: 18420kb


4983 4867
1535 1610
1899 1266
3238 2426
2405 1420
2578 4364
300 2296
4590 254
396 1242
3129 3631
324 3583
3748 1155
2771 1200
4246 4603
2331 1110
2824 1891
2544 1237
3487 3040
3687 2834
109 4636
4687 1200
1649 2420
2008 2926
2516 4852
3440 1551
765 3096
2754 1200
4879 4820
3073 4787
91 1200
2911 257...


2771 330 0:0__**__
4687 331 52385:1351__**__
2754 332 0:0__**__
91 333 0:0__**__
3825 334 311174:1352__**__
3380 335 0:0__**__
3133 336 87966:1396__**__
2371 337 202568:1345__**__
3463 338 99158:1343__**__
4223 339 365522:1343__**__
19 340 0:0__**__
4340 341 258157:498__**__
1191 342 0:0__**__
4159 ...


wrong answer 1st lines differ - expected: '3873876', found: '2771 330 0:0__**__'

Test #5:

score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 1044ms
memory: 156100kb


96808 99508
40695 40696
73595 73596
13615 13616
65545 65546
19391 19392
2353 2354
26730 26731
42541 42542
28008 28009
96282 96283
76530 76531
5872 5873
61286 61287
56072 56073
87216 87217
38177 38178
50372 50373
329 330
58557 58558
43629 43630
77425 77426
8017 8018
43507 43508
35913 35914
31123 3112...


96808 96808 913323:5964__**__
96807 96807 288044:5964__**__
96806 96806 810075:7720__**__
96805 96805 102080:7720__**__
96804 96804 83195:8293__**__
96803 96803 288062:8293__**__
96802 96802 839134:8293__**__
96801 96801 2914224:8293__**__
96800 96800 3646618:8293__**__
96799 96799 4376850:8293__**_...


wrong answer 1st lines differ - expected: '907477207', found: '96808 96808 913323:5964__**__'

Test #6:

score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 1109ms
memory: 156244kb


97092 99840
40695 40696
73595 73596
13615 13616
65545 65546
19391 19392
2353 2354
26730 26731
42541 42542
28008 28009
96282 96283
76530 76531
5872 5873
61286 61287
56072 56073
87216 87217
38177 38178
50372 50373
329 330
58557 58558
43629 43630
77425 77426
8017 8018
43507 43508
35913 35914
31123 3112...


97092 97092 777356:8185__**__
97091 97091 412941:9167__**__
97090 97090 148905:9167__**__
97089 97089 332408:9167__**__
97088 97088 112453:9167__**__
97087 97087 1844444:9167__**__
97086 97086 295348:9167__**__
97085 97085 295331:9167__**__
97084 97084 295365:9167__**__
97083 97083 1369119:9167__**_...


wrong answer 1st lines differ - expected: '910321604', found: '97092 97092 777356:8185__**__'

Test #7:

score: 0
Runtime Error


99924 97275
24723 56564
44193 73644
54591 22570
56965 55653
91120 48245
25702 41871
77524 67327
80722 7653
87907 54339
86418 76838
41215 78202
48534 59032
44710 32114
38879 34955
17434 99405
37456 39328
66649 35177
76911 54339
40612 7834
70065 54339
29689 38076
48485 60166
50641 57751
97629 94661



Test #8:

score: 0
Runtime Error


99498 96777
19744 18289
4605 93580
43036 31212
42702 45122
16545 73127
70905 51611
27911 61773
48069 83562
95567 11283
66495 45122
65856 15502
26003 58273
46733 45122
7043 7247
80433 55125
67878 88881
20197 45122
39212 80482
25962 45122
62830 45122
40173 39170
14714 82850
24093 66693
50604 61001



Test #9:

score: 0
Runtime Error


99214 98195
8234 36494
37451 75094
31731 33067
19984 36494
52041 11042
4970 37696
26871 43916
87010 25881
37092 8701
75030 89583
4706 75209
24536 4378
37412 69085
88883 17123
79895 36494
95090 79450
95892 73714
61952 77454
81044 8337
68757 11047
73613 36494
60137 16120
41322 47605
49142 24141
79221 ...



Test #10:

score: 0
Runtime Error


98930 97863
31939 63734
42943 69741
55957 86464
76683 63177
19844 89880
92738 35520
42184 7020
98581 89880
73665 19084
91904 89880
32101 31332
16923 89880
64777 72859
39842 59094
18714 87378
5513 21706
54019 89880
16688 80816
1260 35635
83182 52628
32044 61306
26440 39530
77024 69004
20199 64299

