The 2nd Universal Cup Finals is coming! Check out our event page, schedule, and competition rules!
ID | 提交记录ID | 题目 | Hacker | Owner | 结果 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#1264 | #721863 | #8542. Add One 2 | Yansuan_HCl | Yansuan_HCl | Failed. | 2024-11-27 19:17:01 | 2024-11-27 19:17:01 |
Extra Test:
Invalid Input
FAIL Integer parameter [name=t] equals to 0, violates the range [1, 100000] (stdin, line 1)
ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#721863 | #8542. Add One 2 | Yansuan_HCl | AC ✓ | 169ms | 70472kb | C++14 | 2.1kb | 2024-11-07 17:02:14 | 2024-11-07 17:02:18 |
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define ms(x, v) memset(x, v, sizeof(x))
#define il __attribute__((always_inline)) static
#define U(i,l,r) for(int i(l),END##i(r);i<=END##i;++i)
#define D(i,r,l) for(int i(r),END##i(l);i>=END##i;--i)
using namespace std;
using ll = long long;
#define IC isdigit(c)
#define GC c=getchar()
void rd(auto &x) { x = 0; char GC; bool f = 0;
for (; !IC; GC) f |= c == '-';
for (; IC; GC) x = x * 10 + c - 48;
if (f) x = -x;
void rd(auto &x, auto &...y) { rd(x); rd(y...); }
#define meow(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
#define Assert(e, v) if (!(e)) { meow("AF@%d\n", __LINE__ ); exit(v); }
#define vc vector
#define eb emplace_back
#define pb push_back
const int N = 1000006;
const ll inf = 1e13;
int n; ll a[N];
int ch[N][2];
vc<tuple<int, ll, int, int>> op;
void dfs(int u, int l, int r, ll pre) {
op.eb(r - l - 1, pre - a[u], l, r);
if (ch[u][0])
dfs(ch[u][0], l, u, a[u]);
while (a[ch[u][1]] == a[u]) {
int v = ch[u][1];
if (ch[v][0])
dfs(ch[v][0], u, v, a[u]);
u = v;
if (ch[u][1])
dfs(ch[u][1], u, r, a[u]);
void solve() {
U (i, 1, n) rd(a[i]);
a[0] = a[n + 1] = inf;
int stk[n + 5], sp = 0; ms(stk, -1);
U (i, 1, n) {
while (sp && a[i] > a[stk[sp]]) --sp;
if (stk[sp + 1] != -1)
ch[i][0] = stk[sp + 1];
if (sp)
ch[stk[sp]][1] = i;
stk[++sp] = i;
stk[sp + 1] = -1;
int rt = stk[1];
dfs(rt, 0, n + 1, inf);
ll cur = 0, m = inf * 2;
U (i, 1, n + 1) cur += abs(a[i] - a[i - 1]);
sort(op.begin(), op.end());
ll d[n + 2] {};
for (auto [len, cnt, l, r] : op) {
if (cur < m)
if (cur - cnt * 2 <= m) {
d[l + 1] += (cur - m) / 2;
d[r] -= (cur - m) / 2;
cur = m;
} else {
d[l + 1] += cnt;
d[r] -= cnt;
cur -= cnt * 2;
ll ans = 0;
U (i, 1, n) d[i] += d[i - 1], ans += d[i] + a[i];
printf("%lld\n", ans);
void clear() {
U (i, 0, n) ms(ch[i], 0);
int main() {
// freopen("ava.in", "r", stdin);
int T; rd(T);
while (T--) {