#740093 | #9576. Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment | ucup-team5160# | WA | 1ms | 4516kb | C++20 | 6.5kb | 2024-11-13 01:05:33 |
#740038 | #9576. Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment | ucup-team5160# | RE | 1ms | 4504kb | C++20 | 6.4kb | 2024-11-13 00:34:27 |
#740029 | #9576. Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment | ucup-team5160# | RE | 1ms | 4544kb | C++20 | 6.3kb | 2024-11-13 00:27:54 |
#740010 | #9576. Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment | ucup-team5160# | WA | 0ms | 4548kb | C++20 | 6.1kb | 2024-11-13 00:18:26 |
#739968 | #9576. Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment | ucup-team5160# | WA | 1ms | 4432kb | C++20 | 6.1kb | 2024-11-13 00:04:39 |
#739500 | #9576. Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment | _LSA_ | AC ✓ | 0ms | 4420kb | C++14 | 1.8kb | 2024-11-12 21:57:50 |
#738756 | #9576. Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment | xorzj | WA | 2ms | 4068kb | C++17 | 4.7kb | 2024-11-12 19:51:34 |
#737954 | #9576. Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment | lqh2024 | AC ✓ | 1ms | 4236kb | C++20 | 4.3kb | 2024-11-12 17:15:55 |
#737949 | #9576. Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment | lqh2024 | WA | 0ms | 4176kb | C++20 | 4.3kb | 2024-11-12 17:15:18 |
#737944 | #9576. Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment | ucup-team3475 | AC ✓ | 1ms | 4368kb | C++20 | 9.5kb | 2024-11-12 17:13:53 |