

#92271#4513. Slide ParadeKHIN35 ✓2660ms29944kbC++1710.3kb2023-03-30 15:05:252023-03-30 15:05:27

Judging History

This is the latest submission verdict.

  • [2023-08-10 23:21:45]
  • System Update: QOJ starts to keep a history of the judgings of all the submissions.
  • [2023-03-30 15:05:27]
  • Judged
  • Verdict: 35
  • Time: 2660ms
  • Memory: 29944kb
  • [2023-03-30 15:05:25]
  • Submitted


# if not KHIN_SOURCE_H

# define KHIN_SOURCE_H true

# include <cstdarg>
# include <cstdlib>
# include <type_traits>
# include <utility>
# include <climits>
# include <cassert>
# include <cctype>
# include <cstring>
# include <map>
# include <set>
# include <vector>
# include <iterator>
# include <algorithm>
# include <cstdio>

namespace khin {
  using namespace std;
  namespace main {
    inline namespace source {
      template <typename T>
        constexpr T& cmin(T& a, T const& b) { return a = min(a, b); }
      template <typename T>
        constexpr T& cmax(T& a, T const& b) { return a = max(a, b); }
      template <typename T, class Compare>
        constexpr T& cmin(T& a, T const& b, Compare const comp)
        { return a = min(a, b, comp); }
      template <typename T, class Compare>
        constexpr T& cmax(T& a, T const& b, Compare const comp)
        { return a = max(a, b, comp); }
      template <typename T>
        constexpr pair<T&, T&> cminmax(T& a, T& b)
        { return pair<T&, T&>(a, b) = minmax(T(a), T(b)); }
      template <typename T>
        constexpr pair<T, T>& cminmax(pair<T, T>& a)
        { return a = minmax(T(a.first), T(a.second)); }
      template <typename T, class Compare>
        constexpr pair<T&, T&> cminmax(T& a, T& b, Compare const comp)
        { return pair<T&, T&>(a, b) = minmax(T(a), T(b), comp); }
      template <typename T, class Compare>
        constexpr pair<T, T>& cminmax(pair<T, T>& a, Compare const comp)
        { return a = minmax(T(a.first), T(a.second), comp); }
      inline namespace io {
        class Scanner {
          FILE* const stream; char buffer[BUFSIZ];
          char *head = buffer, *tail = buffer;
          Scanner(FILE* const stream = stdin)
            : stream(stream) {}
          Scanner(char const* const filename)
            : Scanner(fopen(filename, "r")) {}
          ~Scanner() { fclose(stream); }
          void flush() {
            tail = head = buffer;
            tail += fread(buffer, sizeof(char), BUFSIZ, stream);
          char getc() {
            if (head == tail) flush();
            return head == tail ? EOF : *head++;
          template <typename T, enable_if_t<is_signed_v<T>, int> = 0>
            T get() {
              char ch;
              while (!isgraph(ch = getc()) && ch != EOF);
              int const sign(ch == '-' ? ch = getc(), -1 : +1);
              T res(0);
              while (isdigit(ch))
                res = res * 10 + sign * (ch - '0'), ch = getc();
              return res;
          template <typename T, enable_if_t<is_unsigned_v<T>, int> = 0>
            T get() {
              char ch;
              while (!isgraph(ch = getc()) && ch != EOF);
              T res(0);
              while (isdigit(ch)) res = res * 10 + (ch - '0'), ch = getc();
              return res;
          void read() {}
          template <typename T, typename... U>
            void read(T& value, U&... args)
            { value = get<T>(), read(args...); }
        class Printer {
          FILE* const stream; char buffer[BUFSIZ];
          char *head = buffer, *tail = buffer;
          Printer(FILE* const stream = stdout)
            : stream(stream) {}
          Printer(char const* const filename)
            : Printer(fopen(filename, "w")) {}
          ~Printer() { flush(), fclose(stream); }
          void flush() {
            head += fwrite(head, sizeof(char), tail - head, stream);
            memmove(buffer, head, sizeof(char) * (tail - head));
            tail -= head - buffer, head -= head - buffer;
            assert(head == tail);
          void putc(char const ch) {
            if (tail == buffer + BUFSIZ) flush();
            assert(tail != buffer + BUFSIZ), *tail++ = ch;
          void put(char const* s) { while (*s) putc(*s++); }
          template <typename T, enable_if_t<is_unsigned_v<T>, int> = 0>
            void put(T value) {
              static char stk[CHAR_BIT * sizeof(T)], *top(stk);
              while (*top++ = value % 10 + '0', value /= 10);
              while (putc(*--top), top != stk);
          void println(char const* fmt...) {
            va_list args;
            va_start(args, fmt);
            while (*fmt)
              if (*fmt == '%')
                switch (*(++fmt)++) {
                  case 'h':
                    switch (*fmt++) {
                      case 'u': put((ushort)va_arg(args, int)); break;
                      default: assert(false); break;
                  case 'z':
                    switch (*fmt++) {
                      case 'u': put(va_arg(args, size_t)); break;
                      default: assert(false); break;
                  case 's': put(va_arg(args, char const*)); break;
                  case 'u': put(va_arg(args, uint)); break;
                  default: assert(false); break;
              else putc(*fmt++);
# define range_args InputIt const first, InputIt const last
# define split_args char const sep = ' ', char const end = '\n'
          template <class InputIt>
            void printrg(range_args, split_args) {
              for (InputIt i(first); i != last; advance(i, 1))
                put(*i), putc(next(i) == last ? end : sep);
# undef range_args
# undef split_args
    namespace b { void main(); }
    namespace c { void main(); }

# endif

int main() { khin::main::c::main(); }

namespace khin::main::c {
  Scanner scanner; Printer printer;
  namespace test_case {
    constexpr uint Bmax(200), Smax(5'000);
    class FlowNetwork {
      struct Node { vector<uint> t; uint ht, cur; };
      struct Arc { uint t; uint cap; };
      uint n, m; Node v[2 * Bmax + 2]; Arc e[(2 * Bmax + Smax) << 1];
      bool bfs(uint const s, uint const t) {
        for (uint i(0); i < n; ++i) v[i].ht = ~0u, v[i].cur = 0;
        static uint q[2 * Bmax + 2]; auto head(q), tail(q);
        v[*tail++ = t].ht = 0;
        while (head != tail) {
          uint const x(*head++);
          for (uint const y : v[x].t)
            if (e[y ^ 1].cap && !~v[e[y].t].ht)
              v[*tail++ = e[y].t].ht = v[x].ht + 1;
        /* fprintf(stderr, "BFS %u %u : %i\n", s, t, v[s].ht); */
        return ~v[s].ht;
      uint dfs(uint const s, uint const t, uint flow = UINT_MAX) {
        if (s == t || !flow) return flow;
        uint res(0);
        for (uint& i(v[s].cur); i != v[s].t.size(); ++i) {
          uint const id(v[s].t[i]);
          if (e[id].cap && v[s].ht - v[e[id].t].ht == 1) {
            uint const r(dfs(e[id].t, t, min(flow, e[id].cap)));
            res += r, flow -= r, e[id ^ 1].cap += r, e[id].cap -= r;
            if (!flow) return res;
        return res;
      void assign(uint const n) { this->n = n; }
      void clear() { fill(v, v + n, Node()), m = 0; }
      uint add(uint const s, uint const t, uint const cap = 1) {
        /* fprintf(stderr, "add %u %u %u\n", s, t, cap); */
        v[s].t.push_back(m), e[m++] = { t, cap };
        v[t].t.push_back(m), e[m++] = { s,   0 };
        return (m >> 1) - 1;
      bool any(uint const index) const { return e[index << 1 | 1].cap; }
      uint max_flow(uint const s, uint const t) {
        uint flow(0);
        while (bfs(s, t)) {
          flow += dfs(s, t);
          /* fprintf(stderr, "flow : %u\n", flow); */
        return flow;
    struct Building { vector<uint> s, t; uint S, T; bool vis; };
    struct Slide { uint u, v; uint index; };
    uint B, S; Building b[Bmax + 1]; Slide s[Smax];
    FlowNetwork net; vector<uint> z;
    void walk(uint const x) {
      while (!b[x].t.empty()) {
        uint const t(b[x].t.back());
        walk(t), z.push_back(x);
    bool correct(uint const s, uint const t) {
      /* fprintf(stderr, "correct %u %u\n", s, t); */
      if (b[s].vis) return false; else b[s].vis = true;
      if (s == t) return true;
      for (uint const x : b[s].s)
        if (x != b[s].S && correct(b[x].T, t))
          return b[s].S = x, b[x].T = s, true;
      return false;
    void main(ushort const x) {
      /* fprintf(stderr, "running on test %hu\n", x); */
      scanner.read(B, S), net.assign(2 * B + 2);
      for (uint i(1); i <= B; ++i)
        net.add(0, i + 1), net.add(i + B + 1, 1);
      for (uint i(0); i < S; ++i) {
        scanner.read(s[i].u, s[i].v);
        s[i].index = net.add(s[i].u + 1, s[i].v + B + 1);
      if (net.max_flow(0, 1) < B) {
        printer.println("Case #%hu: %s", x, "IMPOSSIBLE");
        fill(b + 1, b + B + 1, Building()), net.clear();
      for (uint i(0); i < S; ++i) if (net.any(s[i].index))
        b[s[i].u].T = s[i].v, b[s[i].v].S = s[i].u;
      for (uint i(0); i < S; ++i) {
        /* fprintf(stderr, "try %u %u\n", s[i].u, s[i].v); */
        if (correct(b[s[i].u].T, s[i].v)) {
          for (uint j(1); j <= B; ++j) b[j].vis = false;
          b[s[i].u].T = s[i].v, b[s[i].v].S = s[i].u;
          for (uint j(1); j <= B; ++j) b[j].t.push_back(b[j].T);
        } else {
          printer.println("Case #%hu: %s", x, "IMPOSSIBLE");
          fill(b + 1, b + B + 1, Building()), net.clear();
      walk(1), reverse(z.begin(), z.end()), z.push_back(1);
      for (uint i(1); i <= B; ++i) if (!b[i].t.empty()) {
        printer.println("Case #%hu: %s", x, "IMPOSSIBLE");
        fill(b + 1, b + B + 1, Building()), net.clear(), z.clear();
      printer.println("Case #%hu: %zu", x, z.size());
      printer.printrg(z.begin(), z.end()), z.clear();
      fill(b + 1, b + B + 1, Building()), net.clear();
  void main() {
    ushort const T(scanner.get<ushort>());
    for (ushort i(1); i <= T; ++i) test_case::main(i);


Test #1:

score: 11
time: 2ms
memory: 2852kb


5 8
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
5 10
1 3
1 4
2 3
2 5
3 1
3 4
3 5
4 2
5 1
5 3
5 10
1 4
2 3
2 5
3 1
3 5
4 2
4 3
4 5
5 1
5 2
3 6
1 2
1 3
2 1
2 3
3 1
3 2
5 10
1 2
1 5
2 3
2 4
3 1
4 3
4 5
5 2
5 3
5 4
4 10
1 2
1 3
1 4
2 1
2 3
2 4
3 1
3 4
4 2
4 3
5 10
1 2
1 3
2 1
2 4
3 1
3 5
4 2
4 5
5 3
5 4
5 10
1 ...


Case #2: 51
1 4 2 5 3 1 4 2 3 5 1 4 2 3 5 1 4 2 3 5 1 3 4 2 5 1 4 2 5 3 1 3 4 2 5 1 4 2 3 5 1 4 2 3 5 1 3 4 2 5 1
Case #3: 51
1 4 3 1 4 2 5 2 3 5 1 4 5 2 3 1 4 3 1 4 2 5 2 3 5 1 4 2 3 5 1 4 3 1 4 3 1 4 2 5 2 5 2 3 5 1 4 2 3 5 1
Case #4: 19
1 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 1


ok  (100 test cases)

Test #2:

score: 24
time: 2660ms
memory: 29944kb


199 4980
1 95
1 96
1 105
1 124
1 130
1 131
1 135
1 137
1 139
1 140
1 141
1 147
1 155
1 172
1 174
1 179
1 183
1 188
1 193
1 196
1 197
2 3
2 5
2 13
2 14
2 17
2 20
2 24
2 26
2 30
2 41
2 44
2 45
2 52
2 56
2 67
2 70
2 71
2 74
2 78
2 84
2 85
2 90
2 92
2 93
2 97
2 107
2 111
2 113
2 122
2 124
2 128
2 13...


Case #3: 1000001
1 121 158 6 110 38 7 76 22 49 143 57 172 72 5 163 119 29 106 122 83 73 80 81 126 192 144 124 93 30 77 55 194 33 67 40 130 82 96 178 145 97 71 3 35 162 186 105 48 36 112 92 138 200 169 95 34 78 187 118 155 170 102 147 120 94 141 89 164 75 24 20...


ok  (100 test cases)