The 2nd Universal Cup Finals is coming! Check out our event page, schedule, and competition rules!
ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#295747 | #4828. Four Plus Four | zhouhuanyi | AC ✓ | 401ms | 50888kb | C++20 | 2.3kb | 2023-12-31 21:02:41 | 2023-12-31 21:02:42 |
Judging History
#define N 60000
#define M 3919
using namespace std;
int read()
char c=0;
int sum=0;
while (c<'0'||c>'9') c=getchar();
while ('0'<=c&&c<='9') sum=sum*10+c-'0',c=getchar();
return sum;
string s,st[N+1],sw[N+1],a[N+1],b[N+1];
int n,m,num[26][26][26][26],p[N+1],cl[M+1][M+1],A[N+1],B[N+1],C[N+1];
bool cmp(int x,int y)
return E[x].size()<E[y].size();
void output(string x)
for (int i=0;i<x.length();++i) printf("%c",x[i]);
int main()
int t,sx,sy;
string x;
bool op;
if (s=="password")
for (int i=1;i<=t;++i) cin>>st[i];
for (int i=1;i<=t;++i) cin>>st[i]>>sw[i];
for (int i=1;i<=n;++i) cin>>a[i],P[a[i]]=i;
for (int i=1;i<=m;++i) cin>>b[i],num[b[i][0]-'a'][b[i][1]-'a'][b[i][2]-'a'][b[i][3]-'a']=i;
for (int i=1;i<=n;++i)
for (int j=1;j<=8;++j)
for (int k=1;k<=8;++k)
for (int w=1;w<=8;++w)
for (int q=1;q<=8;++q)
if (j!=k&&j!=w&&j!=q&&k!=w&&k!=q&&w!=q&&num[a[i][j-1]-'a'][a[i][k-1]-'a'][a[i][w-1]-'a'][a[i][q-1]-'a'])
for (int i=1;i<=n;++i)
if (E[p[i]].size()>=3)
for (int j=0;j<E[p[i]].size()&&op;++j)
for (int k=j;k<E[p[i]].size()&&op;++k)
for (int t=k;t<E[p[i]].size()&&op;++t)
if (!cl[E[p[i]][j]][E[p[i]][k]]&&!cl[E[p[i]][k]][E[p[i]][t]]&&!cl[E[p[i]][j]][E[p[i]][t]])
if (s=="password")
for (int i=1;i<=t;++i) output(b[A[P[st[i]]]]),printf(" "),output(b[B[P[st[i]]]]),printf(" "),output(b[C[P[st[i]]]]),puts("");
for (int i=1;i<=t;++i)
if (sx>sy) swap(sx,sy);
return 0;
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 365ms
memory: 50836kb
password 2 password couthier 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abetment abettals abet...
ados osar pard cero roti rout
keys 4 ados osar rout roti pard ados osar pard 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abet...
password couthier password password
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Test #2:
score: 100
time: 369ms
memory: 50828kb
password 1 quirkier 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abetment abettals abetters abet...
keir keir keir
keys 1 keir keir 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abetment abettals abetters abettin...
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Test #3:
score: 100
time: 381ms
memory: 50876kb
password 3 aardvark aardwolf aardvark 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abetment abet...
arak arak arak afar alow fard arak arak arak
keys 18 arak arak arak arak fard afar arak arak arak arak arak arak alow fard afar alow arak arak fard alow arak arak afar fard arak arak arak arak arak arak alow afar arak arak arak arak 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatise...
aardvark aardvark aardwolf aardvark aardvark aardvark aardwolf aardwolf aardvark aardwolf aardvark aardwolf aardvark aardvark aardvark aardwolf aardvark aardvark
ok OK
Test #4:
score: 100
time: 394ms
memory: 50776kb
password 10000 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abetment abettals abetters abetting abetto...
arak arak arak afar alow fard aals egos love abas beau cess aals bens bole aper barm beam abas ados bods alba blip clap aals bade beds aahs bani bias abba bate bate abas bate beat abri batt bort abas aces babe abba alit blab abbe base bass abed cadi cedi abed doms eons ambo amia bani abed buns cabs ...
keys 60000 acne egal feel chef ceil efts gins aeon cion done firn fino best kerb kent kins abri bred keir efts agio amir dose mono alls also alif fell best birk ante duad clon dole nous rune heat hest alts alps bite beth rale leal deni rest cels eggs acid corf feel fare seis deer fork fork vagi anta...
cleaning fleeches felsitic agonizes coincide frogging bruskest dinkiest arabized forkiest armigero endosome falloffs fallible briskest denudate canoodle conquers dashiest flypasts bioethic carrells dextrins cloggers fricando filarees dressier formwork aviating dogeship arousals celestas buttocks epi...
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Test #5:
score: 100
time: 399ms
memory: 50888kb
password 10000 fucoidal fuddling fuehrers fuellers fuelling fuelwood fugacity fuggiest fugitive fugleman fuglemen fuguists fulcrums fulfills fullback fullered fullface fullness fulmined fulmines fulminic fumarase fumarate fumarole fumatory fumblers fumbling fumeless fumelike fumettes fumigant fumiga...
acid coif fado ding fund fund errs fehs reef eels full suer fell genu gulf delf feud fled cagy cagy cagy efts egis fugs etui five five ague alme fame emeu feel fuel figs fist fits crus culm curl fill full full back bulk bulk deer dull fuel alec alef cafe ells fens flus defi fume lend elms fens lief ...
keys 60000 tier ains heir heth born bill drop doer ells pert kept kept mops demo brie bell door doer flam alto acme kame gins tour bump burp none oven hasp hons nana anna gink ions arse ails alit lain lien dees eery eery aces stoa peri duit ruer epos limo kilt aeon bone acre ally emes pure amen mast...
inertias hitherto hornbill proponed pollster pokeroot imposted overbill overword platform maverick outrings plumbery inventor pansophy nanowatt knowings realiser quaintly linseeds greenery notecase pictured posturer milkwort moonbeam rectally presumer nutmeats legality hidrosis panderer haunches ove...
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Test #6:
score: 100
time: 389ms
memory: 50888kb
password 8488 redounds redpolls redrafts redrawer redreams redreamt redrills redriven redrives redroots redrying redshank redshift redshirt redskins redstart redtails redubbed reducers reducing reductor reduviid redwares redwings redwoods redyeing reearned reechier reechoed reechoes reedbird reedbuc...
dens odds ones dell dorp elds ares deaf feds awed dere draw ares dams deem dame date dram deil ills lier deer nevi rein deer vier vise doer dost errs deni grey gyri ands ankh dark defi erst fist dies herd hers deni kier kine ares dart read adit sale sial bedu bred bree cede crus rued cedi drug genu ...
keys 50928 soil soil eras erne ours ours vest vent arum arvo peri pirn meed mart mess egis poet foot busy busy sain ager icky cloy delf doff imam imam ilea isle fire rife erns inti cups piss otto arty lows lose engs eths fiat acre alga agas aero pore kins agin sets eels buns buns duly dink ears aped...
voleries serenata survivor veinlets variorum underpin tampered seemings wetproof subtypes resawing rollicky souffled whamming soilages revivify sinister spicules rotatory wailsome strength trifecta scalawag warpower snacking shtetels sunburns unkindly spreader uprushed remotest wastries shitakes scr...
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Test #7:
score: 100
time: 383ms
memory: 50880kb
password 10 clumsier accursed dovening electron ruddling roadshow tabooley eugenics meristic nebulose 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abd...
ceil curs mirs aced crus rude deni dove give celt corn enol ding nurl nurl ados haws hods abet bolo bolt cees cigs gees cire mise mist been lune noel
keys 46 crus aced bolt bolo noel lune haws hods aced crus ceil curs bolo abet mirs curs been lune mise mist give dove abet bolo aced rude ceil mirs celt corn rude crus give deni haws ados ding nurl corn enol curs ceil dove deni mirs ceil cigs gees rude aced dove give cees cigs deni dove hods haws be...
accursed tabooley nebulose roadshow accursed clumsier tabooley clumsier nebulose meristic dovening tabooley accursed clumsier electron accursed dovening roadshow ruddling electron clumsier dovening clumsier eugenics accursed dovening eugenics dovening roadshow nebulose ruddling meristic ruddling mer...
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Test #8:
score: 100
time: 363ms
memory: 50848kb
password 100 bandying travoise wattapes moonfish guruship reground canvased undenied areolate choushes angakoks replicas widthway pitchout noumenal skeining reshines invokers golconda unchokes slowworm peplumed captious glochids longeing spectate helicoid spongily donators bunchier strummer unsolder...
agin band bani aero stir taos apes awes pest fino fish hins ghis guru pigs doer dong ergo aced anas aves deed deni nene aero alto late cess hehs hush agas agon kaas acre apse cris adit dawt dawt chip otic ouch aeon alum luna egis inks king erne hisn shes eons kier kino agon clad clag chon cuke hens ...
keys 313 fish fino beam beam durn grue dint deer mems immy dogy doms rets sera arty lour efts lime mist miso hand aahs bios bobs eros litu ahem fail pics opus leer keel cigs chid beam beam bred bice pirn pins egos gent hehs hush ados oast inks egis dogs doms beam beam apse acre ails nevi adit sera a...
moonfish jambeaux repugned trendier yummiest gypsydom striated outlawry leftisms mosquito hardpans bibcocks outliers fishmeal captious treelike glochids jambeaux cribbled respring nonguest choushes donators skeining gypsydom jambeaux replicas ventails striated areolate treelike donators brougham bun...
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Test #9:
score: 100
time: 377ms
memory: 50884kb
password 1000 idealist xanthein reworded hopheads scutters beakless charkhas gaywings footpath tonearms extremes mortuary journals hominids notchers variorum wangling arousing curacoas tellable fellator muenster flatuses canzonet biasness reremind ectozoan graftage typhonic masthead scholars amygdal...
adit ales isle ante exit haen deed owed owed ados epha epos cess curt rest able asks ekes aahs arcs cask agin snaw snaw atop foot haft aeon omer rams emes erst mete army arum auto also anus jarl dims hins hods cent cosh hero amir arum arvo agin lawn lawn agin nous sora arco caca cars abet able belt ...
keys 2230 dirt etui bill bill ains atop ires lips lops lots aced dope fame aide weer cede asks buck cire abed peri eros ikon aeon cory rato nous agin bill bill erne nope duet delt eves lees eels gips ness nest dyke demo isle lent elhi hila idea bima amus dual gird gree rale ails ains tens mice emit ...
sturdied sibyllic appoints slippers pullouts canopied affirmed richweed sawbucks carbides ripostes novalike cryostat arousing sibyllic peperoni trundler verbless espiegle descents misyoked tintless caliches imbalmed ladanums rerigged salliers antsiest eremitic botanize reaginic apostles couloirs eye...
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Test #10:
score: 100
time: 392ms
memory: 50828kb
password 10000 parrying wayfarer resodded trounced fumbling outvaunt dealated flappers canonist eggheads roughage intoners totalism lobsters soundmen toothier implores revamped foreword floccule glossier slideway bottlers expiates mephitic erratics overcook kipperer wickiups rescuers fauvisms tyrami...
agin nary parr aery away fare deed dors eros cent dote dune blin bumf bumf aunt nota nota alae data date alef aper flap acts coin inns aged dahs dees aero agog ague eons roti tier ails atom mist bels ores rets demo menu mods heir hoot otto elms mope oils aped mare mead doer feod food cell clef clef ...
keys 49151 ewes iwis axes abet cess echo lino gilt gees engs emes aces agin gave anna adit sees egis eons tees bedu mend ante haul mace mace code cove cols clot cosy ains cull cull alar alas peer pate abet orts fens foes paid agin dell fell kane arks aces bars lord door fate alae aces frae caph aced...
viewiest bauxites hocusses toppling genettes amesaces gingivae adnation vestiges essonite numbered hazelnut massacre convoyed cytosols acyloins mullocky arrayals accepter abettors sulfones dappling refelled kaiserin brechans dolorous fayalite surfacer capuched weeniest carbaryl clinched followed sca...
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Test #11:
score: 100
time: 377ms
memory: 50876kb
password 10000 inertiae satiable riverbed defeater coffling sucroses nonbeing martagon birdcall cumberer octuplet befitted witchier faithing euphuism disunity meathead musician currants basilary erepsins fluorine ripostes mesnalty downhaul squarely conjoins sweatier outlined enchants extincts lifele...
airn rani rant aals site slat beer dire drib daft dart deer cion floc flog cero curs cuss bine bone bong agar atma grot abri cadi call beer cube cube celt lope lout beef beet bitt chew chit heir agin gift haft emus hemp hies dins duit dust ahem data hade aims anus main acts carn curr aals birl bray ...
keys 1 inky illy 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abetment abettals abetters abettin...
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Test #12:
score: 100
time: 386ms
memory: 50888kb
password 10000 biunique chinning chowchow civility cyclicly diacidic dibbukim diluvium divvying dizzying exceeded exiguity expellee finiking fizzling frizzily froufrou giddying gimmicky gingilli haggadah henequin heniquen higgling humidify illiquid infinity infixion jingling jujutsus kickback levell...
bine bine bine chin chin chin chow chow chow city city city illy illy illy acid acid acid dumb dumb dumb imid imid imid ding nidi nidi ding ding ding cede cede cede etui etui etui epee epee epee fink fink fink fizz fizz fizz fizz friz friz four four four didy didy didy icky icky icky gill gill gill ...
keys 60000 dada dead arum euro into jogs adze dean illy wail nope eery cosy cels eger ceil gien been gins girt bees busk meme meme nigh inch ains aahs agio gars arbs bans gent even abba abri file fern fell fugu eses errs liri live gibe agin coma ammo bear bear alec acyl elmy elmy hike hews inch chit...
hardhead armourer jingoist anodized willywaw pyroxene cymosely creeling bemingle stirring buckshee memorize pinching harianas grazioso suburban genitive barbaric frenzily guileful reserves livelier behaving drammock abhorrer caecally mellowly whiskeys catching coldcock covetous tittuppy sailfish hic...
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Test #13:
score: 100
time: 371ms
memory: 50884kb
password 10000 biunique chinning chowchow civility cyclicly diacidic dibbukim diluvium divvying dizzying exceeded exiguity expellee finiking fizzling frizzily froufrou giddying gimmicky gingilli haggadah henequin heniquen higgling humidify illiquid infinity infixion jingling jujutsus kickback levell...
bine bine bine chin chin chin chow chow chow city city city illy illy illy acid acid acid dumb dumb dumb imid imid imid ding nidi nidi ding ding ding cede cede cede etui etui etui epee epee epee fink fink fink fizz fizz fizz fizz friz friz four four four didy didy didy icky icky icky gill gill gill ...
keys 10000 alae away line line blob bell enow dido koph koph foys foys alto alls cock cued epee perm dene dine girl bigs dear deer agar anas chad aunt acyl carl hant anti bora abri dues dues amin akin cent hern anon aryl lose eels dell dodo hewn heir gyps gigs dado dyad dote cero bits best next peer...
wellaway wiliness bellboys windowed pirozhki opsonify axolotls cuckooed temperer deionize brisling rewarder parasang dutchman carnally tithonia gabbroid squushed mannikin entrench nonroyal soleuses dolloped whinnier gypsying ladyhood crotched bossiest unexpert overseer wineskin mandarin bryozoan air...
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Test #14:
score: 100
time: 384ms
memory: 50888kb
password 9998 sacredly yeshivas tattiest diluvian conjunct crumbers lambasts pupilage leggings dispirit galleass deserver shutting schmucks bitching methanol prefects floppers untended usurpers trundler syringes lambency skylines intender disclaim reanoint recoiler tincture feminize vicomtes moistur...
aced aryl easy ashy easy easy aits eats eats anil auld diva conn conn conn berm bums crus aals blam lamb ague gape gape eggs glen isle dips dipt dirt aals ages ells deer rees seed ghis hunt nuts chum cusk cuss bint chin inti aeon halt helm cees reef refs epos floe oles deed duet dunt errs purr purr ...
keys 40537 dips apse fins eons foss foss dive dive keir ceil keps kelp kiln aide agin lang dies pure fete erne erst sews etch eche ossa roes abas dams begs bole marl aide craw acid cedi coil blin flub gags gain bloc boll ambo boot lino lorn ands deaf epee lore clue cell bets bots ells isle opus deni...
headship infernos showoffs viverrid rocklike pliskies dawnlike waggling disputer efferent retwists retrench solacers gambados lovebugs dismaler cityward collided flubbing anglings bullocky bathroom nonviral deafness repeople coquille bonesets soilless unpoised thronged vitiates picquets derating pli...
ok OK
Test #15:
score: 100
time: 395ms
memory: 50880kb
password 9997 imperils gunfight beladies fatstock nonionic oblongly mensural bolognas gleaners ascetics midterms windsurf aweather groschen priedieu sporular unsonsie evulsion shogunal cardioid mortises lapidify intrudes opposing rooftops snippier adultery meteoric mestizas gainless shoptalk ceiling...
elms imps lisp gift hint hung abed leas libs acts kafs kafs cion coni coni bogy boll boon ales arum emus abos bang bong agee sale seal aces cite etas derm diet ires dins durn fids area ewer haet cero gens gosh deep drip irid alps lour oars eons onus onus enol luvs onus agon gosh guan acid arco coda ...
keys 41296 been boon tang tang fink ilks gain agin loin lino epos pros emit hint alee eths gate alit aahs awry best cobs cees crew lint cion agar gest ahem ahem lose lite back alum coco cans amps imps gosh hogs bits bait alae lari desk diet grin erns ains quai cats ates sine inti deem imps mans atom...
wobegone nutating skinfuls agnizing poppling reproves monteith athletes litigate haywards biotechs screwers nitrolic gastraea hyphemia otalgies blackgum raccoons spamming homologs satiably lavalier duskiest sniggers quinnats clearest niceties demireps mastodon talesman floppers tapeless steroids ren...
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Test #16:
score: 100
time: 398ms
memory: 50880kb
password 9999 flitting perigons andirons torosity valuable prickles kismetic gomerils motivate cocksure albumins triplite epicarps honorand spending clinched copilots misbound furcated smellier tectites seriated yestreen phenetic drinkers caudally defiling easiness huisache rouleaux deadhead cleanes...
flit inti lift egis pong pons ados airn nans oots rosy rosy able blue lava ceil keps kips cist emic item egis glom moil amie atom iota cero cuke reck ails bums iamb lept lier pelt aces pipe sipe anon darn hand deni gips pegs cedi chin held cist loop olio bids doms duos aced curt fact eels mill mils ...
keys 41858 egis neon agar mags hind deer suns eels cone chez mels mels bind bide adit nips acme clop isle erst alit aril eras anes agas eyas lars lase nill ells deni nows agin arts nans ados djin aced gaun bunt gigs grig errs spur edhs does also harl caws coal bunn bind chia chia lyes elmy lacs east...
enginous grandams rehinged unsteels zecchino midlives benzidin satinpod compleat slitters critical ensnares gateways regalers niellist disowned starring andirons jaundice gunboats priggism spurries scorched althorns woolsack bundling chalazia mesially sceptral impledge pygmyish paradrop dactylic sig...
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Test #17:
score: 100
time: 388ms
memory: 50832kb
password 9998 enneagon ungotten electors applique delights vibronic foothold sappiest wheedled detruded databank melanoma ironware starkers witherer walloper mitogens stiflers foreside semitone johnnies conceals sublunar recusals aldehyde leprotic ptomains linkable antitank insurers reshowed caruncl...
aeon agee agon gent none none cees colt lots ilea leap lieu deil eths gest born brin brio dolt dolt dolt aits peps piss deed heel held deed rude rude anta band bank aeon alma lame aeon inro near ares asks kart ewer thee thee aero leap lowe egis meno most efts tels ties deer fido seif emes ions nite ...
keys 44951 irks kine lame aces crus erst lwei dees haik haik gien linn ache hoar boss bens eels lehr kirs kist lits limn flap farm moos boom abet celt oots oats beef bred late ages gama aahs ceil mole aero limo coco cels acid bold begs bolo efts nett cuif cine revs erns dews dews eels moly huns eons...
einkorns calomels truckers swiveled highjack eloining reproach subzones shelvers trinkets luminist preflame motorbus citeable odorants forebode gantlets mahuangs polemics amitrole floccose cuboidal beglooms oftenest fuchsine versines dyeweeds employes unhorses everyman empurple premixes commoved sli...
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Test #18:
score: 100
time: 387ms
memory: 50884kb
password 9995 hatching liturgic ravagers defrayal whickers lockstep mufflers zoogenic repairer multiped beclouds demising steading bodysurf balloter mousings xanthoma directer chancels linguine bandages cajolery despited littered finances fontanel impaling paltered messiahs backlogs pedicure trithin...
agin hath hath clit curl curt agar ages arse aery alfa delf chew chis hers cels keps kept effs elms fume cine coon once aper pair parr deil emit mild beds bloc clue deni migs mind adit egis gast bods bros buoy abet lore lota gins moss mugs amah atom axon cede dirt rite aces lacs lacs genu glen glue ...
keys 48114 shat ails milo limn cone egos abos kbar howl glow iron heir fell fell moot mort dory doty conk cion bone amen euro grue said adit omen omen shoe eths aery arms gnar aery rato roan aals gear bilk bonk jeer jeer effs leis crew crus abet fire idly idly menu emes dots doit aced emus izar ritz...
lathiest luminous isogenic outbarks showgirl thornier bellyful wormroot torridly knocking jobnames roughhew staidest pomander ethnoses kerygmas greenway carotene salvager bobolink reinjure rifflers crewcuts fireboat lividity muteness disjoint muscadel tsaritza peatiest coadmits sisterly crofters vin...
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Test #19:
score: 100
time: 395ms
memory: 50836kb
password 9995 bribable confrere cohoshes whoopers subspace arenites tinniest tornados kolhozes longeron octonary werewolf shoveler anodized announce reniform haploidy defoamer prelives tamboura fleshpot peponium fanworts refrying stobbing fathered horsecar disposal clobbers slippage coquitos trample...
abbe aril bibb cere corn fere cess coho cosh epos phew phew aces baps buss airn ants arse inns nett sett ados ordo orts elks helo hoke enol ergo loge arco racy racy ewer fere flew eels hero rhos adze aeon dean acne aeon aeon emir fino from ahoy dahl diol aero deem fard eels ripe spiv abut atma aura ...
keys 59872 isle adit awry abye abed lean ease deme ceil cost tens tees mire mine sand anta emus dune deke cede fled dele emeu mite need aged ours outs agee fees main limo tall agin pits oops amen abos legs ager abet rote egis hone doms dime gist auto bios brow epee peps fall flan even aced dung dens...
idealist waxberry banderol daemones solecist internes perineum cabstand dumbness kvetched gulfweed mutineer gandered virtuous fuselage monaxial tallying oviposit jobnames grapples tabouret histogen embodies agouties ribworts prepense flailing cravened gudgeons hunkered glassier outliner hooklike sli...
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Test #20:
score: 100
time: 388ms
memory: 50824kb
password 9997 coleslaw rikshaws intended rondeaux dendroid footling tackling shittahs beaklike unpacker bearhugs misthrow sphinges franklin terrible somebody firetrap peasecod leukosis ferruled subgraph grizzles oversize argentum didactic buckbean previews driveway allovers sailorly flavorer cycling...
aces alow cowl airs hawk hawk deed dint nide aeon axed dare deni doer eddo filo font gilt agin talc talc aits hahs hast able akee balk acne cuke knap ager bars bash hist miso mors egis pehs phis airn fail firn beer brit leet beds beys body airt feta frae aced ceps daps elks kilo kois deer flee flue ...
keys 59908 flow flog lope elms cons nest inro dorr agin rand fern file tilt egis hols hast dato odea fiar acre have have dies dens acyl ceca film fill ding duro bite best emes eons aces achy geed ding acid airt emes meed hens hive dims emes aced rant inro lins aced leno peds dipt maws aero dido bids...
wrongful pummelos concents gridiron darnings frenzily settling woolhats outacted craftier achieves nitrides cyclamen flimsily drouking beefiest envenoms hackneys bewinged carditic esteemed vixenish misdeeds crenated rosinols colander dippiest woomeras disbound peacocks trawlnet meatuses tenderer con...
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Test #21:
score: 100
time: 395ms
memory: 50772kb
password 9989 manacles pastromi squarely fetterer anatoxin bilberry demagogs libelers scarphed berretta birdings diapered evincive mannered unfilmed misprize strikers abductee ovariole eyeholes clotting wooingly locutory doorknob pitiless extruded repugned quiniela heroizes ravagers crispers sixpenn...
aals acme mana aims pita pois aery ales lays feet free fret anna axon axon bier bile birr ados ages doge beer ells libs aced haps pech abet bree rare bids brig drib aide paid pair cine even neve amen darn dear defi leud lied emir imps mise errs kier kirs abed beet cate aero aril evil eels eely eyes ...
keys 59915 airs rees erst defi mane mean lams lams morn cero sons suer kilo ails dens dews nuns ghis hart ales opus oses lars lits noir roan bore boom emes eths eggs goes aryl ally acne rats bort beck mans mate ares fads mirs ails dura aero alee heal aunt nits cigs pick eros skew hots opah luny chin...
aversive redshift melanins classism sermonic cornuses soaplike swounded huntings slathers specious dilators reobtain foreboom meshiest gorgeous phyllary scantier brockets augments drafters oralisms favoured haleness nautilus kingcups kotowers hardtops punchily dindling coniosis knitwear shkotzim run...
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Test #22:
score: 100
time: 401ms
memory: 50832kb
password 9992 seatwork hominian liqueurs clomping repliers hulloaed fallowed dialyzed fireless vaqueros neumatic creamier moneyers hilliest cravings quezales reenacts myrmidon hacklers morainal inbursts headland motility handbell consumed enduring counties herrying faltboat feldsher blowiest robotic...
aero oaks oaks amin anon main ires lies lieu cion glim milo eels pier sipe aloe auld doll alef alow dell adze dial didy eels fire rifs aero ours rase acme ante cent acme amir care eery meno mors elhi hest ills agin vacs vacs alee ease eels acne arts cats dorm dory immy aces lakh lakh airn limo marl ...
keys 59935 aery leal aals oars melt eely aahs east arak cark beet beet dote dour hail aces ours opus atap ball abed fado brew bore amir deem bail alif abos earn emir leer hurt mirs deys cels cees line semi emit anil amid nick icky stet sots gosh aero acre cart arks laps airs reap hath atom adit dins...
retrally rasorial motleyer attaches jackaroo begetter outfired chalices provirus trapball fordable burrower dreamier blackfin baroness impeller mistruth cussedly licenses mistiest mandolin picnicky stertors shortage execrate larkspur parvises hawkmoth adjoints ballyhoo gharials escapers airsheds tup...
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Test #23:
score: 100
time: 398ms
memory: 50888kb
password 10000 tornados overwise martagon pleasers doggones photonic monishes affirmed monogamy timorous coinvent prodigal misstart kailyard decreers chabouks agronomy grossest movement medusoid floccose caecally arenites gabelled fervency tableted marasmus cowberry brokages supermom bellbird outspa...
ados ordo orts eros sori vees agar atma grot alee pass pees dens dong dose chin coop hoop eons mesh mesh aide fame fard agon ammo goon mirs mort most cent oven vein agio apod diol aims rats rims airy alky arak cede errs recs abos buck busk agon army gamy egos erst grot even meme meno demo died duos ...
keys 59903 corf cees abos ains doth deil duct duct cede cone abet bolo kegs egis clef curl moos moos apse aeon gamy agma alga alae shoe eros eggs ergs kaon agin deil rode eths ceil ceil gley hens cero aced coys iron hent ahem amir hood chid aero eves lame lota bins dins cork cork alee nerd alba alba...
frescoer nabobish holytide curveted convened tabooley kennings cheerful oxysomes eupnoeas autogamy cleavage soothers gigglers polkaing soldiers chillest glyceric schooner cyanosed thornier haulmier trochoid oversave tomalley banished cockcrow antlered albizzia corbinas motordom backwrap moronism cus...
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