ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#208270 | #7561. Digit DP | w4p3r | WA | 740ms | 79224kb | C++20 | 4.5kb | 2023-10-09 12:54:49 | 2023-10-09 12:54:49 |
Judging History
#define inf 2e9
#define eps 1e-6
#define FOR(i, a, b) for(int i = a; i <= b; i ++)
#define REP(i, a, b) for(int i = a; i >= b; i --)
#define pb push_back
#define fr first
#define sd second
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
inline ll read()
char ch = getchar();
ll s = 0, w = 1;
while (ch < '0' || ch > '9') {if (ch == '-')w = -1; ch = getchar();}
while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {s = s * 10 + ch - '0'; ch = getchar();}
return s * w;
const int mod = 998244353;
#define N 110
#define M 40010
int n, q;
struct node
int s[3], len;
node() {FOR(i, 0, 2)s[i] = 0; len = 0;}
} t[N * M], s[N];
int ls[N * M], rs[N * M], tag[N * M];
int rt, tot;
int inv2, inv6;
int a[N];
bitset<N>B1[N], B2[N];
int ksm(int a, int b)
int ans = 1;
while (b) {if (b & 1)ans = 1LL * ans * a % mod; b >>= 1; a = 1LL * a * a % mod;}
return ans;
int C3(int n) {return 1LL * n * (n + mod - 1) % mod * (n + mod - 2) % mod * inv6 % mod;}
int C2(int n) {return 1LL * n * (n + mod - 1) % mod * inv2 % mod;}
node operator +(const node a, const node b)
node c; c.len = (a.len + b.len) % mod;
c.s[0] = (1LL * a.s[0] + b.s[0]) % mod;
c.s[1] = (1LL * a.s[1] + b.s[1] + 1LL * a.s[0] * b.s[0]) % mod;
c.s[2] = (1LL * a.s[2] + b.s[2] + 1LL * a.s[1] * b.s[0] + 1LL * a.s[0] * b.s[1]) % mod;
return c;
node operator +(const node a, const int w)
node c; c.len = a.len;
c.s[0] = (1LL * a.s[0] + 1LL * a.len * w) % mod;
c.s[1] = (1LL * a.s[1] + 1LL * a.s[0] * (a.len + mod - 1) % mod * w + 1LL * C2(a.len) * w % mod * w) % mod;
c.s[2] = (1LL * a.s[2] + 1LL * a.s[1] * (a.len + mod - 2) % mod * w + 1LL * a.s[0] * C2(a.len - 1) * w % mod * w + 1LL * C3(a.len) * w % mod * w % mod * w) % mod;
return c;
char S[N];
bitset<N> Read()
scanf("%s", S + 1);
FOR(i, 1, n)ans[i] = S[i] - '0';
return ans;
void push(int x, int w) {t[x] = t[x] + w; tag[x] = (tag[x] + w) % mod;}
void pushdown(int x, int S, int dep)
if (!ls[x]) {ls[x] = ++ tot; t[ls[x]] = s[dep + 1] + S;}
if (!rs[x]) {rs[x] = ++ tot; t[rs[x]] = s[dep + 1] + ((a[dep] + S) % mod);}
if (tag[x]) {push(ls[x], tag[x]); push(rs[x], tag[x]); tag[x] = 0;}
void pushup(int x) {t[x] = t[ls[x]] + t[rs[x]];}
void print(bitset<N>L, bitset<N> R, int dep)
cout << "MODIFY:" << dep << endl;
FOR(i, 1, n)cout << L[i]; cout << endl;
FOR(i, 1, n)cout << R[i]; cout << endl;
void add(int &x, const bitset<N>ql, const bitset<N>qr, int dep, int S, int w)
if (!x) {x = ++tot; t[tot] = s[dep] + S;}
if (((ql & B1[dep]) == 0) && ((qr & B1[dep]) == B1[dep])) {/*print(ql, qr, dep); cout << "???:" << t[x].len << " " << t[x].s[0] << ' ' << t[x].s[1] << ' ' << t[x].s[2] << endl;;*/ push(x, w); return ;}
pushdown(x, S, dep);
if (qr[dep] == 0)add(ls[x], ql, qr, dep + 1, S, w);
else if (ql[dep] == 1)add(rs[x], ql, qr, dep + 1, (S + a[dep]) % mod, w);
add(ls[x], ql, B1[dep + 1], dep + 1, S, w);
add(rs[x], 0, qr, dep + 1, (S + a[dep]) % mod, w);
// print(ql, qr, dep);
// cout << "???:" << t[x].len << " " << t[x].s[0] << ' ' << t[x].s[1] << ' ' << t[x].s[2] << endl;;
int qry(int &x, const bitset<N>ql, const bitset<N>qr, int dep, int S)
if (!x) {x = ++tot; t[tot] = s[dep] + S;}
if (((ql & B1[dep]) == 0) && ((qr & B1[dep]) == B1[dep])) return t[x].s[2];
pushdown(x, S, dep);
if (qr[dep] == 0)return qry(ls[x], ql, qr, dep + 1, S);
else if (ql[dep] == 1)return qry(rs[x], ql, qr, dep + 1, (S + a[dep]) % mod);
int s = 0;
s = (s + qry(ls[x], ql, B1[dep + 1], dep + 1, S)) % mod;
s = (s + qry(rs[x], 0, qr, dep + 1, (S + a[dep]) % mod)) % mod;
return s;
int main()
// freopen("C.in", "r", stdin);
// freopen("C.out", "w", stdout);
inv2 = ksm(2, mod - 2);
inv6 = ksm(6, mod - 2);
n = read(), q = read();
FOR(i, 1, n)
B2[i] = B2[i - 1];
B2[i][i] = 1;
REP(i, n, 1)
B1[i] = B1[i + 1];
B1[i][i] = 1;
FOR(i, 1, n)a[i] = read() % mod;
reverse(a + 1, a + n + 1);
s[n + 1].len = 1;
REP(i, n, 1)
s[i] = s[i + 1] + (s[i + 1] + a[i]);
// FOR(i, 1, n)
// cout << s[i].len << ' ' << s[i].s[0] << ' ' << s[i].s[1] << ' ' << s[i].s[2] << endl;
while (q --)
int op = read(); bitset<N>L = Read(), R = Read();
if (op == 1)
int w = read();
add(rt, L, R, 1, 0, w);
else cout << qry(rt, L, R, 1, 0) << '\n';
return 0;
3 3
1 2 4
2 000 111
1 010 101 1
2 000 111
2 2
1 1
2 00 10
2 00 11
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 0ms
memory: 73912kb
3 3 1 2 4 2 000 111 1 010 101 1 2 000 111
1960 3040
ok 2 number(s): "1960 3040"
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 4ms
memory: 73548kb
2 2 1 1 2 00 10 2 00 11
0 2
ok 2 number(s): "0 2"
Test #3:
score: -100
Wrong Answer
time: 740ms
memory: 79224kb
99 49952 470888 74578 802746 396295 386884 721198 628655 722503 207868 647942 87506 792718 761498 917727 843338 908043 952768 268783 375312 414369 319712 96230 277106 168102 263554 936674 246545 667941 198849 268921 191459 436316 134606 802932 515506 837311 465964 394766 17626 650419 984050 790137 4...
901584734 963957407 400507314 664981671 441999993 177001799 952946324 530640678 398014521 276143660 34031664 -88353756 333535914 154474382 200809186 585109836 563608984 939555965 751654926 611877595 134866719 804173612 472857580 616100436 402867867 43493692 788765239 444679093 931265348 556636837 73...
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '413449847', found: '901584734'