

#195135#7514. Clique Challengeucup-team1951#WA 103ms3864kbC++1710.1kb2023-10-01 01:08:582023-10-01 01:08:58

Judging History


  • [2023-10-01 01:08:58]
  • 评测
  • 测评结果:WA
  • 用时:103ms
  • 内存:3864kb
  • [2023-10-01 01:08:58]
  • 提交


// https://judge.yosupo.jp/submission/129199

#line 2 "graph/enumerate_cliques.hpp"

 * @file enumerate_cliques.hpp
 * @brief Enumerate all cliques
 * @author hitonanode
 * @date 2023/03/10

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <numeric>
#include <queue>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

// Complexity: O(2 ** sqrt(2m) * n)
// p.15, https://www.slideshare.net/wata_orz/ss-12131479
struct enumerate_cliques {
    std::vector<std::vector<int>> to;
    std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> edges;

    int n() const { return to.size(); }
    int m() const { return edges.size(); }

    enumerate_cliques(int n_) : to(n_) {}

    void add_bi_edge(int u, int v) {
        assert(0 <= u and u < n());
        assert(0 <= v and v < n());
        if (u != v) edges.emplace_back(std::minmax(u, v));

    // Build `to`
    void precalc() {
        std::sort(edges.begin(), edges.end());
        edges.erase(std::unique(edges.begin(), edges.end()), edges.end());

        for (auto &vec : to) vec.clear();
        for (auto [u, v] : edges) to.at(u).push_back(v), to.at(v).push_back(u);
        for (auto &vec : to) std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());

    template <class F>
    void bruteforce(const std::vector<int> &cand_vs, int prefix_use, F op) const {
        const int k = cand_vs.size();
        const int mask_all = (1 << k) - 1;
        std::vector<int> ok_masks(k, mask_all);

        for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
                int u = cand_vs.at(i), v = cand_vs.at(j);
                if (!std::binary_search(to.at(u).cbegin(), to.at(u).cend(), v)) {
                    ok_masks.at(i) &= ~(1 << j), ok_masks.at(j) &= ~(1 << i);

        std::vector<int> seq;
        if (prefix_use >= 0) seq.push_back(prefix_use);
        seq.reserve(seq.size() + k);

        auto rec = [&](auto &&self, int now, const int last_mask) -> void {
            for (int i = now; i < k; ++i) {
                if ((last_mask >> i) & 1) {
                    seq.back() = cand_vs.at(i);
                    self(self, i + 1, last_mask & ok_masks.at(i));
        rec(rec, 0, mask_all);

    template <class F> void run(F op) {

        std::vector<int> deg(n()), is_alive(n(), 1);
        using P = std::pair<int, int>;
        std::priority_queue<P, std::vector<P>, std::greater<P>> pq;
        for (int i = 0; i < n(); ++i) deg.at(i) = to.at(i).size(), pq.emplace(deg.at(i), i);

        int rem_n = n(), rem_m = m();

        std::vector<int> cand_vs;
        while (!pq.empty()) {
            auto [di, i] = pq.top();
            if (deg.at(i) != di) continue;


            if (di * di > rem_m * 2) { // Avoid "deg[i] = 0" case
                for (int i = 0; i < n(); ++i) {
                    if (is_alive.at(i)) cand_vs.push_back(i);
                bruteforce(cand_vs, -1, op);

            for (int j : to.at(i)) {
                if (is_alive.at(j)) cand_vs.push_back(j);
            bruteforce(cand_vs, i, op);

            --rem_n, deg.at(i) = 0, is_alive.at(i) = 0;
            for (int j : cand_vs) --rem_m, --deg.at(j), pq.emplace(deg.at(j), j);
#line 2 "modint.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#line 5 "modint.hpp"

template <int md> struct ModInt {
#if __cplusplus >= 201402L
#define MDCONST constexpr
#define MDCONST
    using lint = long long;
    MDCONST static int mod() { return md; }
    static int get_primitive_root() {
        static int primitive_root = 0;
        if (!primitive_root) {
            primitive_root = [&]() {
                std::set<int> fac;
                int v = md - 1;
                for (lint i = 2; i * i <= v; i++)
                    while (v % i == 0) fac.insert(i), v /= i;
                if (v > 1) fac.insert(v);
                for (int g = 1; g < md; g++) {
                    bool ok = true;
                    for (auto i : fac)
                        if (ModInt(g).pow((md - 1) / i) == 1) {
                            ok = false;
                    if (ok) return g;
                return -1;
        return primitive_root;
    int val_;
    int val() const noexcept { return val_; }
    MDCONST ModInt() : val_(0) {}
    MDCONST ModInt &_setval(lint v) { return val_ = (v >= md ? v - md : v), *this; }
    MDCONST ModInt(lint v) { _setval(v % md + md); }
    MDCONST explicit operator bool() const { return val_ != 0; }
    MDCONST ModInt operator+(const ModInt &x) const {
        return ModInt()._setval((lint)val_ + x.val_);
    MDCONST ModInt operator-(const ModInt &x) const {
        return ModInt()._setval((lint)val_ - x.val_ + md);
    MDCONST ModInt operator*(const ModInt &x) const {
        return ModInt()._setval((lint)val_ * x.val_ % md);
    MDCONST ModInt operator/(const ModInt &x) const {
        return ModInt()._setval((lint)val_ * x.inv().val() % md);
    MDCONST ModInt operator-() const { return ModInt()._setval(md - val_); }
    MDCONST ModInt &operator+=(const ModInt &x) { return *this = *this + x; }
    MDCONST ModInt &operator-=(const ModInt &x) { return *this = *this - x; }
    MDCONST ModInt &operator*=(const ModInt &x) { return *this = *this * x; }
    MDCONST ModInt &operator/=(const ModInt &x) { return *this = *this / x; }
    friend MDCONST ModInt operator+(lint a, const ModInt &x) {
        return ModInt()._setval(a % md + x.val_);
    friend MDCONST ModInt operator-(lint a, const ModInt &x) {
        return ModInt()._setval(a % md - x.val_ + md);
    friend MDCONST ModInt operator*(lint a, const ModInt &x) {
        return ModInt()._setval(a % md * x.val_ % md);
    friend MDCONST ModInt operator/(lint a, const ModInt &x) {
        return ModInt()._setval(a % md * x.inv().val() % md);
    MDCONST bool operator==(const ModInt &x) const { return val_ == x.val_; }
    MDCONST bool operator!=(const ModInt &x) const { return val_ != x.val_; }
    MDCONST bool operator<(const ModInt &x) const {
        return val_ < x.val_;
    } // To use std::map<ModInt, T>
    friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, ModInt &x) {
        lint t;
        return is >> t, x = ModInt(t), is;
    MDCONST friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ModInt &x) {
        return os << x.val_;
    MDCONST ModInt pow(lint n) const {
        ModInt ans = 1, tmp = *this;
        while (n) {
            if (n & 1) ans *= tmp;
            tmp *= tmp, n >>= 1;
        return ans;

    static std::vector<ModInt> facs, facinvs, invs;
    MDCONST static void _precalculation(int N) {
        int l0 = facs.size();
        if (N > md) N = md;
        if (N <= l0) return;
        facs.resize(N), facinvs.resize(N), invs.resize(N);
        for (int i = l0; i < N; i++) facs[i] = facs[i - 1] * i;
        facinvs[N - 1] = facs.back().pow(md - 2);
        for (int i = N - 2; i >= l0; i--) facinvs[i] = facinvs[i + 1] * (i + 1);
        for (int i = N - 1; i >= l0; i--) invs[i] = facinvs[i] * facs[i - 1];
    MDCONST ModInt inv() const {
        if (this->val_ < std::min(md >> 1, 1 << 21)) {
            if (facs.empty()) facs = {1}, facinvs = {1}, invs = {0};
            while (this->val_ >= int(facs.size())) _precalculation(facs.size() * 2);
            return invs[this->val_];
        } else {
            return this->pow(md - 2);
    MDCONST ModInt fac() const {
        while (this->val_ >= int(facs.size())) _precalculation(facs.size() * 2);
        return facs[this->val_];
    MDCONST ModInt facinv() const {
        while (this->val_ >= int(facs.size())) _precalculation(facs.size() * 2);
        return facinvs[this->val_];
    MDCONST ModInt doublefac() const {
        lint k = (this->val_ + 1) / 2;
        return (this->val_ & 1) ? ModInt(k * 2).fac() / (ModInt(2).pow(k) * ModInt(k).fac())
                                : ModInt(k).fac() * ModInt(2).pow(k);
    MDCONST ModInt nCr(const ModInt &r) const {
        return (this->val_ < r.val_) ? 0 : this->fac() * (*this - r).facinv() * r.facinv();
    MDCONST ModInt nPr(const ModInt &r) const {
        return (this->val_ < r.val_) ? 0 : this->fac() * (*this - r).facinv();

    ModInt sqrt() const {
        if (val_ == 0) return 0;
        if (md == 2) return val_;
        if (pow((md - 1) / 2) != 1) return 0;
        ModInt b = 1;
        while (b.pow((md - 1) / 2) == 1) b += 1;
        int e = 0, m = md - 1;
        while (m % 2 == 0) m >>= 1, e++;
        ModInt x = pow((m - 1) / 2), y = (*this) * x * x;
        x *= (*this);
        ModInt z = b.pow(m);
        while (y != 1) {
            int j = 0;
            ModInt t = y;
            while (t != 1) j++, t *= t;
            z = z.pow(1LL << (e - j - 1));
            x *= z, z *= z, y *= z;
            e = j;
        return ModInt(std::min(x.val_, md - x.val_));
template <int md> std::vector<ModInt<md>> ModInt<md>::facs = {1};
template <int md> std::vector<ModInt<md>> ModInt<md>::facinvs = {1};
template <int md> std::vector<ModInt<md>> ModInt<md>::invs = {0};

// using ModInt998244353 = ModInt<998244353>;
// using mint = ModInt<998244353>;
using mint = ModInt<1000000007>;
#line 5 "graph/test/enumerate_cliques.test.cpp"
using namespace std;

#define PROBLEM "https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/enumerate_cliques"

int main() {
    cin.tie(nullptr), ios::sync_with_stdio(false);

    int N, M;
    cin >> N >> M;
    // using mint = ModInt998244353;
    vector<mint> X(N,1);
    // for (auto &x : X) cin >> x;

    enumerate_cliques ec(N);
    while (M--) {
        int u, v;
        cin >> u >> v;
        ec.add_bi_edge(u, v);
    mint ret = mint();

    auto op = [&](const std::vector<int> &clique) -> void {
        mint tmp = 1;
        for (int x : clique) tmp *= X.at(x);
        ret += tmp;

    cout << ret << endl;


Test #1:

score: 100
time: 0ms
memory: 3864kb


3 2
1 2
2 3




ok single line: '5'

Test #2:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3640kb


3 3
1 2
1 3
2 3




ok single line: '7'

Test #3:

score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 3688kb


1000 100
446 789
167 547
254 777
777 185
33 446
777 847
185 877
757 167
72 383
847 446
254 478
959 185
757 446
847 959
959 167
757 847
747 757
446 167
989 757
547 777
33 747
33 254
254 843
33 547
446 980
877 205
185 72
980 959
33 205
877 757
33 847
478 843
757 478
167 877
72 789
877 959
980 478
167 ...




ok single line: '1373'

Test #4:

score: -100
Wrong Answer
time: 103ms
memory: 3724kb


1000 1000
770 105
219 498
686 498
343 534
15 591
919 588
149 588
298 915
551 523
710 116
105 637
523 991
343 476
145 420
604 588
254 120
551 421
476 298
900 710
915 343
445 421
986 867
445 588
219 356
919 105
584 875
991 604
776 919
588 254
919 421
356 348
105 551
15 113
919 15
356 523
343 155
770 9...




wrong answer 1st lines differ - expected: '6621319', found: '3872127'