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IDProblem Interactive Output Only CommunicationRating
#5201Cactus Meets TorusNERC 2022
#5202DominoesNERC 2022
#5203Easy AssemblyNERC 2022
#5204FootballNERC 2022
#5205Game of QuestionsNERC 2022
#5206Hot and ColdNERC 2022Interactive
#5207Interactive Factorial GuessingNERC 2022Interactive
#5208Jumbled TreesNERC 2022
#5209King's PuzzleNERC 2022
#5210Lisa's SequencesNERC 2022
#5211A+BPA 2022 Runda próbna
#5212PalindromPA 2022 Runda próbna
#5213仙人掌ZJOI 2017 Day 1
#5214树状数组ZJOI 2017 Day 1
#5215多项式ZJOI 2017 Day 1
#5216汉诺塔ZJOI 2017 Day 2
#5217线段树ZJOI 2017 Day 2
#5218字符串ZJOI 2017 Day 2
#5219随机树生成器ZJOI 2016 Day 1
#5220旅行者ZJOI 2016 Day 1
#5221小星星ZJOI 2016 Day 1
#5222大森林ZJOI 2016 Day 2
#5223线段树ZJOI 2016 Day 2
#5224电阻网络ZJOI 2016 Day 2
#5225ML ModelingFacebook Hacker Cup
#5226Emerald ExhibitingFacebook Hacker Cup
#5227Tile TransposingFacebook Hacker Cup
#5228Alphabet AdventuringFacebook Hacker Cup
#5229Hazelnut HarvestingFacebook Hacker Cup
#5230Cup CounterbalancingFacebook Hacker Cup
#5231Ornitolog 2 [B]PA 2022 Runda 1
#5232Liczenie punktów [C]PA 2022 Runda 1
#5233Wielki Zderzacz Termionów [A]PA 2022 Runda 1
#5234Muzyka pop 2 [C]PA 2022 Runda 2
#5235Podwyżki [B]PA 2022 Runda 2
#5236Wersja dla profesjonalistów [A]PA 2022 Runda 2
#5237Drybling Bajtessiego [B]PA 2022 Runda 3
#5238Fotografia [C]PA 2022 Runda 3
#5239Mędrcy [A]PA 2022 Runda 3
#5240Łamigłówka [C]PA 2022 Runda 4
#5241Miny [A]PA 2022 Runda 4
#5242Płótno [B]PA 2022 Runda 4
#5243Bakterie [A]PA 2022 Runda 5
#5244Drzewa rozpinające [A]PA 2022 Runda 5
#5245Chodzenie po linie [B]PA 2022 Runda 5
#5246Nawiasowe podziały [B]PA 2022 Runda 5
#5247Walizki [C]PA 2022 Runda 5
#5248Wieczór gier [C]PA 2022 Runda 5
#5249BanditsCERC 2022
#5250Combination LocksCERC 2022
#5251ConstellationsCERC 2022
#5252DeforestationCERC 2022
#5253DenormalizationCERC 2022
#5254DifferencesCERC 2022
#5255Greedy DrawersCERC 2022
#5256InsertionsCERC 2022
#5257Money LaunderingCERC 2022
#5258MortgageCERC 2022
#5259Skills in PillsCERC 2022
#5260The GameCERC 2022
#5261Kolorowy wążXXX Olimpiada Informatyczna – I etapPOI 2022 Stage 1
#5262Płytkie nawiasowaniaXXX Olimpiada Informatyczna – I etapPOI 2022 Stage 1
#5263Pociąg towarowyXXX Olimpiada Informatyczna – I etapPOI 2022 Stage 1
#5264WyprzedzanieXXX Olimpiada Informatyczna – I etapPOI 2022 Stage 1
#5265ZbożeXXX Olimpiada Informatyczna – I etapPOI 2022 Stage 1
#5266Absolutely FlatNWRRC 2022
#5267Bricks in the WallNWRRC 2022
#5268Computer NetworkNWRRC 2022
#5269Dice GridNWRRC 2022
#5270Easily Distinguishable TrianglesNWRRC 2022
#5271Focusing on CostsNWRRC 2022
#5272Greatest Common DivisorNWRRC 2022
#5273Hidden DigitsNWRRC 2022
#5274IQ GameNWRRC 2022
#5275Joking?NWRRC 2022
#5276K-Shaped FiguresNWRRC 2022
#5277Limited SwapsNWRRC 2022
#5278Mex and CardsNWRRC 2022
#5279New TimeNWRRC 2022
#5280Depot Rearrangement
#5296平面图WC 2013
#5297糖果公园WC 2013
#5298小 Q 运动季WC 2013Output Only
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