Chuck's Challenge is a game in which a player navigates a maze consisting of various tiles in a grid. The player can encounter doors that may be unlocked using keys they acquire along the way. You must write a program to determine the minimum number of doors that must be opened to reach the exit of the maze.
Tile | Meaning | Passable |
> | Entrance | Yes |
< | Exit | Yes |
a-z | Key | Yes |
A-Z | Door | See rules |
. | Ground | Yes |
+ | Wall | No |
~ | Unstable floor | See rules |
- Tiles that are diagonal to each other are not considered to be adjacent (only up, down, left, and right).
- The player begins the maze visiting the entrance tile.
- The player may only visit passable tiles that are adjacent to the tile the player is currently visiting.
- Doors are considered impassable until a tile with a matching key ('A' matches 'a', 'B' matches 'b', etc.) has been visited.
- At first, unstable floors are considered passable; however, if the player leaves an unstable floor and visits any other type of tile, it becomes impassable.
- When an unstable floor tile becomes impassable, all adjacent unstable floor tiles become impassable.
- The external edge of the maze is an impassable wall.
The first line of input will contain the number of test cases, T (1≤T≤50). Each test case will begin with a line containing two integers R C
(4≤R,C≤50). Following that will be a maze with R rows and C columns. Only the characters in the key will be present in the maze.
Each test case will have a single line of output. Print the minimum number of doors that must be opened to reach the exit or print "Impossible
" if the exit cannot be reached.
Sample Input
8 15
8 6
Sample Output