<Link />
wants to get his hands on a new C chart
, that can only be found on The Isle of <meta>
, inside The Temple of <element>
. To get inside the Temple, he must solve a puzzle first.
<Link />
must first enter a T-dimensional plane, therefore every point in space would be described by an array of length T:[x1,x2,x3,…,xT]. In this plane, there are N stationary statues numbered from 1 to N and Q mobile statues numbered from 1 to Q. <Link />
can make the following move at most K times: he can choose any mobile statue and an axis and move that statue by exactly one unit in any direction. That is, the coordinate of such statue will become either [x1,x2,…,xi−1,…,xT] or [x1,x2,…,xi+1,…,xT].
To unlock the entrance to The Temple of <element>
, he must move the mobile statues in such a way that the sum of the Manhattan distances between every mobile statue and every stationary statue is minimized.
The Manhattan distance between two T-dimensional points [x1,x2,…,xT] and [y1,y2,…,yT] is defined as:
Let s be the array with the coordinates of each stationary statue and m the array with the coordinates of each mobile statue after making at most K moves optimally. You are required to compute:
The first line of input will contain the integers N,T,K which represent the number of stationary statues, the number of dimension and the number of moves that <Link />
can make.
On each of the next N lines, there will be T space-separated integers. The i-th line of these represents the coordinates of the i-th stationary statue.
On the next line, there will be a single integer Q representing the number of mobile statues.
On each of the next Q lines, there will be T space-separated integers, representing the coordinates of each mobile statue, in a similar fashion as with the stationary statues.
Output a single integer representing the minimum sum of Manhattan distances from every stationary statue to every mobile statue after making at most K moves.
Constraints and notes
- 1≤N,Q≤100 000
- 1≤T≤10
- 1≤K≤1015
- All the coordinates are integers between 0 and 109 inclusive.
- It is guaranteed that the answer fits in a 64-bit signed integer.
# | Points | Constraints |
1 | 7 | T=Q=1 |
2 | 10 | N,Q,K≤100 |
3 | 12 | N,Q≤50 |
4 | 28 | T=1 |
5 | 17 | Q=1 |
6 | 26 | No additional restrictions. |
Example 1
3 2 7 8 1 2 0 0 3 2 10 2 2 6
Example 2
6 4 200 12 1 19 10 45 3 42 44 42 32 40 41 39 12 32 47 35 18 40 20 38 14 25 1 3 34 10 7 9 29 32 21 50 16 36 18 38