

#1106#697914#9527. A Brand New Geometric Problemucup-team2818propaneSuccess!2024-11-02 20:09:332024-11-04 16:55:46


Extra Test:

Time Limit Exceeded


100000 10000 9340531200
10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 ...



#697914#9527. A Brand New Geometric ProblempropaneTL 16ms5028kbC++203.8kb2024-11-01 16:22:512024-11-06 13:24:00


using namespace std;
using LL = long long;

int cnt;

int c[10005];
int id1[100005], id2[100005];

int get(LL x){
    if (x <= 100000) return id1[x];
    else return id2[10'000'000'000 / x];

int main(){

#ifdef LOCAL
    freopen("data.in", "r", stdin);
    freopen("data.out", "w", stdout);


    int n; LL S, M;
    cin >> n >> S >> M;

    vector<LL> factor;
    for(LL i = 1; i * i <= M; i++){
        if (M % i == 0){
            if (i * i != M){
                factor.push_back(M / i);

    sort(factor.begin(), factor.end(), greater<>());
    reverse(factor.begin(), factor.end());
    while(!factor.empty() and factor.back() > S) factor.pop_back();
    reverse(factor.begin(), factor.end());
    for(int i = 0; i < factor.size(); i++){
        LL x = factor[i];
        if (x <= 100000) id1[x] = i;
        else id2[10'000'000'000 / x] = i;

    int cnt1 = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
        LL x;
        cin >> x;
        if (M % x != 0) continue;
        if (x == 1) cnt1 += 1;
        else c[get(x)] += 1;

    if (cnt1 > S){
        LL keep = 0;
        LL t = M, ss = 0, tot = 0;
        for(LL i = 2; i * i <= t; i++){
            if (t % i == 0){
                int v = 0;
                while(t % i == 0){
                    ss += i;
                    t /= i;
                    v += 1;
                if (i <= S){
                    if (i != 2){
                        keep += min(v, c[get(i)]);
                        tot += v;
                        int cnt2 = c[get(2)];
                        int cnt4 = (v >= 2 ? c[get(4)] : 0);
                        if (cnt2 >= v){
                            tot += v;
                            keep += v;
                            int t = cnt2 + min(cnt4, (v - cnt2) / 2);
                            keep += t;
                            tot += t;
                            int remain = v - t;
                            tot += (remain + 1) / 2;                            
        if (t > 1){
            ss += t;
            tot += 1;
            if (t <= S) keep += min(1, c[get(S)]);
        if (ss > S){
            cout << -1 << '\n';
            return 0;
        tot -= keep;
        keep += S - ss;
        cout << n - keep + tot << '\n';
        return 0;

    const LL INF = 1e18;
    LL ans = INF;

    auto dfs = [&](auto &&dfs, int u, LL val, LL sum, int num){
        if (S - sum - M / val - 35 > ans) return;
        if (val == M){
            ans = min(ans, abs(S - sum - cnt1) + num);
        if (u == factor.size()) return;
        vector<LL> p1{val}, p2{sum};
                if (M / p1.back() % factor[u] == 0 and p2.back() + factor[u] <= S){
                    p1.push_back(p1.back() * factor[u]);
                    p2.push_back(p2.back() + factor[u]);
                else break;
        for(int i = p1.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--){
            if (i <= c[u]) dfs(dfs, u + 1, p1[i], p2[i], num - i);
            else dfs(dfs, u + 1, p1[i], p2[i], num - c[u] + (i - c[u]));

    dfs(dfs, 0, 1, 0, n - cnt1);
    if (ans > INF / 2) cout << -1 << '\n';
    else cout << ans << '\n';
