First, create a new "start" node and add edges from it to every sender. Also add an "end" node and add edges from every receiver to it. In order for a routing scheme to exist, all original nodes must now have equal in-degree as out-degree; let equal this common degree.
For each node , we must pair up every in-edge of the form with a distinct out-edge of the form , meaning that if a packet enters through it will exit through . Such pairings will result in a valid routing scheme as long as no cycles are induced. For example, in the first test case of the third sample input, uses all the edges but is not a valid routing scheme due to the induced cycle .
For , it is impossible to induce a cycle, so we can simply compute the number of ways to pair for each node independently and multiply the contributions together. The answer is given by the following expression:
For example, in the second test case of the first sample input, and , so the answer is .
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MOD = 1e9+7; using ll = long long; struct mi { int v; mi() { v = 0; } mi(ll _v) { v = int(_v%MOD); } }; mi& operator+=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v += b.v) >= MOD) a.v -= MOD; return a; } mi& operator-=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v -= b.v) < 0) a.v += MOD; return a; } mi operator+(mi a, mi b) { return a += b; } mi operator-(mi a, mi b) { return a -= b; } mi operator*(mi a, mi b) { return mi((ll)a.v*b.v); } mi& operator*=(mi& a, mi b) { return a = a*b; } void solve() { bool send[101]{}, recei[101]{}; int in_deg[101]{}, out_deg[101]{}, deg[101]{}; // setup int N,K; cin >> N >> K; assert(K <= 1); for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) { char c; cin >> c; if (c == 'S') send[i] = 1; if (c == 'R') recei[i] = 1; } for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) for (int j = 1; j <= N; ++j) { char c; cin >> c; if (c == '1') ++out_deg[i], ++in_deg[j]; } for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) { assert(in_deg[i]+send[i] == out_deg[i]+recei[i]); deg[i] = in_deg[i]+send[i]; } vector<mi> factorial(N+1); factorial[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) factorial[i] = i*factorial[i-1]; mi ans = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) ans *= factorial[deg[i]]; cout << ans.v << "\n"; } int main() { int T; cin >> T; while (T--) solve(); }
For , suppose that the only edge satisfying is . Then the pairing is invalid if and only if there exists some sequence such that and edge paired with edge at for all . We can count the number of valid routing schemes with an DP where we pair up the edges adjacent to in increasing order of . Let equal the number of ways to pair up the edges adjacent to vertices such that there is currently a path where (or if we know that regardless of how we pair up the edges adjacent vertices , no cycle will be produced). Initially, , and our answer will be .
There are several possible transitions from :
Code for :
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MOD = 1e9+7; using ll = long long; struct mi { int v; mi() { v = 0; } mi(ll _v) { v = int(_v%MOD); } }; mi& operator+=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v += b.v) >= MOD) a.v -= MOD; return a; } mi& operator-=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v -= b.v) < 0) a.v += MOD; return a; } mi operator+(mi a, mi b) { return a += b; } mi operator-(mi a, mi b) { return a -= b; } mi operator*(mi a, mi b) { return mi((ll)a.v*b.v); } mi& operator*=(mi& a, mi b) { return a = a*b; } void solve() { mi dp[101][101]{}; bool send[101]{}, recei[101]{}; bool adj[101][101]{}; int in_deg[101]{}, out_deg[101]{}, deg[101]{}; // setup int N,K; cin >> N >> K; assert(K <= 1); for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) { char c; cin >> c; if (c == 'S') send[i] = 1; if (c == 'R') recei[i] = 1; } int e_start = 0, e_end = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) for (int j = 1; j <= N; ++j) { char c; cin >> c; if (c == '1') { adj[i][j] = 1; ++out_deg[i], ++in_deg[j]; if (i > j) e_start = i, e_end = j; } } for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) { assert(in_deg[i]+send[i] == out_deg[i]+recei[i]); deg[i] = in_deg[i]+send[i]; } vector<mi> factorial(N+1); factorial[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) factorial[i] = i*factorial[i-1]; // now do DP dp[0][e_end] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) for (int j = 0; j <= N; ++j) if (dp[i-1][j].v != 0) { assert(j == 0 || j >= i); if (j == i) { mi ad = dp[i-1][j]*factorial[deg[i]-1]; if (j == e_start) dp[i][0] += (deg[i]-1)*ad; else { if (recei[j]) dp[i][0] += ad; for (int k = i+1; k <= N; ++k) if (adj[j][k]) dp[i][k] += ad; } } else { dp[i][j] += dp[i-1][j]*factorial[deg[i]]; } } cout << dp[N][0].v << "\n"; } int main() { int T; cin >> T; while (T--) solve(); }
Essentially, our solution for involves sweeping a vertical line from to and maintaining the endpoint of a path that we want to make sure does not become part of a cycle (the start point of the path is ). When the line hits the current endpoint of the path (), we perform the appropriate DP transitions; otherwise, we can pair up the edges adjacent to in whatever way we want (for , just multiply by ).
is trickier but the idea is similar. Instead of a single path, we can maintain the start and end points of up to paths such that both the start and end points of each path are to the right of the line. Specifically, let equal the number of ways to pair up the edges adjacent to vertices such that there is currently a path where and (or if no such path exists), as well as a path where and (or if no such path exists). We initialize because initially, the paths lying to the right of the sweepline are and . The answer will be stored in .
Figuring out the transitions from depends on whether , , or both. It requires a bit of casework since we may choose to merge the two paths into one; see the code for details.
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MOD = 1e9+7; using ll = long long; struct mi { int v; mi() { v = 0; } mi(ll _v) { v = int(_v%MOD); } }; mi& operator+=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v += b.v) >= MOD) a.v -= MOD; return a; } mi& operator-=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v -= b.v) < 0) a.v += MOD; return a; } mi operator+(mi a, mi b) { return a += b; } mi operator-(mi a, mi b) { return a -= b; } mi operator*(mi a, mi b) { return mi((ll)a.v*b.v); } mi& operator*=(mi& a, mi b) { return a = a*b; } void solve() { mi dp[101][101][101]{}; bool send[101]{}, recei[101]{}; bool adj[101][101]{}; int in_deg[101]{}, out_deg[101]{}, deg[101]{}, id[101][101]{}; // setup int N,K; cin >> N >> K; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) { char c; cin >> c; if (c == 'S') send[i] = 1; if (c == 'R') recei[i] = 1; } vector<int> starts, ends; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) for (int j = 1; j <= N; ++j) { id[i][j] = -1; char c; cin >> c; if (c == '1') { adj[i][j] = 1; ++out_deg[i], ++in_deg[j]; if (i > j) { id[i][j] = starts.size(); starts.push_back(i); ends.push_back(j); } } } while (starts.size() < 2) starts.push_back(0), ends.push_back(0); for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) { assert(in_deg[i]+send[i] == out_deg[i]+recei[i]); deg[i] = in_deg[i]+send[i]; } vector<mi> factorial(N+1); factorial[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) factorial[i] = i*factorial[i-1]; // DP // sweep line: keep track of which segments cross the border dp[0][ends[0]][ends[1]] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) for (int j = 0; j <= N; ++j) for (int k = 0; k <= N; ++k) if (dp[i-1][j][k].v != 0) { // paths are (starts[0],j), (starts[1],k) mi ad = dp[i-1][j][k]; vector<int> in; // which path endpoints do we hit? if (j) { assert(starts[0] >= i && j >= i); if (j == i) in.push_back(0); } if (k) { assert(starts[1] >= i && k >= i); if (k == i) in.push_back(1); } ad *= factorial[deg[i]-in.size()]; auto inc_dp = [&](int jj, int kk) { if (starts[0] <= i || jj <= i) jj = 0; if (starts[1] <= i || kk <= i) kk = 0; dp[i][jj][kk] += ad; }; if (in.empty()) { inc_dp(j,k); continue; } // paths remain same, ez vector<int> out; for (int jj = 1; jj <= N; ++jj) if (adj[i][jj] || (i == jj && recei[jj])) out.push_back(jj); assert(out.size() == deg[i]); if (in == vector<int>{0}) { for (int jj: out) { if (id[i][jj] == 0) continue; if (id[i][jj] == 1) inc_dp(k,0); // merge paths else inc_dp(jj,k); } } else if (in == vector<int>{1}) { for (int kk: out) { if (id[i][kk] == 1) continue; if (id[i][kk] == 0) inc_dp(0,j); // merge paths else inc_dp(j,kk); } } else { assert((in == vector<int>{0,1})); for (int jj: out) for (int kk: out) if (jj != kk) { if (id[i][jj] == 0 || id[i][kk] == 1) continue; if (id[i][jj] == 1) { if (id[i][kk] == 0) continue; assert(kk >= i); inc_dp(kk,0); // merge paths } else if (id[i][kk] == 0) { assert(jj >= i); inc_dp(0,jj); // merge paths } else { inc_dp(jj,kk); } } } } cout << dp[N][0][0].v << "\n"; } int main() { int T; cin >> T; while (T--) solve(); }
Another version that should work in for any fixed (ignoring factors of ):
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MOD = 1e9+7; using ll = long long; using vpi = vector<pair<int,int>>; #define f first #define s second #define sz(x) (int)(x).size() struct mi { int v; mi() { v = 0; } mi(ll _v) { v = int(_v%MOD); } }; mi& operator+=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v += b.v) >= MOD) a.v -= MOD; return a; } mi& operator-=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v -= b.v) < 0) a.v += MOD; return a; } mi operator+(mi a, mi b) { return a += b; } mi operator-(mi a, mi b) { return a -= b; } mi operator*(mi a, mi b) { return mi((ll)a.v*b.v); } mi& operator*=(mi& a, mi b) { return a = a*b; } string G[100], nodes; int N,K; int in_deg(int i) { int in = 0; if (nodes[i] == 'S') ++in; for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) if (G[j][i] == '1') ++in; return in; } namespace std { template<class Fun> class y_combinator_result { Fun fun_; public: template<class T> explicit y_combinator_result(T &&fun): fun_(std::forward<T>(fun)) {} template<class ...Args> decltype(auto) operator()(Args &&...args) { return fun_(std::ref(*this), std::forward<Args>(args)...); } }; template<class Fun> decltype(auto) y_combinator(Fun &&fun) { return y_combinator_result<std::decay_t<Fun>>(std::forward<Fun>(fun)); } } // namespace std vector<mi> factorial; map<vpi,mi> dp; void process_vert(int v) { int deg = in_deg(v); map<vpi,mi> DP; for (pair<vpi,mi> tmp: dp) { auto comp = [&](int x) { return -x-1; }; vector<int> going_in, going_out; for (int j = 0; j < sz(tmp.f); ++j) { if (tmp.f[j].s == v) going_in.push_back(comp(j)); if (tmp.f[j].f == v) going_out.push_back(comp(j)); } for (int j = v+1; j < N; ++j) if (G[v][j] == '1') going_out.push_back(j); while (sz(going_out) < deg) going_out.push_back(v); vector<bool> done(sz(going_out)); auto tran = [&](vpi edges, mi num) { map<int,int> nex, xen; for (pair<int,int> e: edges) { nex[e.f] = e.s; xen[e.s] = e.f; } vpi ntmp; for (pair<int,int> x: nex) { set<int> vis; int lst = x.f; while (1) { // check for cycle if (vis.count(lst)) return; // found cycle if (!nex.count(lst)) break; vis.insert(lst); lst = nex[lst]; } if (!xen.count(x.f)) { if (lst < 0) lst = tmp.f[comp(lst)].s; if (lst > v) ntmp.push_back({tmp.f[comp(x.f)].f,lst}); } } // if nex contains any cycle -> FAIL for (pair<int,int> t: tmp.f) if (t.f > v && t.s > v) ntmp.push_back(t); sort(begin(ntmp),end(ntmp)); DP[ntmp] += num; }; auto generate = y_combinator([&](auto self, int ind, vpi edges) { if (ind == sz(going_in)) { tran(edges,tmp.s*factorial[sz(going_out)-ind]); return; } for (int i = 0; i < sz(going_out); ++i) if (!done[i]) { vpi nedges = edges; nedges.emplace_back(going_in[ind],going_out[i]); done[i] = 1; self(ind+1,nedges); done[i] = 0; } }); generate(0,vpi()); } swap(dp,DP); } void solve() { cin >> N >> K; factorial.resize(N+1); factorial[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) factorial[i] = i*factorial[i-1]; cin >> nodes; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) cin >> G[i]; vpi back_edges; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) if (G[i][j] == '1') back_edges.emplace_back(i,j); assert(sz(back_edges) == K); dp.clear(); dp[back_edges] = 1; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) process_vert(i); mi ans = dp[{}]; cout << ans.v << "\n"; } int main() { int T; cin >> T; while (T--) solve(); }
Danny Mittal's code (slightly different approach):
import; import; import; import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class RoutingSchemesMultitest { public static final long MOD = 1000000007; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; int t = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()); for (int tc = 1; tc <= t; tc++) { in.readLine(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(in.readLine()); int n = Integer.parseInt(tokenizer.nextToken()); int k = Integer.parseInt(tokenizer.nextToken()); char[] types = ("." + in.readLine()).toCharArray(); boolean[][] adj = new boolean[n + 1][n + 1]; int[] inDegree = new int[n + 1]; int[] outDegree = new int[n + 1]; int specialFrom1 = 0; int specialTo1 = 0; int specialFrom2 = 0; int specialTo2 = 0; for (int a = 1; a <= n; a++) { String line = " " + in.readLine(); for (int b = 1; b <= n; b++) { adj[a][b] = line.charAt(b) == '1'; if (adj[a][b]) { outDegree[a]++; inDegree[b]++; if (a > b) { adj[a][b] = false; if (specialFrom1 == 0) { specialFrom1 = a; specialTo1 = b; } else { specialFrom2 = a; specialTo2 = b; } } } } } for (int a = 1; a <= n; a++) { if (inDegree[a] + (types[a] == 'S' ? 1 : 0) != outDegree[a] + (types[a] == 'R' ? 1 : 0)) { System.out.println(0); return; } } long[] factorial = new long[n + 1]; factorial[0] = 1; for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) { factorial[j] = (((long) j) * factorial[j - 1]) % MOD; } long[][][] dp = new long[n + 1][n + 1][n + 1]; dp[0][specialTo1][specialTo2] = 1; for (int a = 1; a <= n; a++) { int degree = Math.max(inDegree[a], outDegree[a]); for (int b = 0; b <= n; b++) { for (int c = 0; c <= n; c++) { dp[a][b][c] += dp[a - 1][b][c]; dp[a][b][c] %= MOD; if (adj[b][a]) { dp[a][a][c] += dp[a - 1][b][c]; dp[a][a][c] %= MOD; } if (adj[c][a]) { dp[a][b][a] += dp[a - 1][b][c]; dp[a][b][a] %= MOD; } if (b != c && adj[b][a] && adj[c][a]) { dp[a][a][a] += dp[a - 1][b][c]; dp[a][a][a] %= MOD; } } } for (int b = 0; b <= n; b++) { for (int c = 0; c <= n; c++) { dp[a][b][c] *= factorial[Math.max(0, degree - (b == a ? 1 : 0) - (c == a ? 1 : 0))]; dp[a][b][c] %= MOD; } } } long answer = 0; if (k == 0) { answer = dp[n][0][0]; } else if (k == 1) { for (int a = 1; a <= n; a++) { if (types[a] == 'R') { answer += dp[n][a][0]; answer %= MOD; } } } else { for (int a = 1; a <= n; a++) { if (types[a] == 'R') { for (int b = 1; b <= n; b++) { if (types[b] == 'R' && b != a) { answer += dp[n][a][b]; answer %= MOD; } } answer += dp[n][specialFrom2][a]; answer += dp[n][a][specialFrom1]; answer %= MOD; } } } System.out.println(answer); } } }
Here is a solution that works in time that uses the principle of inclusion and exclusion (courtesy of Andrew He). Essentially, you
The code below calculates (2) as , (3) as , and (4) - (5) as
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MOD = 1e9+7; using ll = long long; struct mi { int v; explicit operator int() const { return v; } mi() { v = 0; } mi(ll _v):v(_v%MOD) { v += (v<0)*MOD; } }; mi& operator+=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v += b.v) >= MOD) a.v -= MOD; return a; } mi& operator-=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v -= b.v) < 0) a.v += MOD; return a; } mi operator+(mi a, mi b) { return a += b; } mi operator-(mi a, mi b) { return a -= b; } mi operator*(mi a, mi b) { return mi((ll)a.v*b.v); } mi& operator*=(mi& a, mi b) { return a = a*b; } mi pow(mi a, ll p) { assert(p >= 0); // asserts are important! return p==0?1:pow(a*a,p/2)*(p&1?a:1); } mi inv(mi a) { assert(a.v != 0); return pow(a,MOD-2); } mi operator/(mi a, mi b) { return a*inv(b); } vector<mi> factorial; void solve() { bool send[101]{}, recei[101]{}; bool adj[101][101]{}; int in_deg[101]{}, out_deg[101]{}, deg[101]{}; int N,K; cin >> N >> K; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) { char c; cin >> c; if (c == 'S') send[i] = 1; if (c == 'R') recei[i] = 1; } vector<int> e_start, e_end; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) for (int j = 1; j <= N; ++j) { char c; cin >> c; if (c == '1') { adj[i][j] = 1; ++out_deg[i], ++in_deg[j]; if (i > j) { e_start.push_back(i); e_end.push_back(j); } } } while (e_start.size() < 2) { e_start.push_back(0); e_end.push_back(0); } for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) { assert(in_deg[i]+send[i] == out_deg[i]+recei[i]); deg[i] = in_deg[i]+send[i]; } factorial.resize(N+1); factorial[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) factorial[i] = i*factorial[i-1]; mi prod_deg = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) prod_deg *= factorial[deg[i]]; auto get_path_1 = [&](int st, int en) -> mi { if (st == 0 || en == 0 || en > st) return 0; vector<mi> dp(N+1); dp[en] = 1; for (int i = en; i <= st; i++) { dp[i] = dp[i]/max(deg[i],1); for (int j = i+1; j <= st; j++) { if (adj[i][j]) { dp[j] += dp[i]; } } } return dp[st]; }; auto get_path_2 = [&](int st1, int en1, int st2, int en2) -> mi { return get_path_1(st1, en1) * get_path_1(st2, en2); }; mi ans =1; ans -= get_path_1(e_start[0],e_end[0]); ans -= get_path_1(e_start[1],e_end[1]); ans += get_path_2(e_start[0],e_end[0],e_start[1],e_end[1]); ans -= get_path_2(e_start[0],e_end[1],e_start[1],e_end[0]); ans *= prod_deg; cout << ans.v << "\n"; } int main() { int T; cin >> T; while (T--) solve(); }
What About Arbitrary ?
Regarding the solution for above, note that the answer is actually the product of and a determinant:
In general, we need to compute values of and take the determinant of a matrix, which can be done in time.
Alternatively, suppose that we combine the start and end nodes into a single node . Now every node in the graph has equal in-degree as out-degree, and the number of routing schemes is equal to the number of Eulerian circuits in this graph divided by . The number of Eulerian circuits in this graph is given by the BEST theorem, which involves multiplying the determinant of an matrix by some factorials. This can be done in , where the term comes from the observation that the matrix we are taking the determinant of has nonzero entries along its main diagonal and is almost upper triangular, with the exception of entries below the main diagonal.