

A Tree and Two Edges Statistics

Submissions Statistics

Accepted Submissions

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit time
#412697#6559. A Tree and Two Edgesgrass8cow#AC ✓260ms13476kbC++172.0kb2024-05-16 17:55:40
#338579#6559. A Tree and Two EdgesloliconAC ✓270ms9688kbC++204.5kb2024-02-26 01:12:17
#397509#6559. A Tree and Two EdgesmonstersqwqAC ✓273ms16064kbC++203.9kb2024-04-24 11:10:40
#152853#6559. A Tree and Two EdgesBUET_POISSONAC ✓281ms20748kbC++143.3kb2023-08-28 21:33:24
#122033#6559. A Tree and Two Edgestacoref#AC ✓295ms10636kbC++172.6kb2023-07-09 10:43:14
#242173#6559. A Tree and Two EdgesMovingUpAC ✓322ms14200kbC++142.9kb2023-11-07 00:10:46
#516895#6559. A Tree and Two Edgesucup-team2307#AC ✓322ms24600kbC++203.2kb2024-08-12 23:14:02
#306058#6559. A Tree and Two EdgesZhaoZiLongAC ✓326ms14920kbC++144.1kb2024-01-16 11:35:10
#277012#6559. A Tree and Two Edgesucup-team1198#AC ✓355ms11168kbC++143.6kb2023-12-06 14:32:50
#281633#6559. A Tree and Two EdgesDennisTran#AC ✓367ms12492kbC++203.0kb2023-12-10 14:36:45
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Score distribution

Prefix sum

Suffix sum