

A Tree and Two Edges Statistics

Submissions Statistics

Accepted Submissions

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit time
#201840#6559. A Tree and Two Edgesucup-team2039AC ✓54ms60268kbC++207.0kb2023-10-05 16:59:47
#401614#6559. A Tree and Two EdgesPrinceton_TigersAC ✓55ms26436kbC++173.7kb2024-04-29 02:28:40
#359512#6559. A Tree and Two Edgesucup-team2579#AC ✓62ms12184kbC++232.4kb2024-03-20 18:43:15
#128329#6559. A Tree and Two Edgesinstallb#AC ✓64ms18544kbC++142.9kb2023-07-20 21:10:03
#646448#6559. A Tree and Two Edgesucup-team425#AC ✓65ms13448kbC++203.3kb2024-10-16 23:09:40
#338495#6559. A Tree and Two EdgesAestivateAC ✓68ms47348kbC++206.3kb2024-02-25 23:12:08
#351541#6559. A Tree and Two EdgesjanYAC ✓69ms15056kbC++206.5kb2024-03-12 01:26:19
#227754#6559. A Tree and Two EdgesNerovix#AC ✓70ms11444kbC++205.5kb2023-10-27 22:37:10
#153174#6559. A Tree and Two Edgesqzez#AC ✓70ms16300kbC++143.0kb2023-08-29 15:44:45
#706902#6559. A Tree and Two Edgesucup-team902#AC ✓73ms15736kbC++172.5kb2024-11-03 13:53:10
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Score distribution

Prefix sum

Suffix sum